Fucking RACK fucking...

It's the 19th Anniversary for T1B - Fuckin' A

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Re: Fucking RACK fucking...

Post by smackaholic »

Friends.......don't let friends.........post while drunk.

Alas, tod has no friends.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Fucking RACK fucking...

Post by PSUFAN »

MGD tastes like some simpletons in the 314 are tasked with pouring perfume into the stuff.

Just make BEER, idiots...forget the perfume, the rice, the CALORIC CONTENT...just make fucking BEER. Or did you forget how?
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: Fucking RACK fucking...

Post by Goober McTuber »

Toddowen wrote:...Miller fucking Genuine fucking Draft.

Fucking....I just switched from drinking fucking bottles to fucking cans amidst a fucking session
Let that poor little boy go, you drunken pedophile.
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Re: Fucking RACK fucking...

Post by Trampis »

Never understood the love for MGD. Taste like shit, cans or bottles.

I remeber in highschool you had to drink Bud Light bottle, becasue the chicky babes practically disrobed if they knew you packed BLs behind the seat of your mini truck. Feeling contrarion(and not geting any pussy no matter what was behind my mini trucks seat), I went Coors Light. Silver bullit pulled the contrarion pussy in nicely.

Course then you get a GF, later wife, and decide its better to save a couple bucks and go Coors Light-light(keystone light). Drank tht for years before going over to Busch light recntly. Much better. $4.32 for a 6-pack of 16oz. Does nicely.
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Re: Fucking RACK fucking...

Post by Trampis »

I rack!... your high life Todd and one up you with my bitching fireplace. I always seem to score free firewood somewhere with some sweat equity and this year we will be burning pine. Helped the bro-in law with a blown down tree and my sis had some old wood laying about that I recently scored from her palacial Spokane pad. Nice. Even split the stuff myself with a maul, sledge and wedge.

I estimate October 25th as the first burn day.
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Re: Fucking RACK fucking...

Post by smackaholic »


Don't burn your house down burning that shity pine. Better keep the flue clean.

And btw, it is chemically impossible to water down coors lite. Infact, you can water down distilled water with CL.


You really are fukked up ...... in a good cat hating kind of way. We should have a cat torturing forum with you as mod.

As for MGD, if you gotta drink something from the mega brewers, MGD ain't bad. Not sure I would put it in the cheap domestic category, though. It is usually in the budweiser price range.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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