I'm on a fucking tear today This whole method of interaction fails to amaze or intrest me, but just like gardening it's fun to pick the weeds away from the roses.Jay in Phoenix wrote:First of all w, it's Scottsdale Road.warren wrote:Oh and fuck you Jay I worked for Ozzie's right there by Camelback Mountain on Scottsdale Drive and I know that was you with the Mad Dog 20/20 and the fishnets trying to trick the roughnecks, and you almost did old Jerry because you have know adams apple and no balls now solve the fucking triangle bitch.
Secondly, the Scottsdale police would never allow a fishnetted tranny anywhere near that intersection. And MD 20/20 in Scottsdale??? Puh-leaze.
Thrid, there is NO Ozzies at that locale.
But I do believe that in one of your many wonderous drunken stupors, you did fantasize about Dinsdale in drag, ciggy dangling from pursed lips, giving you the one-finger come on...only to bitch-slap you back to reality as you vomit all over your Buster Browns.
That about sum it up sport?
Jay you are a weed, you just got caught either being misinformed or outright lying and on top of that you had to add "sum it up sport."
let this be a lesson to you punk, I'm sure you're a good dude and all, but it's been years since I worked their but I can visualize having to outfit the pipeline rigs down Scottsdale ROAD and seeing all the latte' purchasing metro-sexuals looking down at me when I guarantee you I was at doubling their income and we would laugh because we all greasy and loaded with money.
I'm not ever really mad at morons at you and dumbsdale,it's just you better grow up and know your facts before you call people "sport" or "chump" I'm the smallest guy in the world at 6 foot 184, but I've been in combat and I've drilled holes in places where the bedouins don't even go and to hear little punks like you talk shit doesn't make me mad or anything. I'm a sober Christian, but if you go talk that shit out around a dude say 5 years younger than me and he see's you in your pressed khakis and your fresh hair cut, he's going to make it a real bad evening for you and probably end up banging your prom queen.
My apologies to you for my anger and my crude language, but I can tell you're some poli-sci major that's going to make a ton of bucks and change the world and I hope you do. However, just shut the fuck up about what you don't know and difference between telling a dude it's "road" and not "drive" will cost you a whole lot of dentist work.
Having said all of this I expect an apology and a happy motherfucking from you tomorrow because I turn thirty-nine and hell be damned I'm going to post a picture of me and my wife and show you little fucks exactly who and what we are through modern tech.
Now go throw on some Miley Cyrus and beat off to your girlfriends mother's image and don't ever call me out on the location of a drilling company ever again little boy.