McCain's Veep

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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Dinsdale »

mvscal wrote: In any event, this really isn't any of your fucking business, is it?

Sure you want to open that can of worms?

But I'm not sure why you're so quick to defend a POS.

And I don't give a fuck what you think a parent's job is --

There is photographic evidence that shows that Palin did a poor enough job of parenting that her complete lack of supervision led to illegal conduct of her unsupervised child.

Not up for discussion. It's FACT, not anything subjective, dumbass.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Diogenes »

Terry in Crapchester wrote:
mvscal wrote:So...knocking back brews in your patrol car, tazing a ten year old and making death threats only gets you a five day suspension? Uh....OK.
No wonder she shitcanned the fuckhead responsible. I would have too.
The administrative decision in question occurred three years ago, when she was a private citizen. Because she wasn't happy with the result, she used her office to push for a different one. And when that didn't work, she fired the Commissioner of Public Safety.
And whoever gave you your talking points is still full of shit.

He was fired for not following her budget priorities.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by JayDuck »

mvscal wrote:
In any event, this really isn't any of your fucking business, is it?
Actually, It is kind of all of our business when she wants our schools to teach abstinence only sex-education the same way she tought her kids sex-ed, while at the same time outlawing abortions. Hell, she doesn't even believe that people should use condoms or birth control pills.

Its kind of our business to see just how well her methods work, if she might be in a position to have some influence on which methods might be put into greater use in this country.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Cuda »

mvscal wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote:Still awaiting your defense of Dio's take that he threatened to kill Palin's father.
Go fuck yourself, idiot.
"The record clearly indicates a serious and concentrated pattern of unacceptable and at times, illegal activity occurring over a lengthy period, which establishes a course of conduct totally at odds with the ethics of our profession," Col. Julia Grimes, then head of Alaska State Troopers, wrote in March 1, 2006, letter suspending Wooten for 10 days. After the union protested it, the suspension was reduced to five days.

Troopers eventually investigated 13 issues and found four in which Wooten violated policy or broke the law or both:

• Wooten used a Taser on his stepson.

• He illegally shot a moose.

• He drank beer in his patrol car on one occasion.

• He told others his father-in-law would "eat a f'ing lead bullet" if he helped his daughter get an attorney for the divorce.
So...knocking back brews in your patrol car, tazing a ten year old and making death threats only gets you a five day suspension? Uh....OK.
No wonder she shitcanned the fuckhead responsible. I would have too.

You may commence your awkward, spastic backpedalling...or will you be attempting to change the subject? Just let me know which lame tactic you will be using to avoid admitting that you really don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
illegally shot a moose? in other words, he was, among other things, a poacher. don't know about alaska, but in most states, poaching is a felony. that alone is a disqualifier for police work

And could Dildo in Crapchester possibly find any blogs to quote that are any crazier?
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Dinsdale »

JayDuck wrote:
mvscal wrote:
In any event, this really isn't any of your fucking business, is it?
Actually, It is kind of all of our business when she wants our schools to teach abstinence only sex-education

All I need to hear...

She's a Constitution-hating liberal...

Just like every other candidate not named Ron Paul.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Tom In VA »

JayDuck wrote:
mvscal wrote:
In any event, this really isn't any of your fucking business, is it?
Actually, It is kind of all of our business when she wants our schools to teach abstinence only sex-education the same way she tought her kids sex-ed, while at the same time outlawing abortions. Hell, she doesn't even believe that people should use condoms or birth control pills.

Its kind of our business to see just how well her methods work, if she might be in a position to have some influence on which methods might be put into greater use in this country.
Is that the case or is she against tax dollars being spent to subsidize such education ? There's a difference.

I can't believe the depths to which liberal will go to kill unborn baby humans.

This faux outrage over a family that has a daughter, a daughter that didn't listen to Mommy and Daddy - whoa shocker - and that daughter got preggers. Daughter chooses to have the kid, marry the father, and now we're engaged in this imbroglio.

Of course if the daughter wanted to kill the unborn baby human, the liberals would be crying over how this underaged girl should have the right to kill the baby without telling mom and dad.


Say, if killing terrorists breeds more terrorists.

Doesn't killing unborn baby humans breed more humans ?
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by JayDuck »

Tom In VA wrote:
Say, if killing terrorists breeds more terrorists.

Doesn't killing unborn baby humans breed more humans ?
I don't know, but I do know that in Sarah Palin's case, NOT killing unborn baby humans just breeds retards.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Tom In VA »

Maybe Dinsdale's parents raised him to live a life of irresponsible drunken debauchery so his frame of reference is skewed.

They did a good job, he's doing exactly as he was instructed and reared to do.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Dinsdale »

Tom In VA wrote:Kill babies


Kill babies...


So, you think it's your business what a woman does with her own body?

Uhm... might wanna take a look in that ol' mirror before you start tossing that "liberal" tag around, champ.

