Omnibus Obamessiah meltdown thread.

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Omnibus Obamessiah meltdown thread.

Post by Diogenes »

So his main claim to leadership skills is a job he considered useless?

South Side Veterans for Truth
September 8, 2008

Last week we wrote that " 'community organizer' is to Barack Obama what 'war hero' was to John Kerry." We didn't know the half of it.

Kerry staked his claim to the presidency on the pretense that he was a war hero, notwithstanding his showy repudiation decades earlier of the war and his fellow veterans. According to a new exposé in the liberal New Republic, Obama, before embarking on a career in politics, similarly, albeit quietly, repudiated "community organizing," only to re-embrace it decades later, apparently out of political expediency.

TNR's John Judis tracked down Jerry Kellman, who in 1985 "hired Obama to organize residents of Chicago's South Side." Kellman describes a conversation the two "community organizers" had at a conference on "social justice" in October 1987:

"[Obama] wanted to marry and have children, and to have a stable income," Kellman recalls.

But Obama was also worried about something else. He told Kellman that he feared community organizing would never allow him "to make major changes in poverty or discrimination." To do that, he said, "you either had to be an elected official or be influential with elected officials." In other words, Obama believed that his chosen profession was getting him nowhere, or at least not far enough. . . .

And so, Obama told Kellman, he had decided to leave community organizing and go to law school.

Another way of putting this might be that Obama left community organizing because he wanted a job in which he had actual responsibilities (and, of course, earned more money).

But Obama did not decide only that "community organizing" was not for him. Judis reports the future senator took part in a September 1989 symposium in which he "rejected the guiding principles of community organizing: the elevation of self-interest over moral vision; the disdain for charismatic leaders and their movements; and the suspicion of politics itself." Later, Obama "would begin to construct a political identity for himself that was not simply different from his identity as a community organizer--but was, in fact, its very opposite."

Judis offers the closest thing we've heard to a job description for "community organizers." What they do, he writes, is "unite people of different backgrounds around common goals and use their collective strength to wring concessions from the powers that be." To help illuminate this rather vague description, Judis also enumerates some of the tasks Obama and his colleagues undertook.

Before Obama's arrival in Chicago, Kellman and his "partner," Mike Kruglik, set out "to revive the region's manufacturing base--and preserve what remained of its steel industry--by working with unions and church groups to pressure companies and the city; but those hopes were quickly dashed." Apparently the presence of "community organizers" is not a strong selling point for companies making location decisions. Go figure.

Obama set his sights lower, but still missed the mark. He "got community members to demand a job center that would provide job referrals, but there were few jobs to distribute." Then "he tried to create what he called a 'second-level consumer economy' . . . consisting of shops, restaurants, and theaters. This, too, went nowhere."

These efforts at economic development having failed, Obama "began to focus on providing social services for Altgeld Gardens," a government-owned and -operated apartment complex:

"We didn't yet have the power to change state welfare policy, or create local jobs, or bring substantially more money into the schools," [Obama] wrote. "But what we could do was begin to improve basic services at Altgeld--get the toilets fixed, the heaters working, the windows repaired." Obama helped the residents wage a successful campaign to get the Chicago Housing Authority to promise to remove asbestos from the units; but, after an initial burst of activity, the city failed to keep its promise. (As of last year, some residences still had not been cleared of asbestos.)

It is both funny and scary that one of America's major political parties would offer this record of sheer futility as its nominee's chief qualification to be president of the United States. Even more striking, though, is how alien the world in which Obama operated was by comparison with the world in which normal Americans live.

Reader, when your toilet breaks, do you wait around for some Ivy League hotshot to show up and organize a meeting so that you can use your collective strength to wring concessions from the powers that be?

Or do you call a plumber?

As a "community organizer," Obama toiled within a subculture of such abject dependency that even home repairs were "social services," provided by government (or, in Obama's Chicago, not provided). It was an utterly bizarre intersection between the cultural elite and the underclass. By Judis's account, Obama's Columbia degree was useless. He would have been more helpful if he'd gone to vocational school instead.

