The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by Diogenes »

Why do you hate America?
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by poptart »

You and Wagon the ones voting for the cakk to be pushed up further, Dio.

There is NO reason to support and encourage shit.
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by Diogenes »

poptart wrote:There is NO reason to support and encourage shit.
That's what bitter Reaganites said about Ford v. Carter in '76.

But it turned out there was a difference. Some of us can tell between crappy and horrific. And we can't afford four years of Carter redux at this point in history. Besides, McClown is really old. If he gets the right running mate, all could work out for the best.

Do you want to see America ' irretrievably destroyed' as well?
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by poptart »

And you know Ford would have been better than Carter ... how?

I want to see the country's direction be based on the Constitution.
Both candidates clearly piss on the Constitution, hence, no support from me.

Gee, I know that is a highly irrational line of thinking. lolz

It might be better for America, long term, if Obama wins this election.
Perhaps more likely, in that event, that a REAL Constitutional conservative will arrive on the scene in '12.

But I'm not really holding my breath on that either.
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by War Wagon »

mvscal wrote:
You should be thrilled to know that paying your fucking taxes and your fucking bills got you nothing except a bigger tax bill and a dick up your ass while a bunch of fucking bums laugh in your face.
You seem pretty bitter.

Did the "man" fuck you over?

Did your disabilty check not arrive on the 1st day of the month?
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by Diogenes »

poptart wrote:And you know Ford would have been better than Carter ... how?
He was a known quantity. Like McClown is. And he hardly could have been worse.
poptart wrote:It might be better for America, long term, if Obama wins this election.
Perhaps more likely, in that event, that a REAL Constitutional conservative will arrive on the scene in '12.
That's what they said about Clinton. The difference is this time there may be no long term.

Why do you hate America?
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by poptart »

I'd actually like to see 2 to 300,000 tax-paying Americans conspire to all NOT pay federal income tax in 2009.

Get busy organizing that.
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by War Wagon »

poptart wrote: It might be better for America, long term, if Obama wins this election.
Only from the standpoint of that we won't have to listen to people bitch about Bush being the anti-christ anymore and McCain his surrogate.

Wait, that's short term.

But if Obama wins, so be it. You won't see me shedding any crocodile tears. I've long since learned to accept ('sup, Bob Dole) and respect the will and wisdom of the American electorate.

That's the power of voting, and if you don't get that, there's not much else I can say to you other than to just go fuck yourself.
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by Diogenes »

poptart wrote:I'd actually like to see 2 to 300,000 tax-paying Americans conspire to all NOT pay federal income tax in 2009.

Get busy organizing that.
I'm busy trying to save America from becoming the Obamanation.

I'll work on that next year.
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by War Wagon »

poptart wrote:I'd actually like to see 2 to 300,000 tax-paying Americans conspire to all NOT pay federal income tax in 2009.
Like that's not already happening?

Federal income tax is not near as onerous as state income tax, btw.

Especially if you live and work in Missouri but your hot wife works in Kansas. :brad:
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by poptart »

Actually meant to say 2-300,000,000.

My bad.

You're an incredible pinhead in this thread, Wagon.

The DemocRATS have found the one guy in America who's a bigger cocksucker than John Kerry ... and they've thrown their support behind him.

The Repugnicunts have found the one guy in America who's a more disingenuous asshat than George Bush ... and they've thrown their support behind him.

Two open-border big government socialists, and you're chirping about having some sort of 'duty' to place a vote for either dipshit.

That logic might have flown when I was about 8 yrs old.
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by War Wagon »

poptart wrote: Two open-border big government socialists, and you're chirping about having some sort of 'duty' to place a vote for either dipshit.
When it comes to immigration reform, McCain talks first about securing our borders.

Nice try swinging at the pinata, though.
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by Diogenes »

poptart wrote:That logic might have flown when I was about 8 yrs old.
And yet ironicly, you're acting like an 8 year old.

Well, a typical one. I was a tad more mature at eight. For the record, I can say without qualification that over the last couple of years NOBODY here has been harsher on McClown than I. But I'm not 8. Or even 15. When I was 15 I was making phone calls for Ronald Reagan to save us from that clown Ford. When he went down, I pretty much thought who gives a fuck? what's the difference.

Jimmy Carter showed me there was a difference. For the worse.

Of course, I'm not a high school freshman any more. I've grown up. Maybe you can do the same before Novenber.

Or not. In which case, STFU forever. I'll debate with Marxists like BSuck or idiots like Nicky. Their idiocy is pathol;ical, not deliberate. But vermin like mvscum (and possibly you) who want to irretreivably destroy America?

America may be doomed thanks to you and your ilk. But I'll stand to the emd. No Matter What.
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by War Wagon »

Securing the borders and "amnesty" are two different issues.

Another blindfolded dumbfuck swinging at pinata's.
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by Diogenes »

For the recod, just to show what a McClown backer I've always been... ... wn#p514398" onclick=";return false; ... wn#p509130" onclick=";return false; ... wn#p499315" onclick=";return false; ... wn#p496655" onclick=";return false; ... wn#p496362" onclick=";return false; ... wn#p496104" onclick=";return false; ... wn#p495288" onclick=";return false; ... wn#p494490" onclick=";return false;

That's just the ones that haven't been culled.
But feel free to make me and Yeats prophetic. Losers.
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by Diogenes »

And yes. I have been drinking.

God of our fathers, known of old--
Lord of our far-flung battle line
Beneath whose awful hand we hold
Dominion over palm and pine--
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget - lest we forget!

