That Left Wing Rag the Wall Street Journal

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That Left Wing Rag the Wall Street Journal

Post by Q, West Coast Style »

Well, they must be, eh? I mean they slammed McCain. ... ct-mccain/
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Re: That Left Wing Rag the Wall Street Journal

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Re: That Left Wing Rag the Wall Street Journal

Post by Diogenes »

Q, West Coast Style wrote:I mean they slammed McCain.
According to Jack Cafferty they did. ... lenews_wsj

Of course, he's almost as much of an idiot as you.

Okay, it's a toss up.
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Re: That Left Wing Rag the Wall Street Journal

Post by Cuda »

the wsj was miffed that mCloon dissed chris cocks- as if the democRats weren't going to do exactly that at the first opportunity
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Re: That Left Wing Rag the Wall Street Journal

Post by Diogenes »

Cuda wrote:the wsj was miffed that mCloon dissed chris cocks- as if the democRats weren't going to do exactly that at the first opportunity
Except the article CNN actually linked has nothing to do with Cox.
With an Eye to History,
McCain Hits Obama on Taxes
Republican Exploits Issue That Worked for Party in the Past

WASHINGTON -- John McCain is trying to shift the 2008 economic debate to an issue where Republicans historically have had an edge over Democrats: taxes.

In a television ad that began airing Thursday, the McCain presidential campaign warned that Americans can expect "painful income taxes" if Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential nominee, wins the White House. In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Sen. McCain pounced on comments by Sen. Obama's running mate, Delaware Sen. Joe Biden, on a morning news show that paying higher taxes is "patriotic."

"Raising taxes in a tough economy isn't patriotic," Sen. McCain scoffed. "It's not a badge of honor. It's just plain dumb."

The gambit by Sen. McCain comes amid a relentless cycle of turmoil in the nation's credit and housing markets, which has in recent days moved the campaign focus to the economy, an area where polls consistently show voters favoring Democrats.

But Republicans have reason to hope a sharpened focus on taxes specifically will help Sen. McCain. That is because Sen. Obama is trying to do what no national politician has done since Ronald Reagan transformed the tax debate in 1980: win on a platform that includes significant tax increases.

Under the Obama plan, tax rates for couples making more than $250,000 a year would go up, as would their taxes on capital gains and corporate dividends. Sen. Obama says he would keep the taxes the same for those making less than $250,000 and propose additional cuts for lower-income families. Among other things, he proposes new initiatives to promote savings and ease the tax burden of working seniors.

In recent decades, raising any taxes on any households hasn't been a winner. Democrat Walter Mondale lost to Mr. Reagan in a landslide in 1984 after promising tax increases. Republican President George H.W. Bush broke the "no new taxes" pledge he made in his 1988 campaign, and paid for it at the polls when he sought re-election in 1992. Bill Clinton won that campaign promising tax cuts for the middle class. He ended up pushing tax increases on the rich and his party subsequently lost control of Congress, in part over pubic discontent on the issue. John Kerry had a tax plan similar to Sen. Obama's -- raising taxes on the rich, cutting them for others -- in his losing 2004 challenge to George W. Bush.

But the economy is now weak, even after Mr. Bush's tax cuts, and polls show voters giving the current administration poor marks for its handling of the economy. The Obama campaign is betting that, under those conditions, voters may be more willing to accept some tax increases.

Austan Goolsbee, a senior Obama adviser, said the Democrat's plan is a direct challenge to the "philosophy" behind Mr. Bush's across-the-board tax cuts, which assumed the U.S. economy, broadly, would benefit as tax rates were lowered across all income spectrums. In hindsight, Mr. Goolsbee says, "that philosophy is a job killer, not a job creator."

Mr. Goolsbee said Sen. Obama would let taxes on the wealthy rise only to Clinton-era levels, a time of prosperity for the country. He said the senator believes tax cuts should be targeted at "working people, who are the ones who are struggling."

Republicans are hoping that the old antitax strain remains strong this year. Sen. McCain is pushing for a permanent extension of the tax cuts enacted by Mr. Bush, which are set to expire at the end of 2010. Among other things, the plan would keep the top income-tax rate, paid by the wealthiest Americans, at 35%. Absent an extension, the top rate would rise to 39.6%. Sen. McCain is also pushing a new tax benefit for middle-class families, promising to double the exemption that can be claimed for dependents.

