Last night on Sportscenter....
ESPN interviewer: Brett, is it hard for you to watch the Packers have success so far this season?
BF: They played two games. I had 16 good seasons there. Call me when they get to 16 good seasons.
the truth: "I'll take that as a 'yes.'"
SI linkIf Rodgers wins, he'll be 3-0, which Brett Favre accomplished only twice in the last decade, four times in his career. He will have slain the top two NFC favorites coming into the season, and will have overcome a team that seemed unbeatable to Favre's Packers last year. Over two years, Rodgers would have 1.5 wins against Dallas. Favre, meanwhile, would have contributed half a loss.
Statistically, Rodgers has outperformed Favre in '08. Dominated, really, if you've watched all four of their combined games. I'll let the stats speak: In two games, Rodgers has four scores, zero interceptions, a 117.8 passer rating and he's only been sacked once. Compare that against Favre's three, one, 104.1 and five. Close enough, I guess, but is there honestly a Packers fan out there who would switch back?