McCain's Veep

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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Tom In VA »

M Club wrote: no, you're not smart enough. i just traced exactly what i said, that they're issues attached to her. are they not? are people talking about them? huh? yeah, you're not very smart. i'm trying to help you by pointing out you're having a different argument than i am, but you just want another excuse to call someone else a moron.
I typically don't call people morons. That's not my style. It was a lie attached to her, that's for sure. A lie that you purported to be true, yesterday. Today you're just saying .... "I was just bringing it up because it was an issue and like people are talking about, man, you're big dumb doodoo head". Okay, that's why you brought it up, because it was a topical lie. ?
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Tom In VA »

Dinsdale wrote:and now you're resorted to telling bald-faced lies to try and save face.
Not really, I read his statement as claims. We're working it out, M Club and I. If I misinterpreted his post, rest assured, I'll let him know ... when I believe I misinterpreted his post.

That's pretty much how I roll.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by JayDuck »

mvscal wrote:
Actually, it is a very simple matter of observation and intellectual honesty. Assuming you don't puncture its skull, vacuum out its brain and chop it into small pieces what you have is a new human being not a parasite, not a blob of cells and not a euphemism.

Save your bullshit about religion. It doesn't play with me.
Nope...sorry...not punctured, not copped up into small pieces and still not a human being
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Tom In VA »

JayDuck wrote: and still not a human being
Why not ? And by whose authority ?
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by JayDuck »

Tom In VA wrote:
JayDuck wrote: and still not a human being
Why not ? And by whose authority ?
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

mvscal wrote:Easy question. The answer is yes. If that is the only life I could have, then that's the only life I would live. People with such disabilities are still able to experience what is truly important in life.
Excellent. That's all I wanted to know. And it wasn't an arbitrary question. My adopted brother was born with mental retardation, though thankfully, not severly so. And it would have been a crime to have aborted him before he had a chance to enter this world. He's an amazing guy.

Still, there do remain certain and specific conditions which require the consideration, at the very least, of abortion as an option. Trust me, I'm by no means in favor of terminating a birth because it would inconvenience the parents, or that the child may have issues. That is absurd. I'm talking about extreme cases only. And even then, there is a hell of a lot to consider before making that choice.

But it is not up to you or me or Tom in Va, or anybody else to make said choice for another parent. It is up to the parent(s) alone.

Nobody but nobody would choose to live in a world of eternal suffering, humiliation, degredation or the inability to function as a human being.

And yet, I've seen just enough freak shows (kind of like this board) where someone should have thought about it.

Mercy comes in many forms.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Tom In VA »

Jay in Phoenix wrote: But it is not up to you or me or Tom in Va, or anybody else to make said choice for another parent. It is up to the parent(s) alone.
You're playing "Three Card Monte" with your point here Jay. When have I suggested otherwise ? The answer, is never.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by JayDuck »

mvscal wrote:
JayDuck wrote: still not a human being
Oh really? What is it then? A frog? An elephant? Giraffe maybe?
Its an embryo. A growing collection of cells that, under the right circumstances, might one day become human.

Egg yolk isn't chicken.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Tom In VA wrote:
Jay in Phoenix wrote: But it is not up to you or me or Tom in Va, or anybody else to make said choice for another parent. It is up to the parent(s) alone.
You're playing "Three Card Monte" with your point here Jay. When have I suggested otherwise ? The answer, is never.
Sorry Tom, I didn't meant it the way you imply. It's a sticky issue and it isn't all black and white, that's all.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Tom In VA »

JayDuck wrote:
mvscal wrote:
JayDuck wrote: still not a human being
Oh really? What is it then? A frog? An elephant? Giraffe maybe?
Its an embryo. A growing collection of cells that, under the right circumstances, might one day become human.

Egg yolk isn't chicken.
Egg yolk is food for ....... the baby chicken.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

What, you quack-hack neo-Limpdickian Rove Monkeys are arguing...?...abortion?

Are you really so stretched to your limits? Are you so (properly) worried that your "party" is so absolutely gang-fucked in November that you're reduced to clawing at Christer issues?

Look, Palin is a joke, and will crash and burn. Wait til you get about three minutes into her speech, her annoying school-marm tone as she attempts to sound like leader!!!

Let's get back to the real issue: McCain as a fake "war hero."