Judis quotes an Altgeld resident as telling Obama, "Ain't nothing gonna change. . . . We just gonna concentrate on saving our money so we can move outta here as fast as we can." Certainly no one can fault Obama for doing the same thing. But what did Obama move outta there to do? To become a politician--specifically, an "idealistic" politician who wants "to make major changes in poverty." Guys like that created this mess in the first place.

In his political career, has Obama done or even said anything to suggest that he has a different approach to "poverty," one that would reduce dependency rather than promote it? His recent rediscovery of the glories of "community organizing" certainly isn't an encouraging sign. ... +Web+Today
Last edited by Diogenes on Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Diogenes »

Obamanation's mentor speaks out.

In a tedious pendantic sort of way...

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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »




Grasp away, idiot.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Diogenes »

A little sports metaphor for those of you still remaining clueless.
McPalin rattles Team Obama
The Democratic ticket finds itself trapped by a McCain-Palin double-team.
Jonah Goldberg
September 9, 2008

Barack Obama, a famous fan of pickup basketball, must recognize his plight: It's two on one now. John McCain drafted Gov. Sarah Palin, the star point guard from the Wasilla Warriors, to double-team Obama.

(McCain's team doesn't care if no one covers Joe Biden, who seems to spend most of his time yelling to the media, "I'm open! I'm open!" But when he gets the ball, all he does is talk about what a great player he is and dribble in place.)

So after the halftime show of the political conventions, to strain the sports metaphor a bit further, it looks as if the change-up in strategy has Team Obama rattled and in danger of choking. Polls -- the closest thing we have to a scoreboard -- show that McCain, at least temporarily, has taken the lead. The Real Clear Politics average of national polls since Friday shows McCain ahead by a razor-thin (and statistically meaningless) 2.9 percentage points. The USA Today-Gallup poll has McCain leading by a whopping 10 points among likely voters (and four points among registered voters), though that's almost surely an overstatement.

The McCain-Palin convention bounce also all but closed the ticket's gender gap. According to Rasmussen, Obama had a 14-point lead among women; now it's three. According to the latest ABC/Washington Post poll, McCain now has a 12-point lead among white women.

Still, there's a lot of pressure on Sarah Barracuda. Called up from the political minors, she could yet wilt under the hot lights. But that's looking less and less likely.

The outrageous attacks on Palin out of the block (She banned books! She opposed family planning education! She's a creationist!) have missed the mark. And the eagerness of the mainstream media to go after her family life has backfired as well. For instance, the Washington Post's Hanna Rosin wrote sneeringly in Slate magazine of Palin's "wreck of a home life." Would Slate say that Obama, conceived out of wedlock to a teen mom, comes from a "wreck" of a family? I somehow doubt it.

Palin's more sober critics, mostly on the right, worried that picking her would undermine McCain's claim to "experience." Almost the exact opposite has happened. Thanks to the double-team strategy, Obama has found himself in the awkward position of sounding as if he's running against the GOP's vice presidential nominee. When Obama compared his own experience to Palin's tenure as mayor of Wasilla (leaving out her current job as governor), he ran right into the pick the McCain campaign had set, leaving McCain a clearer path to victory.

The more Obama has to explain why being a community organizer -- or a state legislator, or a one-term senator with few accomplishments under his belt -- is better preparation for the presidency than being a mayor or governor, the more he volunteers his own shortcomings when compared with McCain.

Besides, on paper, Obama doesn't stand up very well against Palin. All of the mythic themes of Obama's political narrative -- the ethics reformer, the bipartisan, the new kind of politician -- all look like press-release material next to Palin's accomplishments. Obama voted the Democratic Party line more often (97%) than McCain voted in accord with President Bush (90%). In Washington, Obama's supposedly "sweeping" ethics reform -- which forces congressmen to eat lobbyist-provided meals standing up instead of sitting down -- and his feckless reforms in Illinois make him look the Bambi to Palin's Godzilla.

