planning begins for Bush war crimes prosecution

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Re: planning begins for Bush war crimes prosecution

Post by Tom In VA »

This is the way it's supposed to go down, jsc.

Trust me, the destruction of this country as we know it, is imminent. It's like trying to stop an avalanche.

The LaRouche canvaseer, Alex Jones, The "Truthers", and of course Republicrats and Demopublicans are making sure of it.


The argument used to be, "Well people work for corporations and have investements tied up in them". Bullshit. People get laid off, AMERICAN WORKERS, get laid off corporations AND CORPORATE PROTECTIONS SCAMS allow them to WEASEL OUT OF PAYING DIVIDENDS TO RETIREES.


Work towards self sustenance, grow your own food, be able to make unpotable water usable, PROTECT YOURSELF - THEY ARE COMING FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.



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Re: planning begins for Bush war crimes prosecution

Post by Felix »

I'm locked and loaded bro

the next time Charles Nelson Reilly shows up on a Match Game rerun, I'm going to blow that fucker to smithereens
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Re: planning begins for Bush war crimes prosecution

Post by Adelpiero »

Felix wrote:
I'm locked and loaded bro

the next time Charles Nelson Reilly shows up on a Match Game rerun, I'm going to blow that fucker to smithereens
speaking of match game, my first wack off was to brett, rhett, whatever that bifocal bitches name was. i imagined laying a layer of "turtle Car Wax" on those focals.
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Re: planning begins for Bush war crimes prosecution

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Sure, I'm working on the "umbrella" Coordinating Committee :D And I say it's raining bullshit!

Of course it would be great to arrest the unelected criminal cabal and duly put them on trial. Because that's supposedly the standard to which we hold ourselves as civilized modern world citizens. Like the (duly elected!!) Nazis, these war-freak corporate plunderers have committed very serious crimes resulting in world wide political and economic catastrophe. And of course they should be hanged. As for the Islamic fundamentalists, I've ALWAYS called for their elimination. Same with hardline Christers and Zionists, but for some reason we are lead to make a distinction. But attacking nations on some "Bush Doctrine" is as suicidal as the Leman Brothers business plan of the past six months!!

So, keep me posted on how those warrants are being served, etc. :)
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Re: planning begins for Bush war crimes prosecution

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Drinking in the daytime, again, babs?

Link what up? Are you suggesting I've ever offered a hint of sympathy for Islam, let alone fundamentalists of any religion?

What are you even talking about? Because the real issue of war crimes by the Cheney/Chimp cabal is raised, you automatically attempt to change the subject? And do so by falsely comparing our standards to those of criminals? As though because Al Qaeda cuts off prisoners heads, so can we? What pathetic Rovian crap you spew pretty much every time you set your little piggy fingers on the keys.
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Re: planning begins for Bush war crimes prosecution

Post by Felix »

Adelpiero wrote:
wack off was to brett, rhett, whatever that bifocal bitches name was. i imagined laying a layer of "turtle Car Wax" on those focals.
and here all along I thought I was the only one

glad to know there are similarly deranged people out there
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Re: planning begins for Bush war crimes prosecution

Post by BSmack »

Adelpiero wrote:speaking of match game, my first wack off was to brett, rhett, whatever that bifocal bitches name was. i imagined laying a layer of "turtle Car Wax" on those focals.
Brett Somers? THIS Brett Somers?


I think I just threw up in my mouth.
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Re: planning begins for Bush war crimes prosecution

Post by Mr. Schwump »

Have a bag of Cheetos Bri--you'll feel better !
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Re: planning begins for Bush war crimes prosecution

Post by War Wagon »

Felix wrote:
Adelpiero wrote:
wack off was to brett, rhett, whatever that bifocal bitches name was. i imagined laying a layer of "turtle Car Wax" on those focals.
and here all along I thought I was the only one

glad to know there are similarly deranged people out there
Someone should start a poll:

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CreamedJeans x

Last I checked, addled never started a thread advertising FREE Dungver Mule tickets to whomever would submit an entry to an internet chloroform writing contest.

Nor, to my knowledge, has addled ever posed as a chick on a message board, ala Ms. Demeanor.

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Re: planning begins for Bush war crimes prosecution

Post by Felix »

ah, wagsypoo got his feelings hurt...I suppose now I can anticipate more of these type tantrums for the next few weeks

sorry about that...but maybe next time you'll think before making a total ass of yourself
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Re: planning begins for Bush war crimes prosecution

Post by PSUFAN »

"Should we burn them, bury them, or dump them?"
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Re: planning begins for Bush war crimes prosecution

Post by Cuda »

I think they should quit fucking wasting time and GET TO IT. Put Chimpy & Cheney on trial BEFORE the elections, goddammit!

Let the DemocRats quit their fucking yapping & get to fucking work!
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Re: planning begins for Bush war crimes prosecution

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Quit the Rove-spray, babs, it stinks horribly. Of course all the Al Qaeda types already have huge prices on their heads. What are you even talking about?

The subject is what practical legal actions can be rendered against the criminals like Cheney, Rummy, Chimp--PNAC, basically--and how can these be implemented.

Obviously a Rove Monkey like you would insist that no crimes were committed, etc. Good, now stop hiding behind some pugnacious pic of Don fucking Rickles and squirm off to some thread where snippy dismissals in the manner of a playground brat (your basic style) are appropriate.

Truly, the utter spinelessness of the congress is pathetic. But bear in mind that the majority margin is very slim. Imagine having to placate the likes of Joe Lieberman in order to maintain a one vote majority in the senate! And this to a large degree explains why the congress has been unable to mount an effective investigation, let alone prosecution, of the (unelected) cabal. And of course with current economic crisis, plus the fact that both wars are totally fucked--despite the steady drone of bullshit by the usual hacks--and the election coming in a few short weeks, obviously the protracted machinations of a congressional inquiry are totally impractical.

But, despite the very real possibility of some blanket pre-pardons being doled out by the exiting disgraced Chimp, the efforts of the war crimes conference are noble and very patriotic.

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Re: planning begins for Bush war crimes prosecution

Post by Tom In VA »

I actually enjoy reading LTS_TRN's posts. Really. Sometimes there's good information in them but mostly it's entertaining.

Picture ......


And imagine Daffy ranting on and on about Buthshco and Rove and

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Re: planning begins for Bush war crimes prosecution

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

R-Jack wrote:Have a stroke and spare us your vapid sense of humor drizzled over two shit trolls. You may not feel better, but definately smarter.

Seriously James, the cheeto thingie is tired. Drop the dumbass trolls too. I mean, what's the freaking point?
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Re: planning begins for Bush war crimes prosecution

Post by RadioFan »

mvscal wrote:Odd that no Islamic terrorist are on the list for war crimes prosecutions. I'm sure that's just a mistake and they'll get right on fixing that.
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