The tumult and the shouting dies;
The captains and the kings depart:
Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice,
An humble and a contrite heart.
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget - lest we forget!

Far-called, our navies melt away;
On dune and headland sinks the fire:
Lo, all our pomp of yesterday
Is one with Nineveh and Tyre!
Judge of the Nations, spare us yet,
Lest we forget - lest we forget!

If, drunk with sight of power, we loose
Wild tongues that have not Thee in awe--
Such boasting as the Gentiles use
Or lesser breeds without the law--
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget - lest we forget!

For heathen heart that puts her trust
In reeking tube and iron shard--
All valiant dust that builds on dust,
And guarding, calls not Thee to guard--
For frantic boast and foolish word,
Thy mercy on Thy people, Lord!

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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by Diogenes »

Just keep in mind, the Obamination couldn't do it without you...

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in the sands of the desert.

A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Washington to be born?
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by poptart »

Wagon, you ignorant putz, you can't claim to be remotely serious about dealing with illegal immigration if you fully support amnesty for ILLEGALS.

Supporting a closure of the border goes without saying.
Anyone in a 'leadership' position who opposes it needs to be given a one-way boat ticket to Cuba ... pronto.
Bush's deplorable 'handling' of the illegal problem is quite possibly his greatest failure os POTUS, and the fact that you are continually in here sucking him off is evidence that you are quite simply a clueless rube.

You can pull your head out of your skinny ass any time now.

Anyone supporting amnesty, as McFlame does, is shitting on YOU, you dumb fucking hayseed.

Interesting to learn that you enjoy it.
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by War Wagon »

poptart wrote:Wagon, you ignorant putz, you can't claim to be remotely serious about dealing with illegal immigration if you fully support amnesty for ILLEGALS.
Pull your xenophobic head out your ass.

These "illegals" are more productive and beneficial to this American nation than are anyone who posts here, and that's for sure.

Would that we should have such a work ethic.

I work with these guys, they're my neighbors... I like them better than some putz who fled to South Korea, capiche?
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by poptart »


Do your own research into the COST to the taxpayers -- that's YOU, dumbfuck -- because of illegals in this country.

Over 11 Billion Dolllars a year in California alone.
And that number will do nothing but skyrocket as time goes by.

Imagine the cost nationally.

You're so totally out to lunch here, Wagon, that I'm embarassed for you.

Close the border, send the illegals home, cut the gov handouts and watch 'the yobs that American's won't do' get gobbled up by ... Americans.

It's common fucking sense.

Look into it.
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by BSmack »

poptart wrote:Close the border, send the illegals home, cut the gov handouts and watch 'the yobs that American's won't do' get gobbled up by ... Americans.
At what wages>?
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by poptart »

It's not my concern.

Cut the pitiful welfare state and low pay beats the hell out of NO pay, no?
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by Cuda »

you just don't understand welfare reform, pops

"reform", means "spend more on it than ever"
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by poptart »

'Income redistribution' is another goodie.
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by Cuda »

poptart wrote:'Income redistribution'
That's all Ringo & Hunny Bunny were doing- redistributing income

WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by War Wagon »

poptart wrote:It's not my concern.
Obviously, since you remain pitifully clueless.

How un-Christlike.

I'm led to believe that you left America because some Mexican took your landscaping job and no way could you make ends meet being a tennis instructor alone.
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by poptart »


Tossing 'pitifully clueless' around while having no rational basis for support of ...

- floods of LAWBREAKERS entering the country (Why do you hate the rule of law, why do you hate the constitution, why do you hate America?)

- taxpayers being fleeced SEVERELY - California alone to the tune of over 11 Billion dollars a year

... makes you look fairly foolish.

Provide rational reasoning for your support of such lunacy and you can toss the 'pitifully clueless' tag around ... and "I like to have beers with Pedro and Juan after work on Fridays, they're good guys and they always buy the first round," won't cut it. haha

Snickers, please.
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by Diogenes »

War Wagon wrote:
poptart wrote:It's not my concern.
Obviously, since you remain pitifully clueless.

How un-Christlike.
Leave him out of this.

I don't think the patheticly misguided tool in question has resorted to theology to back his foolishness, nor would any honest opponent of his silly wold view do the same.

pop, you're becoming the problem, not the solution. You're agreeing with mvscum, that should say it all.

End of sermon. We'll agree to disagree I guess.

Much Love, Vaya Con Dios and Carpe Noctum.

Dins can correct the spelling, as always.
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Re: The republican attack machine starting to hit full stride

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Diogenes wrote:Not to mention there are 7 SC Justices over the age of 70.
There are four (Stevens, Scalia, Kennedy and Ginsburg) over the age of 70. A fifth (Breyer) turned 70 last week. A sixth (Souter) turns 70 next year.

As for those four . . .

I'm pretty sure Stevens is gone no matter who wins the election. He'll be past 90 by the next Presidential election.

Ginsburg probably leaves if Obama wins, stays if McCain wins. But she's had some health problems, so she may be forced out regardless.

I don't see Kennedy going, he's arguably the most powerful person alive today. Given the Court's current makeup, he's usually the deciding vote in 5-4 decisions.

Scalia is the wildcard, he's just whimsical enough to retire . . . or not.

I don't think Breyer leaves either, at least not right away. He just became retirement-eligible upon turning 70 last week. Retiring at this point would be unusual, although not completely unprecedented.
Last edited by Terry in Crapchester on Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
War Wagon wrote:The first time I click on one of your youtube links will be the first time.
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