Obama's idea of ethics reform is to mandate clean sheets in the brothel. Palin's is to tear it down.

The most unsportsmanlike conduct in the days to come will be the search for Palin gaffes, of which there undoubtedly will be many. The media will call fouls on her that they never call on the other candidates. Over the last week, Obama misspoke and referred to his "Muslim faith" on ABC's "This Week" and told a rally how excited he was to be in "New Pennsylvania." Perhaps that's one of the 57 states he once claimed to campaign in?

And let's not forget Biden, whose gaffes are the unavoidable byproduct of his limitless gasbaggery. Biden could shout on "Meet the Press," "Get these squirrels off of me!" and the collective response would be, "There goes Joe again." But if Palin flubs the name of the deputy agriculture minister of Kyrgyzstan, the media will blow their whistles saying she's unprepared for the job.

Fair or not, that's how it works in the pros. But so far, it still looks as if the MVP title is hers to lose. ... 687.column
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Wolfman »

I've never seen anything like the circus that came from the left when soon to be POTUS John McCain named his running mate. Never ever saw any political party get their BVD's in such a bunch over the choice of a VP. The only time that might be
close was when Ike (not the hurricane for you young folks) chose an obscure Congressman from California to run with him.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Wolfman wrote:I've never seen anything like the circus that came from the left when soon to be POTUS John McCain named his running mate. Never ever saw any political party get their BVD's in such a bunch over the choice of a VP. The only time that might be
close was when Ike (not the hurricane for you young folks) chose an obscure Congressman from California to run with him.
I can't wait to hear your thrilling personal experience of having been witness to the Teapot-Dome Scandal...

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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Diogenes »

Barry pushing for the women's vote...
'You Can Put Lipstick on a Pig, But It's Still a Pig'

September 09, 2008 6:10 PM

LEBANON, Va. -- "That's not change," Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., said of what Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is offering.

"You know, you can put lipstick on a pig," Obama said, "but it's still a pig."

The crowd rose and applauded, some of them no doubt thinking he may have been alluding to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's ad lib during her vice presidential nomination acceptance speech last week, "What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? Lipstick."

"You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called 'change,'" Obama continued, "it's still gonna stink after eight years.

"We’ve had enough of the same old thing! It’s time to bring about real change to Washington. And that’s the choice you’ve got in this election."

Obama added that "it is not going to be easy ... John McCain has a compelling biography, you know Sarah Palin is an interesting story."

The crowd booed.

"No, she’s new!" Obama said. "She hasn’t been on the scene, you know, she’s got five kids and my hat goes off to anybody who’s looking after five. I’ve got two and they tire Michelle and me out!"

-- Jake Tapper and Sunlen Miller

UPDATE: Obama senior adviser Robert Gibbs insists the senator was not referring to Palin. "That's an old expression," Gibbs says.
This should play well with the PUMA folks.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Wolfman »

Go fuck yourself Mar-Tard !

I've forgotten more about US history than you'll ever remember. Then again, I probably should feel sorry for someone with such little intellectual capacity.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Diogenes »

And Slow Joe Can't keep from making an ass out of himself either...
I hear all this talk about how the Republicans are going to work in dealing with parents who have both the joy, because there's joy to it as well, the joy and the difficulty of raising a child who has a developmental disability, who were born with a birth defect. Well guess what folks? If you care about it, why don't you support stem cell research? ... NlMzkwMzI=

I knew these fuckers were stupid but this is getting ridiculous.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Mikey »

Wolfman wrote:Go fuck yourself Mar-Tard !

