I think I need to sell my TVs soon.

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I think I need to sell my TVs soon.

Post by smackaholic »

Turned the idiot box on when I got up today and Barry HUSSEIN was rambling on about the mortgage mess. Is this the kinda of incoherrent babbling I will have to listen too for the next 4 years?

He talked about how we gotta help "innocent" folks who were tricked into taking mortgages. In the same breath he said that McCain just wanted to bail out the evil mortgage companies.

Like McCain, I ain't no economic guru, but, isn't it true that if you help those deadbeats innocent mortgagees by paying their mortgage, it is also bailing out the mortgage company?

There is another way of helping these folks that does screw the evil money changers. It is to force them to lower the amount owed. There is a word for this. It is called theft. And if this policy is enacted, can I jump on board? So what if I can pay my mortgage? So what if I only owe about a third of what my home is worth? I want the holder of my mortgage to eat a percentage of it too. I mean, it's only fair, isn't it?

Can bri or terry or any of the other cool aid drinkers enlighten me regarding this complex financial matter?

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Re: I think I need to sell my TVs soon.

Post by BSmack »

By the time Obama's inaugurated, the mortgage mess will be small potatoes compared to the wreck our economy is overall. Tom will be around shortly to tell you what you need to pack in your rucksack.
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Re: I think I need to sell my TVs soon.

Post by Dinsdale »

So, our country sat idly by as there were actually leagl mandates passed that required the export of American jobs, which essentially tilted the scales against actually producing tangible goods in this country...

And now the Sheeple have the fucking nerve to bitch about it now?

Are you fucking kidding me?

YOU continued to vote in traitors. YOU decided that "globalization" was a good idea that you supported (hmmm... when you're Top Dog, it makes sense to let your competitors dictate your economic laws, right?... fucking idiots).

You have truly reaped what you've sown.

The completely contrived sudden opposition to your lack of democracy was way too little, way too late.
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Re: I think I need to sell my TVs soon.

Post by Dinsdale »

March 10, 2000

Paul Writes Fellow Members of Congress
Seeks Support for Bill to Pull US from WTO

Today Congressman Ron Paul wrote to fellow Members of Congress asking that they join him and cosponsor HJR 90, a privileged resolution seeking to remove the United States from the World Trade Organization (WTO).

By law, the House must grant expedited consideration to the resolution which Paul introduced Monday together with original cosponsors Duncan Hunter, James Duncan, Gene Taylor and Jack Metcalf.

"When the US joined the WTO 146 Members of Congress stood up and voted No, now that we have seen the record of the WTO it is time for a majority of the House to get out," Paul said. Detailing some of the actions of the WTO to which he objects Paul pointed not only to the fact that European nations were ignoring WTO decisions but, more importantly he said, "on issues from environmental issues such as imported shrimp to tax policy, the WTO has ruled against the people of the United States." Paul was particularly critical of the WTO ruling against Foreign Services Corporations. "The WTO is not pro-trade, they believe that the American people are under-taxed and that is what this ruling against FSC's shows. Look, our nation was founded on the cry of no taxation without representation and frankly it is not up to bureaucrats in Geneva to tell Americans what tax policies they can and cannot have."

Paul said he had long predicted that this kind of adverse ruling would come from the WTO "when we surrender decision making to an international organization that does not care one whit for American interests or the citizens we are elected to represent how could we expect any other outcome?" Paul also reiterated his own strong support for free trade. "We should have low tariffs and trade freely with other nations, in fact I believe we should end our embargoes on nations like Cuba, Iraq and Iran," Paul said. "The problem is not trade but rather surrendering our policies to these feckless bureaucrats at international organizations," Paul stated.

Paul was also critical of the administration and its handling of the issue. "They filed their WTO report late, that is yet another explicit violation of federal law, so obviously the administration does whatever it wants even when there is a controlling legal authority." Paul also criticized US Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky for comments she reportedly made about the Congress.

Barshefsky reportedly suggested that Congressmen were unqualified to consider trade issues "most of them do not even hold passports" she was reported as stating. In response, Paul concluded, "The Clinton-Gore Administration may hold the American people in contempt but I reject these highly offensive attacks. Perhaps the bureaucrats hired by Clinton and Gore believe the American people are stupid for electing representatives who do not hold passports but we will not be intimidated, we have a right to representation in this country and we will vote on this bill regardless of the tactics of this administration. We are not going to sit back and let the WTO set tax, trade, environmental and labor policy for the United States simply because this administration trusts bureaucrats in Switzerland more than it trusts the American people and their representatives here in Congress."

And you laughed at him.

Who is laughing now?
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Re: I think I need to sell my TVs soon.

Post by Mister Bushice »

Your act that you are above all this and not a citizen here is really rather lame, and no action is just as bad as improper action in your case.
former U&L bigmouth wrote:You have truly reaped what you've sown.

YOU decided that "globalization" was a good idea that you supported
When did YOU move to Canada?
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Re: I think I need to sell my TVs soon.

Post by Mikey »

The angst among the knuckledraggers on this board over this election is turning out to be many times worse than anything shown by the commie liberals during either of the last two elections.

Should have known what a bunch of pussified crybabies you'd all turn out to be when things stopped going your way. You had your turn to completely fuck up the country, and did pretty well at it. Suck it up, roll over, and take your medicine, assholes.
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Re: I think I need to sell my TVs soon.

Post by smackaholic »

So when can I expect my next "stimulus" check?
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: I think I need to sell my TVs soon.

Post by Mikey »

smackaholic wrote:So when can I expect my next "stimulus" check?
Get in touch with my man Barney Frank. He'd prolly be happy to give you a little stimulus.
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