Oh dear, you mean the state that's 47th in population has the most earmark dollars per person? Nevermind what Alaska contributes to the American economy and tax base, this is simply shocking news.
I am guessing they are. We are discussing a federal election after all.
So, if these are fed earmarks, 'splain to me wtf a state governor or town mayor has to do with it?
Yeah, hardy har har.
Nice KYOA job, dumbshit.
Generally speaking, federal earmarks are requested by the municipalities and states that receive them.
Tell me you knew?
According to a “summary of requests for federal appropriations” posted to her budget office’s website earlier this year, Palin requested millions of federal dollars for everything from improving recreational halibut fishing to studying the mating habits of crabs and the DNA of harbor seals.
However, "earmark reform" does not necessarily mean "get rid of earmarks". Politicians are supposed to represent their region. If money is to be got, to improve the prosperity of a region, bring home the bacon.
I think the question, debate, is how effective are some of these "pet projects" and "earmarks".
Understanding how crabs mate is .... understandable.
Diogenes wrote:
Generally speaking, federal earmarks are requested by the congressmen that receive them.
Tell me you knew?
Tis true
Then wtf is she doing bragging about it? Obviously, not only doesn't she have anything to do with it but there wasn't much reform going on.
The congressional reps can request the funds, but using them is up to the governor. And she DID cut said funds.
As far as the bridge, she spent federal money already earmarked to build an access road and upgrade the ferry system, at a fraction of the cost the bridge would have had.
Message brought to you by Diogenes.
The Last American Liberal.
Diogenes wrote:
Generally speaking, federal earmarks are requested by the congressmen that receive them.
Tell me you knew?
Tis true
Then wtf is she doing bragging about it? Obviously, not only doesn't she have anything to do with it but there wasn't much reform going on.
There wasn't any reform going on and she did have something to do with the request for earmarks. These projects, particularly the millions of dollars of earmarks she obtained for Wasilla, don't just hatch in the brains of Congressmen and Senators. They are proposed to members by local officals. Local officals like Sara Palin who abused the earmark process to the tune of thousands of dollars per taxpayer so that the citizens of Wasilla would have a state of the art place to play hockey and basketball.
Diogenes wrote:I'm pretty sure Ted Stevens and Don Young had nothing to do with your retarded graph
No, they had a lot to do with it. Considering that Palin was a Director of the Ted Stevens Excellence in Public Service, Inc. (is there an irony smily big enough for that one?), I'd say she was just about neck deep into Alaska's culture of political corruption.
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."
—Earl Sinclair
"I do have respect for authority even though I throw jelly dicks at them.
Get with the program. Obama is about Change. He's proven himself time and time again as capable of making the tough decisions. Do you know how difficult it is to stick your finger in the wind to see which way it's blowing and organize an entire community in that direction ?
Sheesh. Mix in some respect for the future CEO of the country.
Get with the program. Obama is about Change. He's proven himself time and time again as capable of making the tough decisions. Do you know how difficult it is to stick your finger in the wind to see which way it's blowing and organize an entire community in that direction ?
You mean like how he came out against the war in Iraq back when the war had a 60+ percent approval rating?
How about when he faced down Hillary on the wildly popular but totally gimmicky gas tax "holiday"?
Or what about his stance on Pakistan that was a full half year ahead of the current political orthodoxy?
Sheesh. Mix in some respect for the future CEO of the country.
At least Biden was honest enough (for a change) to admit he isn't qualified.
You mean as opposed to Palin, who won't come out from behind her handlers?
You've raised kids, worked hard, smart as a tack, own a house with a pool. Mikey, is a Good Man. I just pictured you, an older, mature man - telling SFF ....
"My Vice President can beat up YOUR Vice President".
BSmack wrote:You mean like how he came out against the war in Iraq back when the war had a 60+ percent approval rating?
He was wrong then. He was wrong about the surge. He's never stopped being wrong on the issue.
The "surge" isn't even over yet. And it won't be over until Bush leaves office.
Why? Because the political reconciliation between Sunni and Shia has still not happened.
Lowering taxes (even temporarily) is a "gimmick"? Good job underscoring one of the main reasons why Oshitskin is doomed to failure.
Taxes used to fund highway maintenance are not taxes that should be cut. Does the I-35 bridge mean anything to you?
He wasn't ahead of shit. His remarks were indiscrete and infuriating to a key ally in this war. He said nothing that wasn't already being done in a more quiet, low key manner. Typical lib, though. Piss on our allies and suck off our enemies.
With friends like Pakistan, who needs enemies. Typical fucking delusional neocon though. Piss on yourself while mistaking enemies for friends.
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."
—Earl Sinclair
"I do have respect for authority even though I throw jelly dicks at them.
BSmack wrote:
With friends like Pakistan, who needs enemies. Typical fucking delusional neocon though. Piss on yourself while mistaking enemies for friends.
Sirfindafold wrote:At least Biden was honest enough (for a change) to admit he isn't qualified.
You mean as opposed to Palin, who won't come out from behind her handlers?
You've raised kids, worked hard, smart as a tack, own a house with a pool. Mikey, is a Good Man. I just pictured you, an older, mature man - telling SFF ....
"My Vice President can beat up YOUR Vice President".
Thanks for the laugh.
For the record, My VP can beat up Mikey's VP.
Message brought to you by Diogenes.
The Last American Liberal.
mvscal wrote:
You say that as if there is only one game being played in Pakistan. There are dozens of different ethnic, political and religious factions in the mix. It far from a unified country. The tribal areas are essentially independent for all intents and purposes.
Your country can barely get it's head around simpleminded good vs. evil twaddle.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote:
Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.