"The reality is raising taxes in a weak economy is a bad idea, and we don't," said McCain campaign policy chief Doug Holtz-Eakin, adding that higher individual rates would hit small businesses particularly hard.

Polls suggest Sen. McCain has room to exploit the issue. Even though Sen. Obama has vowed the middle class will get tax cuts, not tax increases, 49% of voters said they believed their taxes would go up if the Democrat wins, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News survey.

At the McCain rally Thursday in Iowa, Kate Julicher, 25 years old, said she is not persuaded by Sen. Obama's promise to cut taxes for people like her. She doesn't believe he will raise taxes only on couples earning more than $250,000 a year. "I don't believe him," said Ms. Julicher, a software engineer from Cedar Rapids. "I have a feeling that $250,000 limit is going to come down when they realize they need more money to bail out whoever they bail out." ... lenews_wsj

Incompetent? check.

They managed to quote exactly one word from the WSJ.

Liars? Check.

And they have McCafferty working for them.

Leftwing and stupid (excuse the redundency)? Check.

Q, Gay Blade Style uses them as a reference?

They suck.
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Re: That Left Wing Rag the Wall Street Journal

Post by Diogenes »

For the record, this was where it all went wrong. Okay, it was bad before (I could link another of my threads that nobody ever reads-But I actually hate it when I'm right about shit like this) but this was the tipping point. From those Right Wingers at NPR.... ... d=89064840

If they would have let BS bite the bullet, there would have been economic fallout, but it would have been a short term thing with an early correction. (BTW, haw's the Dow Jones doing today? Don't they know that America is fundamently unsound?)

Of course, if they would have let McCain and Bush reform Fannie and Freddie years ago...

But just another reason-

Friends Don't Let Friends Vote Democrat.

Get them trashed and put them behind the wheel instead. It's more socially responsible.
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Re: That Left Wing Rag the Wall Street Journal

Post by War Wagon »

If you’re a Republican running for president of the United States and the Wall Street Journal basically says you’re an incompetent buffoon, you’re in serious trouble.
Except when your opponent is even more incompetent. Then you're in a statistical tie.

I'm sitting back, watching all this unfold, and it's Armagedden level terrifying. A complete systemic failure.

I'll blame the Bush administration for allowing this unregulated economic meltdown to happen in the first place. Misplaced priorities. But I'll also give them credit for reacting to it in the proper way (belatedly) and trust that the real financial authorities have a solution to this fucked up mess.

It's quite apparent that neither McCain or Obama have any clue and are just trying to get elected. Whatever they have to say about it at this point is purely reactionary in nature.

This ain't our first roller coaster "crisis" rodeo, nor will it be the last.
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Re: That Left Wing Rag the Wall Street Journal

Post by poptart »

Do some Ron Paul research, Wags.

He's on this, and HAS been, for quite a long LONG time.

But then again, he IS a nutjob.

Ron Paul '12!
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Re: That Left Wing Rag the Wall Street Journal

Post by Diogenes »

poptart wrote:Lyndon LaRouche '12!
You could also go for Bob Barr.

Or Pat Paulsen.

It mean exactly as much.

But keep on evading your basic duties as an American and punting to the Quislings and Petains.

If there is one thing Raiderfan should know about, it would be punting.
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Re: That Left Wing Rag the Wall Street Journal

Post by Diogenes »

War Wagon wrote:I'm sitting back, watching all this unfold, and it's Armagedden level terrifying. A complete systemic failure.
Don't panic yet...
(BTW, haw's the Dow Jones doing today? Don't they know that America is fundamently unsound?

There are three options...

The best possible.
The worst possible.

Be a bitch like Pop and punt.

You (and by you I mean all of you who don't have me on ignore yet) have a month and change to decide.

Either way, I want the best for America, but I'm ready for The Apocalypse.

Obviously, Pop is rooting for option 2.
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Re: That Left Wing Rag the Wall Street Journal

Post by poptart »

Diogenes wrote:But keep on evading your basic duties as an American ...
'Basic duty' involves propping someone up so they can turn around and take it up your @ss?

Watching your pitiful actions on this board, 'fraid you've got the market cornered on that duty, 'tard.
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