I've forgotten more about US history than you'll ever remember. Then again, I probably should feel sorry for someone with such little intellectual capacity.
You've forgotten just about everything you ever knew, in fact.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Mississippi Neck »

Wolfman wrote:I've never seen anything like the circus that came from the left when soon to be POTUS John McCain named his running mate. Never ever saw any political party get their BVD's in such a bunch over the choice of a VP. The only time that might be
close was when Ike (not the hurricane for you young folks) chose an obscure Congressman from California to run with him.
Is that really a comparison one would use? I dont remember Nixon turning out so good. COurse you were there I wasnt :mrgreen:
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Diogenes »

Mississippi Neck wrote:
Wolfman wrote:I've never seen anything like the circus that came from the left when soon to be POTUS John McCain named his running mate. Never ever saw any political party get their BVD's in such a bunch over the choice of a VP. The only time that might be
close was when Ike (not the hurricane for you young folks) chose an obscure Congressman from California to run with him.
Is that really a comparison one would use?
The reason they were so bitter and hysterical was his role in bringing down their man Alger Hiss.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Diogenes »

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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Cuda »

Diogenes wrote:
The reason they were so bitter and hysterical was his role in bringing down their man Alger Hiss.
Nixon's first big-sin was to defeat the Pink Lady, Helen Gahagan Douglas, in the 1950 California Senate race. He was a doomed from that point on. Nailing Hiss was merely fuel to the fire.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by stuckinia »

It seems "community organizer" is just evil Republican code for mvscal, at least according to NY Gov. David Paterson.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Diogenes »

stuckinia wrote:It seems "community organizer" is just evil Republican code for mvscal, at least according to NY Gov. David Paterson.

Damn. I thought it meant useless POS.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Tom In VA »

So Obama dismisses "community organizers" and it's okay. Conservative leaning press dismisses them and it's racist.


Duly noted.

Things are shaping up to be a real fun four years.

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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Mikey »

Tom In VA wrote:So Obama dismisses "community organizers" and it's okay.
He didn't. But when did that ever matter?
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Tom In VA »

First, I got the word wrong - the thread says "disses". The context of the article indicates he "dissed" them. Whether or not he did is a matter of perception. He's certainly arrogant enough to "diss" people and has in the past - many times.

Actually it does matter - if he did it - he's arrogant. If he didn't, it's misrepresenting facts and I hate that tactic.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Mikey »

It seems to me that he didn't diss, dismiss or repudiate community organizers. Remember that he was a young man, just out of college at this point. He decided that he personally could accomplish more by going on to law school.

Wanting to marry and have children is not a diss, dismissal or repudiation of community organizers, as far as I know. He wanted to make "major changes in poverty and discrimination". He saw a different role for himself, working toward the same eventual goals. He took the path where he thought he could have the greatest effect. I don't see any dissing, dismissing or repudiation of other community organizers anywhere in this article. It's a complete piece of trash, trying to twist a career move that Obama made into something that it wasn't.

I was an electrician for 5 years. I quit to finish my engineering degree. Does that mean that I've dissed, dismissed or repuditaed electricians? I don't think so. Do you?

Who posted this steaming pile of bullshit anyway? Oh yeah, so I'm not really that surprised.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Diogenes »

But Obama did not decide only that "community organizing" was not for him. Judis reports the future senator took part in a September 1989 symposium in which he "rejected the guiding principles of community organizing: the elevation of self-interest over moral vision; the disdain for charismatic leaders and their movements; and the suspicion of politics itself." Later, Obama "would begin to construct a political identity for himself that was not simply different from his identity as a community organizer--but was, in fact, its very opposite."
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by RadioFan »

Mikey wrote:I was an electrician for 5 years. I quit to finish my engineering degree. Does that mean that I've dissed, dismissed or repuditaed electricians? I don't think so. Do you?
Why do you hate electricity?
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

RadioFan wrote:
Mikey wrote:I was an electrician for 5 years. I quit to finish my engineering degree. Does that mean that I've dissed, dismissed or repuditaed electricians? I don't think so. Do you?
Why do you hate electricity?
I wish electricity would hate Wolfwank's computer...
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Diogenes »

Great article, but a tad long.

Some exerpts...

Autumn Angst: Dems fret about Obama
Polls showing McCain tied or even ahead of Obama are stirring angst among some of the Democratic Party’s most experienced operatives.

