Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

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Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by War Wagon »

Pretty well done, actually.

Not likely to change anyone's vote, but if you were already drinking that flavor Kool-Aid, I can see why you'd be ready to gulp it down by the pitcher full after that effort.

The guy has got smoove game. He's going after everybody with the resonating message of "I feel your pain". Quite effectively, I might add. He's taken the current economic crisis and reshaped his "message" around it.

It's all about the economy, stupid. Now where have I heard that before?
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Mikey »

War Wagon wrote:
It's all about the economy, stupid. Now where have I heard that before?
The last President who left office with the economy in deece shape?
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Tom In VA »

Saul Alinksky would have been proud.
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by War Wagon »

Mikey wrote: The last President who left office with the economy in deece shape?
The Clinton economy benefitted greatly from the "dot com" bubble, which quickly burst after he left office and left the economy in shambles. That, followed by 9/11, led to a recession.

W's housing bubble burst just a little too soon to benefit his legacy, but the next will have to deal with the fall-out. Just like W had to deal with the above mentioned.

So what will the next President's bubble consist of?

I'm guessing energy. Wind, solar, bio-fuels, "clean" coal and new nuclear plants will take off into the stratosphere and get the economy back to prior levels... until the inevitable next crash occurs.

In the meantime, I welcome the new messiah.
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Tom In VA »

War Wagon wrote: So what will the next President's bubble consist of?
Your disposable income, redistributed to a variety of "workers" in new Government programs, pet projects, and potentially an escalated military conflict somewhere.
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by poptart »

The Obama Garden Weasel Infomercial wasn't on my station here.
You can fill me in on the particulars if'n you like, Wagon.

I picture B.O. firing up a Marlboro at the end and asking the American people if it was as good for them as it was for him.
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Tom In VA »

poptart wrote: I picture B.O. firing up a Marlboro at the end and asking the American people if it was as good for them as it was for him.
"Bend over, touch your toes, and spell RUN"

I am Barack Obama and I support this message. :lol:
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by War Wagon »

Tom In VA wrote: Your disposable income
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by War Wagon »

poptart wrote:The Obama Garden Weasel Infomercial wasn't on my station here. You can fill me in on the particulars if'n you like, Wagon.
It started out with some really compelling human interest stories about folks having a tough time making ends meet. You know, "Too much month at the end of the money" country music type stuff.

Then it went on about some old lady who takes 12 different prescription drugs per day and her 72 year old husband had to come out of retirement to go work at Wal-Mart so they could afford the $4 co-pays for her rheumatoid arthritis and heart palpitations.

Just heartbreaking stuff. I kept waiting to see how it was we were going to feed Africa and cure the AIDS virus, but 30 minutes of network TV and 600 million dollars in campaign cash only goes so far, you know.

I'm pretty sure that he promised a college education and free health care to all, though. And all without raising taxes, 'cept it seems that pesky little bar of 250k per year income went down to 200k when I wasn't looking. I think he called it a sliding scale.

You get the picture.
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by RadioFan »

War Wagon wrote:
poptart wrote:The Obama Garden Weasel Infomercial wasn't on my station here. You can fill me in on the particulars if'n you like, Wagon.
You know, "Too much month at the end of the money" country music type stuff
I didn't see the infomercial.

What does "country music type stuff" sound like? Just curious.
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by smackaholic »

So we see what happens to you when you are old if you spent your entire life figuring on that gubmint pension and medicare.

Yeah, that looks pretty sweet.

Now show us the other 72 year old dude. The one that spent 40 years building his own portfolio.

So Obama's answer? More gubmint solutions and jack up the cap gains rate?

[guinness commercial old dudes] Brilliant! [/guinness commercial old dudes]

And save your bullshit about how that guy got fukked this month. Markets go up. They go down. In the long run they go up way more than your fictional SS fund.
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Dan Vogel »

I watched Mr. Obama's appeal to the nation last night and was moved by it. It soldified in my mind to vote for him for President of the United States on November 5th. He's the right man for the job at this point in our history. He represents an inclusive rather than exclusive philosophy and will help to bring along many millions of Americans who have been left behind in the American dream. I have nothing against Mr. McCain and think he might do a good job too if given the chance. But only one man cann take that office. Mr. Obama has proven his worth in my mind.