Here is the testimony of a fellow POW (who actually was a prisoner for two years longer than the Mav) who honestly describes the character that McCain's shameless career should have made obvious to all.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Cuda »

mvscal wrote:
M Club wrote:clearly the issue here is whether or not she was vetted,
She was vetted, you fucking moron. Her husband doesn't have shit to do with anything and McCain's campaign determined that "troopergate" and briefly working for Ted Stevens don't add up to shit.

Are you attempting to suggest that that piddly little bullshit is supposed to disqualify her for some reason? You're dreaming...and not very intelligent. Nothing funnier than watching some pinheaded dipshit mindlessly spout media talking points on a subject he knows nothing about while trying to run sheep smack.
mvs,stop. let them figure it out the hard way- after it's too late.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Diogenes »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:What, you quack-hack neo-Limpdickian Rove Monkeys are arguing...?...abortion?

Are you really so stretched to your limits? Are you so (properly) worried that your "party" is so absolutely gang-fucked in November that you're reduced to clawing at Christer issues?

Look, Palin is a joke, and will crash and burn. Wait to you get about three minutes into her speech, her annoying school-marm tone as she attempts to sound like leader!!!

Let's get back to the real issue: McCain as a fake "war hero."

Here is the testimony of a fellow POW (who actually was a prisoner for two years longer than the Mav) who honestly describes the character that McCain's shameless career should have made obvious to all.
Paging Nicky's shrink...

He's off his meds and out of his room again...
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by JayDuck »

mvscal wrote:
JayDuck wrote:Its an embryo.
I'm not familiar with that animal. Would you mind providing the genus and species?
Honestly, from that picture of the embryo, it could be the embryo of a cow, or a rat, or a possum. At that stage of development, they are all the same.
I see. And by "right circumstances", you mean not cut to pieces and vacuumed out its mother's womb, right?
No, actually that's not what I meant. As there are many other circumstances that can still prevent it from becoming a human being. And there are many factors that still need to happen for it to still become a human being, from where it is.

Your statement is akin to saying that the only thing preventing your jizz from becoming human is the fact that you're dumping it on the bathroom floor, or in dio's mouth. Under the right circumstances one or two lucky sperms out of your load can become human too. But they aren't human. One, among the many, of those circumstances is vacuming it out, and chopping it up, however.

Everytime you see a load, do you ask what species it is? Do you cry as you picture sperm swimming around in a pool of semen on the bathroom floor, flapping their last little human flaps of their tails?
Last edited by JayDuck on Wed Sep 03, 2008 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by M Club »

Tom In VA wrote:
M Club wrote: no, you're not smart enough. i just traced exactly what i said, that they're issues attached to her. are they not? are people talking about them? huh? yeah, you're not very smart. i'm trying to help you by pointing out you're having a different argument than i am, but you just want another excuse to call someone else a moron.
I typically don't call people morons. That's not my style. It was a lie attached to her, that's for sure. A lie that you purported to be true, yesterday. Today you're just saying .... "I was just bringing it up because it was an issue and like people are talking about, man, you're big dumb doodoo head". Okay, that's why you brought it up, because it was a topical lie. ?
i purported what to be true?
it began by addressing the fact her husband was a member of a successionist party. yeah, i know, she wasn't, but since you brought up double standards i suppose this jeremiah wright thing is now a non-issue, especially because everyone's so excited about her fundy beliefs and so she obviously subscribes to the christian notion that the man is the head of the household, wielding more influence over her than some crazy pastor.
i "vetted" that article before i linked to it. her husband was a member of that party for a substantial period of time. given her religious zeal that's so *fired up the base*, it's reasonable, considering the precedent set by jeremiah wright, to question her proximity to an organization founded by a man who said, "i've got no use for america or her damned institutions."
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by M Club »

mvscal wrote:
M Club wrote: i said they're issues.
Who gives a fuck? These so-called issues of yours were covered in the vetting process and deemed irrelevant. Media fuckwits jerking each other into a frothy lather does not a scandal make.

So just what the fuck is your point?
that you've been talking about these non-issues for 19 pages now.

although, yes, they may have been deemed irrelevant by the mccain campaign considering every politician has something to answer for.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Tom In VA »

M Club wrote:i "vetted" that article before i linked to it. her husband was a member of that party for a substantial period of time. given her religious zeal that's so *fired up the base*, it's reasonable, considering the precedent set by jeremiah wright, to question her proximity to an organization founded by a man who said, "i've got no use for america or her damned institutions."
If that was your point in the original post - where you linked the article - all along, then please accept my apologies, I drew an incorrect conclusion.

