Education is the civil rights issue of this century. Equal access to public education has been gained. But what is the value of access to a failing school? We need to shake up failed school bureaucracies with competition, empower parents with choice, remove barriers to qualified instructors, attract and reward good teachers and help bad teachers find another line of work.
No. We need to scrap Federal* Public funding of K-12.
*A union of groups or states in which each member agrees to give up some of its governmental powers in certain specified areas to central authority. Read: National and State gov.
Education is the civil rights issue of this century. Equal access to public education has been gained. But what is the value of access to a failing school? We need to shake up failed school bureaucracies with competition, empower parents with choice, remove barriers to qualified instructors, attract and reward good teachers and help bad teachers find another line of work.
No. We need to scrap Federal* Public funding of K-12.
That would be terrific. Of course since nobody from either party is going to do so anytime soon, having the funds go to benefit children and parents instead of unions and bereaucrats would seem to be the next best thing.
Message brought to you by Diogenes.
The Last American Liberal.
Sudden Sam wrote:
Didn't see any of McCain's speech. Saw a little of the video bio.
Yeah, I missed it too. Last night I was out doing "community service" which, apparently, the Repugnitans are all in favor of on Tuesdays,
but sneer at on Wednesdays.
Really, I wish I could figure out the schedule that these guys keep. Fiscal responsibility on Mondays and record deficits on Thursdays?
Abstinence on Sundays but knock up every 17 year old in town on Fridays?
Sudden Sam wrote:
Didn't see any of McCain's speech. Saw a little of the video bio.
Yeah, I missed it too. Last night I was out doing "community service" which, apparently, the Republicans are all in favor of on Tuesdays, but sneer at on Wednesdays.
Actually we're in favor of it. It just isn't a qualification to be CinC.
Message brought to you by Diogenes.
The Last American Liberal.
Dio/babs/cuda, get it straight. McBush speaks a curious brand of Orwellian inversion. Contrary to helping Americans, he wants only to maintain the demented policies of such proven hacks as Reagan and Greenspan, et al, who have pedaled the noxious "trickle down" theory for the last twenty-plus years. McBush is a total corporate whore, a classic Beltway insider, a war mongering simplistic tool of the Military Industrial Congressional Complex.
As for Brood Mare, this bitch is basically Cheney with tits.
The notion that this palsied ticket represents "change" is certainly the most Orwellian of their bizarre facades.
Sudden Sam wrote:
Didn't see any of McCain's speech. Saw a little of the video bio.
Yeah, I missed it too. Last night I was out doing "community service" which, apparently, the Republicans are all in favor of on Tuesdays, but sneer at on Wednesdays.
Actually we're in favor of it. It just isn't a qualification to be CinC.
Neither is getting shot down. But that doesn't stop McCain from using 10 minutes of his acceptance speech describing his stay in Hanoi.
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."
—Earl Sinclair
"I do have respect for authority even though I throw jelly dicks at them.
Former Congressmen Warn Troops: As Senator He Abandoned American POWs Trapped in Indochina; as President He'll Abandon You
Special to the U.S. Veteran Dispatch
By former U.S. Congressmen Bill Hendon (R-NC)
and John LeBoutillier (R-NY)
August 16, 2008
"He [McCain] has told me several times over the years that the myth of live POWs was a cruel hoax on the families. He chaired hearings into the issue in the 1990s and found nothing. 'The committee … pored over thousands of records and every claim of a sighting, no matter how outlandish,' says Salter. 'It was all untrue.'" Jonathan Alter, When Ross Perot Calls..., January 16, 2008
Senator John McCain's heroic and inspiring wartime service in Vietnam notwithstanding, we know from personal experience he is not fit to serve as Commander-in-Chief of America's armed forces. Here is how we know this:
In mid-summer 1991, the U.S. Senate created the Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs and charged it with conducting a no-holds-barred investigation into the long-festering matter of American POWs reportedly still held captive by the Communist North Vietnamese and Pathet Lao. On the day the legislation creating the Select Committee was passed, August 2, a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll conducted nationwide showed that 69% of Americans surveyed believed that Americans were still held captive in Southeast Asia and 75% believed the U.S. government wasn't doing enough to get them home.
Following months of negotiations between the committee and a very reluctant George H. W. Bush administration, committee intelligence investigators were finally able to obtain the postwar intelligence files relating to live POWs. Committee investigators spent some 2,700 man hours vetting, analyzing and crosschecking the postwar intelligence. They found it a textbook blend of human intelligence (HUMINT); intercepts of secret enemy radio traffic (SIGINT), and images taken by unmanned reconnaissance drones and U.S. spy satellites (IMINT). The committee's intelligence investigators told the senators that collectively the intelligence indicated the North Vietnamese and Pathet Lao had held back hundreds of POWs at Operation Homecoming in 1973 and that many were still alive in captivity during the late 1980's and early 1990's.