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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by PSUFAN »

I will vote for Obama on the 4th, and for McCain on the 5th.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.

Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Screw_Michigan »

War Wagon wrote:You get the picture.
You're right, we do: You're a ignorant, gibbering fucktard with a seventh grade education who would be better off serving society by decaying at the bottom of the Mississippi River, feeding those bottom feeding aquatic animals who scrounge the base of tributaries for food. You're the kind of idiot who falls for the fraud and hypocrisy of the McCain ticket and puts trivial bullshit above the REAL issues of this campaign. Of course, Whitey Faggon and millions of his "persecutin'" ilk exercised their persecutin' and that's why the nation and its economy is in the absolute shitter it is.

Go drink a fifth and drive into a concrete median, you worthless fucking cum-dumpster.
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by poptart »

SM wrote:Whitey Faggon and millions of his "persecutin'" ilk exercised their persecutin' and that's why the nation and its economy is in the absolute shitter it is.
I don't know what that means, but I pictured your face being pretty damn red when you typed it.

aquatic animals
million man march
7th grade education
economic destruction
Mississippi river bottom feeding
fraud, hypocricy, idiot, shitter
real issues

Close the board.
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Goober McTuber »

Rack S_M. :lol:
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by PSUFAN »

Indeed. About time SOMEBODY got red in the face up in here.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by War Wagon »

In screwed's case, it's more redass than red face.
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Felix »

smackaholic wrote: Markets go up. They go down. In the long run they go up way more than your fictional SS fund.
great news, Exxon Mobil broke the record for the biggest profit in the history of the United States during the third quarter of the year...Shell profits were only up 22%, but maybe they can make it up in the fourth quarter...the remarkable thing is they did it at a time of one of the worst economic conditions this country has seen...rack their fantabulous management and rack all of those that hold Exxon and Shell stock in their portfolios

obviously the tax breaks are working.....how long do you suppose it will take for all that profit to start "trickling-down"....
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Tom In VA »

Felix wrote: obviously the tax breaks are working.....how long do you suppose it will take for all that profit to start "trickling-down"....
Who knows, might have started already. Reinvesting in the corporation, R&D efforts, hiring more lobbyists to ply politicians to get laws and regs relaxed so more refineries can be built, drilling in Alaska and offshore. A host of things a corporation can do with profit. They might even sponsor a scholarship program or three to help kids go to college.

I know if my tax burden were alleviated and enabled me to have 100 to 200 more a month, there's a lot of work I need to get done in the house and stuff. Once I'm done paying off all my creditors - the more I have in my pockets, the more I can do to make my families life better and the lives of those around me better by contributing to charitable organization that know what they're doing and actually care about what they're doing.

That's what I love about freedom of choice. Liberty, to take what I earn and do what I choose with it. What a wonderful country.

Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Kierland »

mvscal wrote: They also broke the record for the largest quarterly income tax payment, you brainless douche.
Go ahead and link us up you vile lying racist fucktard.
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Tom In VA »

Kierland wrote:Go ahead and link us up
http://www.businesswire.com/portal/site ... cachetoken

According to that, they paid somewhere around 32,510 Million in total taxes.

They're probably hiding some of their revenue in silly things like scholarshps and grants to help kids go to school though, those sneaky greedy bastards.
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Cuda »

War Wagon wrote: Not likely to change anyone's vote, but if you were already drinking that flavor Kool-Aid, I can see why you'd be ready to gulp it down by the pitcher full after that effort.