Polls showing John McCain tied or even ahead of Barack Obama are stirring angst and second-guessing among some of the Democratic Party’s most experienced operatives, who worry that Obama squandered opportunities over the summer and may still be underestimating his challenges this fall.

“It’s more than an increased anxiety,” said Doug Schoen, who worked as one of Bill Clinton’s lead pollsters during his 1996 reelection and has worked for both Democrats and independents in recent years. “It’s a palpable frustration. Deep-seated unease in the sense that the message has gotten away from them.”

Joe Trippi, a consultant behind Howard Dean’s flash-in-the-pan presidential campaign in 2004 and John Edwards’ race in 2008, said the Obama campaign was slow to recognize how the selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as McCain’s running mate would change the dynamic of the race.

“They were set up to run ‘experience versus change,’ what they had run [against Hillary] Clinton,” Trippi said. “And I think Palin clearly moved that to be change [and] reform, versus change. They are adjusting to that and that threw them off balance a little bit.”

A major Democratic fundraiser described it a good bit more starkly after digesting the polls of recent days: “I’m so depressed. It’s happening again. It’s a nightmare.”
That shift in the public’s perception of the issues, in Democratic pollster Celinda Lake’s words, “tremendously concerns me.”

Lake joined other Democratic veterans, some speaking not for attribution, in emphasizing a classic liberal woe: that the Democrat let the Republican define him.

“Obama needed to define himself,” Lake said. “I do think that during the Democratic convention we should have done a better job of defining McCain.”

Steve Rosenthal, a veteran field organizer for Democrats and organized labor, said that some entrenched Democratic vulnerabilities never receded this year. And in his view, Palin has reawakened those liberal weaknesses.

“For some white, working-class voters who don’t want to vote for Barack Obama but weren’t sure about McCain, Palin gave them a good reason to take another look and consider supporting McCain,” Rosenthal said.
Asked if partisans in his state are worried, New Jersey Democratic Chairman Joseph Cryan responded: “Absolutely, absolutely. It’s a ‘sit up straight and listen’ kind of thing.’”
There are also some doubters, by the way, about whether it is wise to be trying to expand the national playing field as broadly as Obama is seeking to — as opposed to putting chips on a select number of undoubted swing states.

“Their 50-state strategy is insanity,” said Schoen. “If they don’t use their financial advantage where they need it most,” he said, citing states from Ohio to Nevada, “and put every thing there and blow it out, they are at deep risk of losing.”

Forgetting the lessons of 1992: One of the certainties of American politics is that it is hard for Democrats to win presidential elections without a deep connection to Main Street values and economics
Yet still, the Obama campaign seems to be struggling to find a consistent, cohesive economic message. One can understand why aides would not want to muddy his mantra of change and his image as a post-partisan, revolutionary figure. But blue-collar voters in Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia and Michigan likely won’t vote for Obama because of some meta-narrative or a series of fabulous speeches.

“The [Obama] campaign is beginning to look like other campaigns,” said a former top strategist for past Democratic presidential campaigns, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “Obama is struggling with working-class whites just like John Kerry, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Michael Dukakis did, and Walter Mondale. He’s struggling with voters in the border-state South. And he’s struggling with an enormous wind at his back, a hatred for George Bush and a mainstream media that is little short of a chorus for his campaign.
The Expectations Game: Anyone who thinks the presidential election should be a layup for Obama should remember that Democrats have broken the 50 percent barrier in presidential elections only twice since 1944.

Did Obama himself forget?

Even if he didn’t, he let a narrative take hold in the news media and among many of his own supporters that led to expectations that he should be far ahead, leading to disappointment when he isn’t.

“A lot of Democratic elites thought this was a slam-dunk. And I thought, no it’s not,” said Lake, the pollster. “People in this town were already measuring drapes. And I was thinking, have you been in the real world lately?

“If you have been involved in campaigns, you thought it was going to be close for a year,” she added. “And I think a lot of Democratic elites are waking up to that.”
The more Obamessiah talks, the more his alcolytes fret. And every time Sarah Palin speaks, he and they blow another gasket. And every smear they throw out makes them look more pathetic and stupid. Rightfully so.