Your inability to MYOB sure paints you as a "liberal."
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by RJ »

Dinsdale wrote:
mvscal wrote: In any event, this really isn't any of your fucking business, is it?
There is photographic evidence that shows that Palin did a poor enough job of parenting that her complete lack of supervision led to illegal conduct of her unsupervised child.
Yeah, because teenagers never rebel and do ANY illegal shit until they hit 18.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Stupid fuck.

I also love how you comment on parenting, yet have no kids of your own. Shopping in the KYOA section much today?
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Cuda »

mC loon is fucking outmanuvering Onogga at every turn and the fucking DemocRats don't even fucking realize it... yet.

The crazy old fuck is already 3 moves ahead. The left's obvious next moves are already countered. I'm just laughing, watching it unfold. Even if Onogga's handlers realize what's happening, there's nothing they can do now to avoid an assraping except threaten a race-war if Onogga doesn't win.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Tom In VA »

JayDuck wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
Say, if killing terrorists breeds more terrorists.

Doesn't killing unborn baby humans breed more humans ?
I don't know, but I do know that in Sarah Palin's case, NOT killing unborn baby humans just breeds retards.
Not unlike php bulletin boards and you're proving yourself an adequate example.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Tom In VA »

Dinsdale wrote: So, you think it's your business what a woman does with her own body?
No it's none of my business, but I'll call the "choice" what it is and not mince words. If that gets your panties in a wad, then so be it.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by RJ »

Cuda wrote:I'm just laughing, watching it unfold.
2nd. It's high comedy watching the meltage on display.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Diogenes »

JayDuck wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
Say, if killing terrorists breeds more terrorists.

Doesn't killing unborn baby humans breed more humans ?
I don't know, but I do know that in Sarah Palin's case, NOT killing unborn baby humans just breeds retards.
Her kids are Dems?

I won't hold that against her.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by JayDuck »

mvscal wrote:
JayDuck wrote:Its kind of our business to see just how well her methods work,
They have sex education in Alaskan schools. Would you care to comment on how well that particular method worked?
I'm sure it was the sex-ed in school. And I'm sure that the fact that her parents oppose the use of condoms or birth control pills, even for married couples, didn't play at all into her daughter being a sexual dumbfuck.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Dinsdale »

Tom In VA wrote:Maybe Dinsdale's parents raised him to live a life of irresponsible drunken debauchery so his frame of reference is skewed.

They did a good job, he's doing exactly as he was instructed and reared to do.

Wow, you're truly a dumbass.

While Fate may have chosen a rocky road of debauchery for me...

My parents did an EXCELLENT job of keeping me from being a monumental fuckup on their watch.

Maybe it had something to do with them actually having PRIORITIES, and not neglecting their very basic ones to persue their own personal gains at the expense of their children.

Since when are 17 year olds responsible for their own behavior?

And someone... anyone, remind me which part of the Constitution authorizes the Fed to set educational standards?

Because for the umpteemth time, I can show you the part that says they can't... although it would sadden me to have to explain such a basic premise of American Government to a bunch of America-haters. The Founders gave us a wonderful set of rules to live by... and all we have to do is follow them, and speak up when someone violates them.

Instead, you traitors congratulate and reward them for it... assholes.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Tom In VA »

I see, so you started your life of drunken whoredom when you turned 18.

My bad.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by JayDuck »

Cuda wrote:mC loon is fucking outmanuvering Onogga at every turn and the fucking DemocRats don't even fucking realize it... yet.
Yes, he's outmanuvering him so badly that McCain is no longer even racing the same course as Obama.

He handed Obama the election the moment he picked Palin and the fact that there are people here that actually think it was a good move, politically, just shows that our board has more retards than a Sarah Palin ovary.

Honestly, Dio and Cuda on the same side in an "argument" should be more than evidence enough that its going to be the losing side anyway.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Cuda »

i'd try to explain it to you, but why should i smarten-up a chump?
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Dinsdale »

RJ wrote:I also love how you comment on parenting, yet have no kids of your own. Shopping in the KYOA section much today?

I've also never preened myself to the point that I'm gunning for invites to a Festivus party in Tampa and posed in a loving embrace with another man on a messageboard, yet I still feel qualified to make some degree of commentary about it.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Tom In VA wrote: I can't believe the depths to which liberal will go to kill unborn baby humans.

Just give the unborn fetuses Iraqi citizenship.

Then, no one will give a shit.
Last edited by Shlomart Ben Yisrael on Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by JayDuck »

mvscal wrote:
JayDuck wrote:He handed Obama the election the moment he picked Palin.
Yes, of course. The election was lost the moment he picked somebody who energized a listless base, picked off a few disgruntled Clintonistas and led to an immediate surge in financial contributions to the campaign.

You are one seriously dumb fuck.
Strange that more Clinton supporters have actually gone to Obama's side since the Palin annnouncement, then, and that Obama's numbers have climbed every day since the Palin announcement.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Tom In VA »

Martyred wrote:
Tom In VA wrote: I can't believe the depths to which liberal will go to kill unborn baby humans.

Just give the unborn fetuses Iraqi citizenship[/i].

Then, no one will give a shit.