By the time committee investigators finally began briefing the senators in secret sessions in early spring, 1992, the issue of live POWs had become, as McCain later described it, "white hot;" this not only because of intense public interest in the plight of the POWs, but also because Texas businessman and longtime POW advocate H. Ross Perot had entered the presidential race, and had done so amid press accounts that he thought President Bush was not doing enough to bring the POWs home. By late May Perot was in first place in the national polls, ahead of President Bush, who was in second place, and the presumptive Democratic nominee, Governor Bill Clinton, who was in third. What would the committee find? Might a ruling that 69% of the American people were right and that, in fact, there were live POWs still held half a world away throw the election to Perot? How could it not?
Diogenes wrote:
Why do you hate poor people and kids?
Keep stroking Mcloon's liberal cock.
What's next? I bet he is for Social Security. And how about his stand on art1sec8? I bet he thinks it applies to wheat grown and sold intrastate because it is "[regulating] Commerce ... among the several States."
Diogenes wrote:
Why do you hate poor people and kids?
Keep stroking Mcloon's liberal cock.
What's next? I bet he is for Social Security. And how about his stand on art1sec8? I bet he thinks it applies to wheat grown and sold intrastate because it is "[regulating] Commerce ... among the several States."
Shouldn't you be passing out Ron Paul for President pamphlets at the local mall or something?
The fact that the 21st century is beyond your comprehension is your problem, loser.
Message brought to you by Diogenes.
The Last American Liberal.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:this bitch is basically Cheney with tits.
Sure hate it for Plugs then. He's going to get worked like heavy bag.
I laughed. Hard.
The Republicans don't want a televised vice-presidential debate. If that happens, Biden will dice her up, without even losing his smile, and without Palin even knowing what happened.
As for Palin, Nish had it right, not Nicky. She's Dan Quayle with tits, not Cheney with tits.
War Wagon wrote:The first time I click on one of your youtube links will be the first time.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:this bitch is basically Cheney with tits.
Sure hate it for Plugs then. He's going to get worked like heavy bag.
The Republicans don't want a televised vice-presidential debate. If that happens, Biden will dice her up, without even losing his smile, and without Palin even knowing what happened.
That's what Murkowski thought.
Palin is going to rip him to shreads. And the only one's afraid of debates are The Empty Suit and his handlers. They had to veto the prospect of any town hall style debates because they can't answer tough questions from actual voters, just softballs from leftwing media types.
Message brought to you by Diogenes.
The Last American Liberal.
Murkowski got toasted by Binkley in that primary as well. That primary was more about getting rid of Murkowski than embracing Palin.
And considering that a couple of weeks before being picked she couldn't come up with her own opinion on Iraq, it's going to be her that's going to be looking like Quayle Part Duh.
“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
Diogenes wrote:
Palin is going to rip him to shreads.
Seriously - did you actually see her speech, or was it re-enacted to you by Cuda and Wags at your last pyjama party? She was like a stumbling four year-old being pushed into singing her ABCs at a thanksgiving dinner, while the rest of the table cheers her every word. It was horrific.
I doubt she'll be able to outduel a broken Furby in a debate.
“Culture. Sophistication. Genius. A little bit more than a hot dog, know what I mean?”
Diogenes wrote:
Palin is going to rip him to shreads.
Seriously - did you actually see her speech...
Yes. Of course I didn't know at the time that she was speaking from memory and improvising (the part about pitbulls and hockey moms wasn't in the text, neither is the line about Obamessiah 'parting the seas and curing the planet')because of the teleprompter malfunctioning.
That's okay. The more you losers and the twits in the media think that Slow Joe actually can keep up with her, the better she'll look when she bitchslaps him back into the last century.
Message brought to you by Diogenes.
The Last American Liberal.
No idea how she will do in the debate arena. Unlike the rest of you fukkers, I don't have a crystal ball.
Nish is right about 1 thing, sort of. The speech was tough to watch, but not because of her. It was tough to watch because of 3 bazillion partisan hacks deciding she needed a standing ovation ever other syllable.
Polls do this at every fukking speech, dems or reps, it does not matter. Just once, I'd like to see them stfu and let someone talk.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
It was a shallow and bitchy excuse for a speech. It was in fact written by a Bush speechwriter who had met her for the first time only a week before. Because of her galling lack of experinece and knowledge of any actual national issues, she will NOT BE TAKING ANY QUESTIONS from any members of the press before the election. She is now reduced to repeating verbatim the same tired cliches and platitudes prepared for her at the convention. Pathetic.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Because of her galling lack of experinece and knowledge of any actual national issues, she will NOT BE TAKING ANY QUESTIONS from any members of the press before the election.
Wanna bet?
If she is interviewed by the press before the end of the month, you stop posting until after the election.
If not, I will.
Put up or shut up, nutcase.
Message brought to you by Diogenes.
The Last American Liberal.
How about if she hires three more lawyers to deal with the MOVED UP date of the Troopergate investigation, you will admit that you are a total fraud.
The announcement of her not taking qustions was announced by the RNC yesterday. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if they desperately do whatever they can--even if that means directly contradicting themselves. They are, after all, the party of Rove--shameless liars, swift-boaters, etc. That's what they are.