Just reading this site over the last two weeks makes that obvious. And it's worse (for him and them, better for America and the world) out there.

Keep up the good work, losers.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Diogenes »

WARNING>>>>>>>This Message Brought To You By The Source Of All Evil<<<<<<<WARNING

Obama Can't Win Against Palin
By KARL ROVE September 11, 2008

Of all the advantages Gov. Sarah Palin has brought to the GOP ticket, the most important may be that she has gotten into Barack Obama's head. How else to explain Sen. Obama's decision to go one-on-one against "Sarah Barracuda," captain of the Wasilla High state basketball champs?

It's a matchup he'll lose. If Mr. Obama wants to win, he needs to remember he's running against John McCain for president, not Mrs. Palin for vice president.

Michael Dukakis spent the last months of the 1988 campaign calling his opponent's running mate, Dan Quayle, a risky choice and even ran a TV ad blasting Mr. Quayle. The Bush/Quayle ticket carried 40 states.

Adlai Stevenson spent the fall of 1952 bashing Dwight Eisenhower's running mate, Richard Nixon, calling him "the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, and then mount the stump and make a speech for conservation." The Republican ticket carried 39 of 48 states.

If Mr. Obama keeps attacking Mrs. Palin, he could suffer the fate of his Democratic predecessors. These assaults highlight his own tissue-thin résumé, waste precious time better spent reassuring voters he is up for the job, and diminish him -- not her.

Consider Mr. Obama's response to CNN's Anderson Cooper, who asked him about Republican claims that Mrs. Palin beats him on executive experience. Mr. Obama responded by comparing Wasilla's 50 city workers with his campaign's 2,500 employees and dismissed its budget of about $12 million a year by saying "we have a budget of about three times that just for the month." He claimed his campaign "made clear" his "ability to manage large systems and to execute."

Of course, this ignores the fact that Mrs. Palin is now governor. She manages an $11 billion operating budget, a $1.7 billion capital expenditure budget, and nearly 29,000 full- and part-time state employees. In two years as governor, she's vetoed over $499 million from Alaska's capital budget -- more money than Mr. Obama is likely to spend on his entire campaign.

And Mr. Obama is not running his campaign's day-to-day operation. His manager, David Plouffe, assisted by others, makes the decisions about the $335 million the campaign has spent. Even if Mr. Obama is his own campaign manager, does that qualify him for president?

A debate between Mr. Obama and Mrs. Palin over executive experience also isn't smart politics for Democrats. As Mr. Obama talks down Mrs. Palin's record, voters may start comparing backgrounds. He won't come off well.

Then there was Mr. Obama's blast Saturday about Mrs. Palin's record on earmarks. He went at her personally, saying, "you been taking all these earmarks when it is convenient and then suddenly you are the champion anti-earmark person."

It's true. Mrs. Palin did seek earmarks as Wasilla's mayor. But as governor, she ratcheted down the state's requests for federal dollars, telling the legislature last year Alaska "cannot and must not rely so heavily on federal government earmarks." Her budget chief directed state agencies to reduce earmark requests to only "the most compelling needs" with "a strong national purpose," explaining to reporters "we really want to skinny it down."

Mr. Obama has again started a debate he can't win. As senator, he has requested nearly $936 million in earmarks, ratcheting up his requests each year he's been in the Senate. If voters dislike earmarks -- and they do -- they may conclude Mrs. Palin cut them, while Mr. Obama grabs for more each year.

Mr. Obama may also pay a price for his "lipstick on a pig" comment. The last time the word "lipstick" showed up in this campaign was during Mrs. Palin's memorable ad-lib in her acceptance speech. Mr. Obama says he didn't mean to aim the comment at Mrs. Palin, but he deserves all the negative flashback he gets from the snarky aside.