Now that I understand your point better, I would disagree with the comparison to Jermiah Wright, but agree if you compared Mr. Palin to Mrs. Obama.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by JayDuck »

Tom In VA wrote:
Now that I understand your point better, I would disagree with the comparison to Jermiah Wright, but agree if you compared Mr. Palin to Mrs. Obama.
Sarah Palin is married to a man who was a member of an anti-American organization that instructs its members to "infiltrate the major parties".

I agree. Jerimiah Wright is not comparable.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by JayDuck »

mvscal wrote:
JayDuck wrote:Honestly, from that picture of the embryo, it could be the embryo of a cow, or a rat, or a possum. At that stage of development, they are all the same.
As a point of fact, they are not all the same at any stage of development.
Yes, they are VASTLY unsimilar at all.

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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by BSmack »

mvscal wrote:
JayDuck wrote:Sarah Palin is married to a man who was a member of an anti-American organization
I laughed.
Gallows humor eh?
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by M Club »

mvscal wrote:Image
cuckolding is for people who get off on that sort of thing. if it bothers you so much that some illegal mexican is doing up your wife's arse, you should just ask her to stop rather than write whaaaaa all over various message boards.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by M Club »

Tom In VA wrote:
M Club wrote:i "vetted" that article before i linked to it. her husband was a member of that party for a substantial period of time. given her religious zeal that's so *fired up the base*, it's reasonable, considering the precedent set by jeremiah wright, to question her proximity to an organization founded by a man who said, "i've got no use for america or her damned institutions."
If that was your point in the original post - where you linked the article - all along, then please accept my apologies, I drew an incorrect conclusion.

Now that I understand your point better, I would disagree with the comparison to Jermiah Wright, but agree if you compared Mr. Palin to Mrs. Obama.
i think the comparison to wright is apt in the sense he was obama's direct spiritual advisor. in christian orthodoxy, the wife is subjugated to the man, or at least that's what i gathered from my fundy upbringing. i think that's evident here based on the fact palin is celebrated for having the job she has without neglecting her duties as wife and mother. nowhere have i seen it even suggested that her husband stay at home with her children. i could be wrong, of course, but that's not how it's been presented by the people responsible for managing her image.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by M Club »

mvscal wrote:
White flag duly noted.

You may go.
hardly. your only talent is writing shitstain, idoit fucker, etc. while simultaneously pretending you sit around all day reading nexis lexis and filtering through the archives of some remote alaskan cable access station.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Tom In VA »

JayDuck wrote: I agree. Jerimiah Wright is not comparable.
Correct, Wright is a black supremecist and separatist. Rather than "infilitrate" the objective is to acquire reparations for slavery and use the "capital" to start an entirely black state infrastructure.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by JayDuck »

mvscal wrote: No. I'm laughing at a clueless dumbfuck breathlessly parroting media lies.
And which lies are those? Her husband is confirmed as having been a member. The AIP website itself states that it wants Alaska to become a seperate nation.

There are also plenty of quotes and videos of AIP members at AIP functions stating their dislike of America.

Do you have some reason to challenge the validity of their marriage? Because that's the only issue you could be saying in my statement was a lie.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by RadioFan »

Diogenes wrote:Paging Nicky's shrink...

He's off his meds and out of his room again...
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Mikey »


SP thinks that the Pledge of Allegiance was written by "the founding fathers".

Good for you Sarah. You go girrrl.

...oops almost forgot....
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Goober McTuber »

Mikey wrote:LOL.

SP thinks that the Pledge of Allegiance was written by "the founding fathers".

Good for you Sarah. You go girrrl.
Yeah, well at least she knows how many states there. Until her husband and his cronies pry Alaska loose.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

I've not seen bab's/Dio panties so bunched in years. Of course they are terrified. But not in the manner of Tom Paine or some actual impassioned patriot looking to stand against a corrupt and ensconced cabal. Rather, they--and the pathetic Christers--are coming from this place of fear and poopiness...

" me Mommy!...We're (very) scared of the FOUR supreme court nominees awaiting Obama's election. We're pissing our diapers over the thought of folks making under $250,000 getting a break on taxes--while obscene corporate loopholes are closed. We are literally shitting our diapers over the thought of a Demo house, senate, and White House.

