No not another boring rant on the wars or the presidential campaign. No this this is close to home, in my fucking garage. My lazy ass fuck neighbors have several fruit trees in their back yard. While they pick the fruit during the summer and let me come over to pick what I want they never clean up what falls to the ground. This inevitably leads to some pretty happy and healthy rats. Every year around this time the little fuckers start scavanging around for food after the fruit is gone, and I get some venturing into my yard/garage/under the house. Game on Mother Fuckers, its the start of Rat Massacre 2008. Kicked off with one kill Monday night, two more kills last night.
Cracked one on the back of the head ( I like that outcome the best), and one a diagonal body shot.
Fairly decent size but there is a bigger one out there. I saw it last night as I was preparing the kill floor my wife came out and wanted me to hand her the trash can. As I picked it up a big fucking rat hopped out and scurried behind my work bench.
Thats the way I like them, DEAD
I expect the body count to grow over the next few days.