Sen. Joe Biden has now joined the attack on Mrs. Palin, saying this week that her views on issues show she's "obviously a backwards step for women." This is a mistake. Mr. Obama is already finding it difficult to win over independent women and Hillary Clinton voters. If it looks like he's going out of his way to attack Mrs. Palin, these voters may conclude it's because he has a problem with strong women.

In Denver two weeks ago, Mr. Obama said, "If you don't have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from." That's what he's trying to do, only the object of his painting is Sarah Palin, not John McCain.

In Mrs. Palin, Mr. Obama faces a political phenomenon who has altered the election's dynamics. Americans have rarely seen someone who immediately connects with large numbers of voters at such a visceral level. Mrs. Palin may be the first vice presidential candidate since Lyndon B. Johnson to change an election's outcome. If Mr. Obama keeps attacking her, the odds of Gov. Palin becoming Vice President Palin increase significantly.

Mr. Rove is a former senior adviser and deputy chief of staff to President George W. Bush. ... columnists
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Diogenes »

Barry, Sam Kinison say's you're a fucking asshole....
If Only Sam Kinison Met Barack Obama
By Mark Hyman
Published 9/11/2008 12:07:38 AM

When he was a rising young comedian in the 1980s, the late Sam Kinison did a sketch on the topic of starving children in Africa. His routine usually went along the lines of the following:

"I'm like anyone else on this planet. I'm very moved by world hunger. I see the same commercials, with those little kids, starving, and very depressed. I watch those kids and I go, '[Heck], I know the film crew could give this kid a sandwich.'"

Kinison's comedic play on the situation was that the commercial film crew likely had enough food and water to end the child's hunger. Yet, they did not. Kinison's routine came to mind when I read the story of George Hussein Onyango Obama in the Italian version of Vanity Fair magazine. Barack Obama's mother and father had at least nine children between the two of them. George, the offspring of Barack Obama, Sr. and a woman who was the fourth to bear the senior Obama's children, is the youngest of Senator Obama's siblings. Obama, Sr. is known to have fathered eight children with four different women: Kezia, Stanley Ann (Obama, Jr.'s mother), Ruth and Jael. According to Senator Obama's 1995 memoirs, his father had children with Kezia both before and after Barack, Jr. was born to Stanley Ann.

The title of the Vanity Fair article screamed "Barack Obama's 'lost' brother found in Kenya," implying that the young man, aged 26, had been missing. However, this does not appear to have been the case. George was not missing. He simply dropped out of sight.

THE VERY EXISTENCE of George Obama was not a mystery to the Democratic presidential candidate. The Illinois Senator wrote of meeting his youngest half-brother during his first trip to Kenya in 1988. Barack described George as "a handsome, roundheaded boy" and "that if he ever came to me I would be there for him."

According to George, the two did not meet up again until Obama's third trip to Kenya in August 2006. It was during that trip that Obama campaigned on behalf of Raila Odinga, who was challenging Kenya's incumbent president. George described the 2006 meeting. "It was very brief. We spoke for just a few minutes. It was like meeting a complete stranger."

According to George, he is subsisting on less than one dollar a month, which raises the question of why hasn't Senator Obama given some -- even minimal -- financial support to his brother? Sure, it is possible Obama did offer support and George turned him down. That is the excuse we can likely expect from the Obama camp. Yet such an answer would not seem plausible given the circumstances.

Obama's campaign website is replete with phrases such as "it's time for America to be seen as a global leader," "I will lead the world to combat...poverty," and "we also have a collective responsibility to...give every family the chance that so many of our parents and grandparents had. This... [is] a responsibility I intend to take very seriously as President."

The age-old phrase is that charity begins at home. Yet, the man who received a multi-million dollar book deal, whose 2007 family income was $4.2 million, and whose political donor base is two million strong, apparently has not reached out to a brother who is literally living in six by nine foot shack on the outskirts of Nairobi.

