Jsc810 wrote:Thank the Republicans for that, Mitch Landrieu should be Mayor now. If the Republicans would not have voted for Nagin, then he would not be Mayor now. But since Nagin was running against Mitch Landrieu (D), and since Mitch's sister is Mary Landrieu (D) who is running for re-election to the US Senate now, the Republicans decided to cut off their nose to spite their face and voted for Nagin instead of Mitch.
And their plan failed. Mary Landrieu is going to win re-election easily.
Sorry counselor, I know you're a coon ass and all, but Nagin is a died in the wool Democrat just as the entire city of N'awlins is.
In case my credibility of where I work and what I know has belied me as of late here is wikopedia when you need it, first sentence should tell you all you need to know.
I don't why this brand new piece of shit isn't linking anything but you can do the research, yes he replaced and beat fellow democrats, he is also one and as a National Republican Activist, I can promise you, we don't spend a penny in that cess pool of gov't recipients who have invaded our State and demand Marriot room service, laptops for jobs, and litigation for pets that our SPCA rescued and they never claimed.
Since I'm still ignorant to the internet just search Nagin on Yahoo and his bio mentions nothing of a Republican backed coup to get his dumb as or you stupid exiled governor Blanca in there.
Remember, they were both MIA when the storm hit, Bush beat them to the site and they refused National Guard intrusion. So let's start getting some facts straight Mr. MsNBC.
It's the same old thing with your tired old liberal message, blame Bush first and America second.