Of course, since Kiff is basically done Lofton has "emerged" as the leading HC replacement per rotoworld.
The radio interview spoke volumes about why this team is in the position it is......and surprise! Right on Al and Slob Ryans feet is where the blame solely lies. If this doesnt convince anyone that Alcula has lost his fucking mind, nothing will.
Lofton said moves like the Kiff situation we're made in the 80's, not now.
He said with exception of DMac, the draft has been pretty awful the past 7 years.
And this is what sent me through the fucking roof:
He brought up players partying the night before games and how they play PSP video games during the team meetings. He said Tommy Kelly and Kirk Morrison play alot of madden and nba live on that DURING film sessions and meetings.
Excellent job, Al and Ryan-let the goddamn Defensive players throw down some Playstation and party thier ass off the night before games. No wonder the overpaid dumbfucks love Slob Ryan-he isnt a fucking coach to begin with.
Lofton, on the other hand, had an article written about him during training camp because he was going the fuck off on Walker and the other offensive players....here is the link to that epic article:
Something wrong with your hands? Because they're killing the team!"
Not funny enough? Try this.
"You gave me 75 percent of the route. Do you want 75 percent of your paycheck?"
Raiders receivers coach James Lofton, ladies and gentlemen. He'll be here all season.
Holy FUCK-Lofton went yard on the Raider Organization. To sum it up, he said:
"Lane didnt prepare anyone for the Bills game, it was all Ryan. His work ethic as a coach is one of the worst ive seen"
"No one will ever have control of this team, players come here when they are done playing and come here to party and not ever get yelled at or disciplined"
"The film session prior to the Chiefs game was embarrasing. Players were talking, assistant coaches were farting and burping at each other, at one point a paper airplane hit Knapp in the back."
Un. Fucking. Believable.
RACK the fuck out of Lofton for being honest about the horseshit going on behind closed doors. Methinks he wont be employed by the Raiders for much longer now.
Fuck this team-im out until Al takes a dirtnap and Lane is gone.
I'd like to see Davis hang around long enough to do something REALLY insane, like give the head coaching position to a Raiderette, or a small kid, or a dog, or something.
Posted by Mike Florio on September 22, 2008, 8:49 p.m.
The situation in Oakland would be hilarious if it weren’t so damned tragic. And though we’ve generally laughed at suggestions that the NFL should seize control franchise for the good of the league, we’re starting to think that maybe that would be a good idea.
Here’s the latest development. With vultures circling the still-coaching carcass of Lane Kiffin, Tim Kawakami of the San Jose Mercury News nearly got into a fight with Raiders exec John Herrera, one of the few members of the organization with whom owner Al Davis is now speaking.
By way of background, someone from the Raiders distributed to members of the local media last week a hard copy of an ESPN.com article that was critical of Kiffin. It is widely believed that Herrera is the person who distributed the article, and ESPN’s Chris Mortensen reported on Sunday that the article was disseminated at the express direction of Al Davis.
Here’s the video of Monday’s incident. The good stuff comes after Kiffin is finished speaking.
Kawakami is a little twat.
He, Mort, Nancy Gay, Adam Shyster, Mike Silver and a whole boatlaod of media hacks have walked around with a hard-on for Al Davis for ... ever.
Now that they've got a chance to kick him when he's down, they're all up in that shit.
'The media' has been reporting since fucking FEBRUARY that a Davis firing of Lane Kiffin is IMMINENT.
How's that been working out for ya, hacks?? LMAO.
Lane Kiffin is still the head coach.
As I see it, Al should either fire Kiffin and get it over with, or else have a quick press conference and give his coach a vote of confidence.
Reason I say this is that I can't believe this "Maybe Lane is gonna be the head coach, maybe he isn't" bullsheet is making for a real healthy enviornment for the team and for ... WINNING.
But as much as I think it's the thing to do, it just means Al won't do it.
I think the way he sees it is, "Hey, I never made a public statement that Lane Kiffin WAS going to be fired. So why should I make a statement about it now? This is the media's fault."
I've seen Al forever and I know how he rolls.
Myself, I'm done speculating on Kiffin's fate.
I'll take his approach.
That being, "I'm the head coach until the day that Al tells me I'm not ... and that day hasn't come, so here I am."
I didn't hear the Lofton radio spot and I didn't read a trascript of it.
I just know what you've posted here, James.
Sounds like Lofton has made a strong case to be named Employee of the month. lol
Go on the radio and blast the organization that signs your paycheck -- that's high class.
Go on the radio and blast the coaches who work above you -- that's high class.
Someone remind me what level of coaching or organizational excellence James Lofton has ever attained?
Head NFL coach? Nope.
Coordinator? Nope.
College head coach? Nope.
College coordinator? Nope.
NFL position coach. Wow.
Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up, James Lofton.
I'm NOT saying that there may not be some merit to his comments, but I AM saying that he has established no platform of his own from which to take pot shots at others above him, and others who sign his paycheck.
It's not news to anyone that 'discipline' has never been high on Al's list of things he needs to see from his players.
Even in the Gruden/Gannon years, when it seemed like things were run on the straight-and-narrow, the team on the field was STILL among the most highly penalized in the league every fucking year.
Some things just aren't ever going to change.
And Al is never going to bring in a hard-ass head coach, so there is no sense in wet-dreaming over that prospect.