Well, That's what mom's are for! Cleaning up the poopy mess of whining brats like babs/Diop/Cuda. (As for W-wagon, he was "kicked by a horse" as a kid and don't know no better).
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by JayDuck »

Goober McTuber wrote:
Mikey wrote:LOL.

SP thinks that the Pledge of Allegiance was written by "the founding fathers".

Good for you Sarah. You go girrrl.
Yeah, well at least she knows how many states there. Until her husband and his cronies pry Alaska loose.
better check the number of stars on her lapel pin.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by JayDuck »

mvscal wrote:
The lie is that the AIP is an anti-American organisation. Your quiver is empty, shitstain. You've got nothing.
front fucking page.


Until we as Alaskans receive our Ultimate Goal, the AIP will continue to strive to make Alaska a better place to live with less government interference in our everyday lives.
The Alaskan Independence Party's goal is the vote we were entitled to in 1958, one choice from among the following four alternatives:
1) Remain a Territory.
2) Become a separate and Independent Nation.
3) Accept Commonwealth status.
4) Become a State.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by JayDuck »

mvscal wrote:
Well, that was fun and meaningless. Care to comment on their actual platform and highlight the "anti-American" portions of that platform?
The fact that they want a vote to become a seperate nation, is "anti-American".
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by BSmack »

JayDuck wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Well, that was fun and meaningless. Care to comment on their actual platform and highlight the "anti-American" portions of that platform?
The fact that they want a vote to become a seperate nation, is "anti-American".
Aw come on. That's as American as apple pie, lynching and the Confederacy.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Tom In VA »

Well secession isn't prohibited in the Constitution. But as BSmack pointed out, if you leave, you become a foreign country and the U.S. can destroy you at will.

Looks to me like they just wanted to have a vote. So they want to secede, then vote, and they hope the vote goes the way of becoming a state ?

Or are those just the options they want listed on the ballot ?
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Cuda »

RadioFan wrote:
Diogenes wrote:Paging Nicky's shrink...

He's off his meds and out of his room again...
the deciders fucked up.

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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Gee, Tom, it looks like you are pretty Polly Annish about the fact that a small-town mayor--who back-stabbed her collegues to get the Alaskan governorship--and is a total born again Christer cultist, creationist moron, with no more qualification to be a World Leader than a wolverine--is the last gasp effort of a malignant political party (in its "last throes"? :) ) to sway the midwest couch potatoes. Uh...Wakey Wake?...

As for her Alaskan separatist dalliances, so what? As you can see from her ludicrous "abstinence" policy in her own family life, it's just a bunch of viciously opportunistic hypocrites. What else do you think Christer cultists really are? :wink:
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by JayDuck »

Tom In VA wrote:Well secession isn't prohibited in the Constitution. But as BSmack pointed out, if you leave, you become a foreign country and the U.S. can destroy you at will.

Looks to me like they just wanted to have a vote. So they want to secede, then vote, and they hope the vote goes the way of becoming a state ?

Or are those just the options they want listed on the ballot ?
Those are the options they want listed on the ballot. Many of them want to become a seperate nation. In fact the party leaders want them to become an Independant Nation.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Diogenes »

M Club wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
M Club wrote:i "vetted" that article before i linked to it. her husband was a member of that party for a substantial period of time. given her religious zeal that's so *fired up the base*, it's reasonable, considering the precedent set by jeremiah wright, to question her proximity to an organization founded by a man who said, "i've got no use for america or her damned institutions."
If that was your point in the original post - where you linked the article - all along, then please accept my apologies, I drew an incorrect conclusion.

Now that I understand your point better, I would disagree with the comparison to Jermiah Wright, but agree if you compared Mr. Palin to Mrs. Obama.
i think the comparison to wright is apt in the sense he was obama's direct spiritual advisor. in christian orthodoxy, the wife is subjugated to the man, or at least that's what i gathered from my fundy upbringing. i think that's evident here based on the fact palin is celebrated for having the job she has without neglecting her duties as wife and mother. nowhere have i seen it even suggested that her husband stay at home with her children. i could be wrong, of course, .
You are. As usual.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Diogenes »

Tom In VA wrote:Looks to me like they just wanted to have a vote. So they want to secede, then vote, and they hope the vote goes the way of becoming a state ?
No, they believe that the process of becoming the 49th state was legally invalid.
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Re: McCain's Veep

Post by Tom In VA »


Well the argument could be made - and many make it - that all 50 States were acquired illegally.

And this guy is now a registered Democrat ?