Were your nervous or excited when you cranked that one out ? You normally don't butcher markup like that.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by BSmack »

mvscal wrote:
JayDuck wrote:He handed Obama the election the moment he picked Palin.
Yes, of course. The election was lost the moment he picked somebody who energized a listless base, picked off a few disgruntled Clintonistas and led to an immediate surge in financial contributions to the campaign.

You are one seriously dumb fuck.
No, the election was lost the moment he picked the earmark queen of Alaska. ... 03148.html

The rest of the arguments against her are just icing on the cake.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

mvscal wrote:...somebody who energized a listless base, picked off a few disgruntled Clintonistas and led to an immediate surge in financial contributions to the campaign.

This one's on me, mv.

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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Tom In VA wrote:
Martyred wrote:
Tom In VA wrote: I can't believe the depths to which liberal will go to kill unborn baby humans.

Just give the unborn fetuses Iraqi citizenship[/i].

Then, no one will give a shit.

Were your nervous or excited when you cranked that one out ? You normally don't butcher markup like that.

I'm suffering a touch of Alaskan Down Syndrome.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by JayDuck »

mvscal wrote:
JayDuck wrote:Strange that more Clinton supporters have actually gone to Obama's side since the Palin annnouncement, then, and that Obama's numbers have climbed every day since the Palin announcement.
I understand it's difficult to remember the Democratic convention in Denver. It was last week and there really wasn't anything very memorable anyway. Did you hear Onogga gave some kind of speech or something?
Yep, and McCain tried to stem the rising tide of his numbers with the Palin selection. And it did that for one day. But since the first day of the Palin announcement, Obama's support has been rising. The current polls are looking at results taken after the Palin announcement, and its done nothing but make Obama's support higher.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Tom In VA »

Martyred wrote: I'm suffering a touch of Alaskan Down Syndrome.
We can fix that, We have CHOICE.

Here's some tools:


And to clean up.


I'm told there's no pain involved, so don't worry. Just ask a friend to help. Don't tell Mom and Dad, they might not understand, those old fashioned fogies.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Tom, you have a heart of gold.
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Mikey »

Martyred wrote:Tom, you have a heart of gold.
and an ass of lard...
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by War Wagon »

Dinsdale wrote: The minor that a certain VP candidate had a responsibility to supervise.

Let's see -- knocked up, and posing all over the internet with booze and making out with other chicks... before the age of 18.

But with such a stellar resume in her own home, it's hard to imagine her being anything but a raging success when given more responsibility. I mean, just because she failed at a responsibility that... oh, say only about 100,000,000 other Americans have done in a much superior manor than herself, it doesn't mean she won't sudden;y pull her head out of her ass.
Coming from you Dins, this is fucking priceless.

But please do tell, how many children have you parented into responsible adults? My guess is zero, though I'm quite sure you've got a few bastards running around who don't have a Dad.

Nevermind that, it's quite obvious your parents did an awesome job with you.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by JayDuck »

mvscal wrote:
It's called a post convention bounce, you ignorant twat. Usually it's close to ten points. Onogga's feeble three point bounce is cause for serious concern to those who know what the fuck they're talking about.

That explains the piss-stained furor in the Onogga camp surrounding the Palin pick. They've pulled out all stops to motherfuck her and it will fail miserably.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Tom In VA »

Polls aren't always accurate.

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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by JayDuck »

mvscal wrote:He was already up by three, dipshit. By any standard, the convention was a wet fart.
He was behind by 1, when the convention started.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Tom In VA »

Well that, you have CNN having Obama up 2 points, Zogby having him down two, Poll, Roll, and Stroll having him in a landslide, bottom line is polls are .....

Well ...

How many polls had Hilary winning the nomination before April and May ?
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Forget the hamster-like behavior of mom and daughter, this is about TROOPERGATE. Stay on topic.

Recorded phone-calls directly contradicting brood mare's statements, and now more e-mails to the same effect. I doubt she'll last the convention. :lol:
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Mikey »

mvscal wrote:
Mikey wrote:
Martyred wrote:Tom, you have a heart of gold.
and an ass of lard...
How can you be ensuring proper supervision of your children if you are in here telling Tom he has a fat ass? They could be smoking drugs or even.....having intercourse?!?
Not together, I hope.

Well the fact that they're about 5500 miles apart sort of precludes that part, anyway.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Mikey »

Tom In VA wrote:Well that, you have CNN having Obama up 2 points, Zogby having him down two, Poll, Roll, and Stroll having him in a landslide, bottom line is polls are .....

Well ...

How many polls had Hilary winning the nomination before April and May ?
She couldn't win the nomination before April and May.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by War Wagon »

JayDuck wrote: He was behind by 1, when the convention started.
Oh great, here comes B_Duck with his convincing poll graphs again.

Well son, rememeber when you said something incredibly stupid to the effect that in order for McCain to win, he'd have to be ahead in the polls at some point?

I'm still chuckling over that bit of election wisdom, but guess that somehow happened with your cherry picked poll... and now you're in here still touting that poll as if it were gospel truth.

Here's some free advice when it comes to spinning. Take your cues from Bri. He's a seasoned professional. You're a pathetic rookie.