NO ONE NECESSARILY expects Senator Obama to buy George a multi-million dollar mansion next to his own in the exclusive Hyde Park neighborhood in Chicago, but isn't it reasonable to expect that Obama would at least send a few hundred dollars to his brother? According to the UN, the average annual income in Kenya is just under $600. For a mere $2,000, Senator Obama could immediately elevate his half-brother into Kenya's upper income ranks. And while Obama has not given any money to his brother George, he gave more than $26,000 to the Reverend Jeremiah Wright's church last year.

George is not the only brother in possible financial difficulties. According to Britain's the Sun newspaper, another Obama brother may be in need of assistance. Bernard Obama, a 37-year old practicing Muslim who is the son of Kezia, is living in a "council house" with his mother in a suburb west of London. A "council house" is English lingo for public housing.

The Democratic presidential contender continually repeats the themes of empathy, service and sacrifice. He claims a personal history of "seeking to improve living conditions in poor neighborhoods." Yet, Barack Obama does not practice what he preaches when it comes to his very own family. One can only imagine what Sam Kinison would have said about this turn of events.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Dr_Phibes »

quit spamming you stupid mong
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Diogenes wrote: Yet, Barack Obama does not practice what he preaches when it comes to his very own family.
I must have missed the part where his family stuck their hands out for money.

You see, like a true capitalist, he is allowing them to "pull themselves up by their own bootstraps".

kcdave would be proud.
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Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

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Dr_Phibes wrote:

STFU, useless takeless Canadian bitch.

Okay, that was redundant.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

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Buddy, more ice...more mix...and try to pace yourself.
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Dr_Phibes »

you've got to wonder what sort of personal upheaval brought this on...
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Dr_Phibes wrote:you've got to wonder what sort of personal upheaval brought this on...
1. Self-loathing

2. His natural Jewish self-preservation instinct

3. Years of pop-psych torture from his hipster, atheist, Trotskyite parents. You just know they bought every crackpot child rearing manual and fucked his head up with them.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Diogenes »

"All politics is personal"?

Maybe for you Canadian losers.

Damn, redundant again.

I just figured with leftist dumbfucks creating a dozen we hate Sarah Palin threads up in CdS, we could use one thread here to remind you losers of the hypocrisy, stupidity and general suckitude that is The One.

You're welcome.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Diogenes wrote:...The One.

Save your bullshit, boogeyman, "Left Behind", campfire ghost stories for the noodle-dicked, goy dupes in your own shitty Theology Forum.

I'm sure you can hold a flashlight under your chin to really scare batterychucka when when you tell them.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Diogenes »

Martyred wrote:
Diogenes wrote:...The One.

Save your bullshit, boogeyman, "Left Behind", campfire ghost stories for the noodle-dicked, goy dupes in your own shitty Theology Forum.

I'm sure you can hold a flashlight under your chin to really scare batterychucka when when you tell them.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by BSmack »

This thread loads a lot faster when Tardogenes posts are blocked.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

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BSmack wrote:Diogenes is so in my dome.
You're welcome, loser.
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Re: Obama disses community organizers...

Post by Goober McTuber »

BSmack wrote:This thread loads a lot faster when Tardogenes posts are blocked.
A lot of threads do. They read much better as well.
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The more this retard talks, the better McCain looks.

Keep up the good work, moron.

Obama Implies McCain Puts Other Countries First

September 12, 2008 4:05 PM

A pretty scathing charge from Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., this morning as he spoke to the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers and assailed Sen. John McCain's, R-Ariz., position on free trade.

"Just ask the machinists in Pennsylvania who build Harley-Davidsons," Obama said of McCain's record. "Because John McCain didn’t just oppose the requirement that the government buy American-made motorcycles, he called Buy American provisions 'disgraceful.' Just ask the workers across this country who have seen their jobs outsourced. The very companies that shipped their jobs overseas have been rewarded with billions of dollars in tax breaks that John McCain supports and plans to continue.

"So, when American workers hear John McCain talking about putting 'Country First,'" Obama said, "it’s fair to ask –- which country?"

Um ... isn't that pretty much the dictionary definition of questioning someone's patriotism?

- jpt
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