As I see it, Kiffin deserves his have his three year contract honored.
I see progress, and I just don't see enough upside to tossing him in the can and starting over with ANOTHER head coach.
Lane Kiffin has made mistakes, no doubt, but let's keep the continuity, Al.
Kiffin has done enough, IMO, to merit letting him continue on to see where he takes the program by year three.
Swallow your pride, Alvis, and let the kid keep rolling on.
As for where the team is RIGHT NOW, I think they've basically held serve so far in '08.
They've played one home game and two road games and they are 1-2.
The two losses were to teams who are both likely playoff teams and have a combined record of 6-0.
The win was against a truly awful team who might only win a couple of games ... if they get lucky.
So the jury is still out.
Don't let a painful loss cloud your view of things.
IF ... IF that Buffalo game doesn't get away, Raider fan is feeling pretty damn good right about now.
But yeah, it did, I know.
Same ol' Raiders, until further notice.
This week's game at home v. the Blots is HUGE.
A win and Oakland is feeling good once again at 2-2 and solidly in 2nd place in the West.
A loss and negativity takes deep root once again -- at 1-3 and probably in deep hole that won't be dug out from.
I'm concerned because G. Warren is hurt and we're already thin at DT.
D. Burgess may also have an arm injury and I hope we get a good MRI result on that -- fingers crossed.
Our defense doesn't need to be losing starters.
I think some of my comments might not be music to your ears, James, but I'm calling 'em as I see 'em ... as I know you do too.
poptart wrote:media hacks have walked around with a hard-on for Al Davis for ... ever.
Now that they've got a chance to kick him when he's down, they're all up in that shit.
Cry me a river, Nancy boy. It's what the media does. They are vultures. You sound like an even bigger pussy than Kneely in his wailings about the media/Belichick/Spygate/Walsh thing. Good Lord.
"As I see it, Al should either fire Kiffin and get it over with, or else have a quick press conference and give his coach a vote of confidence."
....my sources (reliable) tell me the only reason Kid Kiffin is still around is that Alcula and his posse of attorneys have not found a way to whack Kiffin and not pay him his contract. Al rarely looses this kind of schlockery, so the Kid should be gone by weeks end.
...and then the search begins again to find another idiot who will take on Alvis. This process of course adding two to three years to any kind of program, so look for the same sewage for several more years out of the Duh's
...personally I hate this situation, yes it's fun to kick the Riaduh's a$$ twice a year, but it means nothing. It's like slumpbusting..no challenge whatsoever. Additionally, It pains me to see the hard-core Raiduhfans have to put up with this bilge. Pop's, RJ, Too's, I feel your pain brothers, I really do! I hope they get this sucker turned around soon.
Spanish version for the 99 percentile of Raiduhfans
Lenguaje declamatorio ...great yerra el Taponazo del poste.
"Como yo lo veo, Al debe o fuego Kiffin y lo obtiene sobre con, o tiene más una conferencia rápida de la prensa y da su entrenador un voto de la confianza."
(Seguro) ....my fuentes me dicen Niño de la única razón Kiffin está tranquilo alrededor de es que Alcula y su fuerza armada de abogados no han encontrado una manera de golpear Kiffin y no le paga su contrato. Al afloja raramente esta clase de schlockery, así que el Niño se debe pasar por el fin de semanas.
JIP said...Hell, Michael Sam has more integrity than you do.
ChargerMike wrote:
....my sources (reliable) tell me the only reason Kid Kiffin is still around is that Alcula and his posse of attorneys have not found a way to whack Kiffin and not pay him his contract. Al rarely looses this kind of schlockery, so the Kid should be gone by weeks end.
That's never stopped Aclula before. Shanny still hasn't collected the $250k the court said he was owed
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
ChargerMike wrote:
Spanish version for the 99 percentile of Raiduhfans
Yeah, I feel ya Mike-I felt the same way last week when we smacked the Chiefs. Our division used to kick much ass when EVERY team was good and the rivalries were strong. Hopefully, we get back to those times again very soon.
ChargerMike wrote:
Spanish version for the 99 percentile of Raiduhfans
Yeah, I feel ya Mike-I felt the same way last week when we smacked the Chiefs. Our division used to kick much ass when EVERY team was good and the rivalries were strong. Hopefully, we get back to those times again very soon.
...I really mean it..now the Chiefs are freeking hapless as well, it just shouldn't be that way. Both the Raiduh's and Chief's have great tradition and storied franchises...but this is crap. The Bolt's were down for a few years, but thank God the organization didn't go belly
JIP said...Hell, Michael Sam has more integrity than you do.
ChargerMike wrote:....my sources (reliable) tell me the only reason Kid Kiffin is still around is that Alcula and his posse of attorneys have not found a way to whack Kiffin and not pay him his contract. Al rarely looses this kind of schlockery, so the Kid should be gone by weeks end.
As I mentioned in another thread, there is no way Al will pay Kiffin if he fires him this year.
Kiffin will have to go to court over it, IMO.
I just don't know that it's taken Al and his lawyers 7 months to try to figure out HOW to fuck Lane over.
It might be that Davis is waiting until after the Bolt game to shitcan him because it takes Oakland into a bye week ... where there is a little more time for coaching transition, etc.