Getcher NObama gear here
Might have to order up a dozen or so.
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
WTF are you talking about? Some online sleaze merchant launches an anti-Obama line of t-shirts and you think that sounds the death knell for Obama? They have the same kind of gear targeting Hillary still for sale on their website.War Wagon wrote:So this is what Billary meant when she said Barack was ill-equipped to deal with the machinations of the GOP come the fall campaign... and it's not even August yet.
Sleaze merchant? This isn't a gay marriage enabler. These are Great Americans... and they have bumper stickers and buttons too!BSmack wrote: WTF are you talking about? Some online sleaze merchant launches an anti-Obama line of t-shirts and you think that sounds the death knell for Obama?
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
Because at this point, we as voters have two choices. That's all there is to it. And I will vote for the man I judge to have the most character. The man who won't be as easily swayed by political winds and the flavor of the moment. The man who sticks by his guns.poptart wrote:Wagon, I can fully understand the anti-B.O. sentiment, but why exactly should anyone place a vote for John McCain?
War Wagon wrote:Not voting isn't an option.
War Wagon wrote:We'll choose, whether you like it or not.
War Wagon wrote:And I'll live with that choice, so will you.
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
FTFY.War Wagon wrote:Not voting isn't a responsible option.
Not sure about the growup part, but half a clue pretty well describes your depth.Diogenes wrote:
Not an option for grownups with half a clue though.
War Wagon wrote:And I will vote for the man I judge to have the most character. The man who won't be as easily swayed by political winds and the flavor of the moment. The man who sticks by his guns.
And how is that different than the defeats suffered at the hands of Nixon, Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43? You've ALWAYS been irrelevant.mvscal wrote:A McCain victory will prove that fiscal conservatives are an irrelevant constituency.
BSmack wrote:You've ALWAYS been irrelevant.
What would that accomplish? Does it prove some sort of point?mvscal wrote:Sure it is. It's the only sensible choice in this election.War Wagon wrote:Not voting isn't an option.
A duty, to be precise.War Wagon wrote:If you don't exercise your right to vote, you have no reason to bitch about a damn thing. Yet the sad reality is that it's those who cry 'foul' the loudest.
So cynical, so self-righteous, so sure that if only they were in charge, they'd have it all figured out.
Voting's not just a right, it's an obligation.
1. McCain isn't going to lose.mvscal wrote:When McCain loses because large numbers of fiscal conservatives sit this race out in utter disgust, it will signal the Republican party to get its fucking head out of its ass and start paying more than lip service its traditional philosophy of smaller, limited government and fiscal responsibility.
They have these things called caucuses and primaries. Maybe you've heard of them? That's where a bunch of people from all the States get together and choose, from among those who are inclined to run, who's going to be the next candidate.mvscal wrote: Voting for McCain proves nothing except for the fact that you're a gullible idiot who will cheerfully support whichever piece of shit they pile in front of your face. Until you say, "ENOUGH!!", they will continue to pile up turd after turd after turd.
You may have a long wait then for the cards to turn your way.mvscal wrote:That is precisely what I'm doing.War Wagon wrote: play the fucking hand you're dealt.
Wow. That's some compelling testimonial you got there.War Wagon wrote:Whatever your opinion of the candidates merits and qualifications or lack thereof, they are the duly nominated choices from each mainstream party's process.
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
Actually it's 'You guys are meanies. I'm taking my ball and bat and going home'.Martyred wrote:Wow. That's some compelling testimonial you got there.War Wagon wrote:Whatever your opinion of the candidates merits and qualifications or lack thereof, they are the duly nominated choices from each mainstream party's process.
mv is correct. Not voting is sending a message.
The message is: "I'm not playing your bullshit game and furthermore, watch your back."
So is not paying your mortgage or car payment.Martyred wrote: Not voting is sending a message.
POTUS = Piece Of Totally Unadulterated Shit?War Wagon wrote:At the end of the day on November 4th, the American people are going to elect a new POTUS.
Spoken like a true Know-Nothing.mvscal wrote:And yours will never turn your way for the simple reason that you will never do anything to make that change.War Wagon wrote:You may have a long wait then for the cards to turn your way.
Actually, you have the right to bitch about these two shit stains being the options. It's like choosing between eating dog shit or cat shit. Some of us will choose neither.War Wagon wrote:If you don't exercise your right to vote, you have no reason to bitch about a damn thing.
stuckinia wrote:Some of us will choose neither.War Wagon wrote:If you don't exercise your right to vote, you have no reason to bitch about a damn thing.
...would genuinely want to conserve as much of America as possible rather than aquiesce to Carter II out of spite.mvscal wrote:...genuine conservatives...Diogenes wrote:And are part of the problem.
Actually, those that continue to reward these worthless limpdicks by voting them into office are the problem.Diogenes wrote:And are part of the problem.
Did I say I was? The title under my av should have given you a clue.mvscal wrote:Needless to say, you aren't a genuine conservative.
I have no doubt that over the past 220 some years, there have always been people like you who bitch about each and every candidate being unworthy of the job. It seems that nobody short of God himself could ever measure up to some folks expectations. Either that, or some just like to bitch about everything, all the damn time.stuckinia wrote:Actually, you have the right to bitch about these two shit stains being the options. It's like choosing between eating dog shit or cat shit. Some of us will choose neither.War Wagon wrote:If you don't exercise your right to vote, you have no reason to bitch about a damn thing.
Quit projecting. What YOU are doing is playing right along with the DNC handbook. Apathy is a major part of their strategy.mvscal wrote:That is precisely what YOU are doing, dumbshit.War Wagon wrote:go ahead and let other people make this decision for you.
We're getting dangerously close to IKYABWAI territory here, but fuck it... go ahead and explain to me how voting vs. not voting = letting other people make my decisions.mvscal wrote:That is precisely what YOU are doing, dumbshit.War Wagon wrote:go ahead and let other people make this decision for you.
I don't. But I do recognize he was an overrated jerkoff.mvscal wrote:Why do you hate Thomas Jefferson?
Huh?mvscal wrote:The sooner this country is irretrievably destroyed, the sooner we can begin putting it back together on a more sane footing starting with the basics.