B-Monica came

... twice

... allegedly
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Kierland »

mvscal wrote::lol: :lol: :lol:

Prove me wrong, you whimpering, sperm burping fuckhole.
Fuck you you racist POS. You said it, YOU back it up. Oh that's right, you're a lying sack of shit so you can't.
Go fuck yourself douche.
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Dinsdale »

Felix wrote:great news, Exxon Mobil broke the record for the biggest profit in the history of the United States during the third quarter of the year...Shell profits were only up 22%, but maybe they can make it up in the fourth quarter...the remarkable thing is they did it at a time of one of the worst economic conditions this country has seen...rack their fantabulous management and rack all of those that hold Exxon and Shell stock in their portfolios

obviously the tax breaks are working.....how long do you suppose it will take for all that profit to start "trickling-down"....

Then your choice is clear.
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Kierland »

Tom In VA wrote: According to that, they paid somewhere around 32,510 Million in total taxes.
Go ahead and break it down for us Tom the Taxman.
They're probably hiding some of their revenue in silly things like scholarshps and grants to help kids go to school though, those sneaky greedy bastards.
Define "some" you vapid fucktard.
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Dinsdale »

mvscal wrote:
They also broke the record for the largest quarterly income tax payment

Also broke the record for annual tax liability... a record held by...


In 2004, Exxon paid more income tax than the lower 50% of American workers.
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Tom In VA »

Kierland wrote:Go ahead and break it down for us Tom the Taxman.
No. I gave you, out of the compassionate conservatism in my heart - half the information you need to make your point.

You fly back to school to find a corporation that has paid more in taxes than Exxon, now, little Kierland. Fly, fly, fly...

Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Kierland »

mvscal wrote: Why don't you define some, you fucking piss-stained crybaby?
'Cause I didn't bring it up you lying piece of crap.
They paid 32 motherfucking billion dollars, fuckwit.
Are you braindead or do you just act that way when you are posting on TB1?
Or rather their consumers did which is the main reason why taxing corporations makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and why only dumbfucks like you and thieves like On...igger favor punitive corporate taxation.
Lying sack of dog crap says what? You have no idea what my stance on corporate taxation is.

Now STFU you vile felching POS.

Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Kierland »

Tom In VA wrote:No. I gave you, out of the compassionate conservatism in my heart - half the information you need to make your point.
Hey fucktard I got news for you. My point was that mvsKKKal can't post a link to prove his assertion 'cause he is a lying sack of ratshit. Try and keep up you stupid simple fuckstain.
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Dinsdale »

Kierland wrote:Hey fucktard I got news for you. My point was that mvsKKKal can't post a link to prove his assertion 'cause he is a lying sack of ratshit.

And you can't post a link to counter it, which is certainly something you could do, and make a fool out of mvscal in the process, which would appear to be all the motivation you'd need to do so...

Except you can't.

Because you're accusations of "liar" in this instance... are completely false.

To use a T1Bism...

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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Felix »

absolutely right...
Palin's administration last week gained legislative approval for a special $1,200 payment to every Alaskan to help cope with gas prices, which are among the highest in the country.
hold er newt, correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't this sort of "spreading the wealth" been one of the things McCain/Palin have been railing on over the last few weeks?

Apparently it doesn't qualify as socialism when Reps are doing it....

crazy crazy times we live in
get out, get out while there's still time

Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Kierland »

mvscal wrote:
Exxon Posts Record $32.36 Billion Tax Payment
http://www.istockanalyst.com/article/vi ... ecord.html
That was their worldwide tax bill you anti-American POS.

Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Kierland »

Dinsdale wrote: Except you can't.
Go learn 10th grade logic and get back to me you useless fuck.

Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Kierland »

mvscal wrote: That was also their worldwide profit, you brainless dipshit.
So you ARE an anti-American POS. Thanks for the info.

Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Kierland »

R-Jack wrote:Does it have.................well you know................a point?
You act like I'm the first person to ever ask for a link.
If you can't figure out my point you are stupider than mvKKKal, and that is a pretty low bar you brainless retard.
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by War Wagon »

Ya' know, it takes a special type of retard strength to display the level of suck that Kierland has attained in this thread.

Quite frankly, I've never seen the bar raised this high. Not even close.

Paul on his best day couldn't compete and I'm having flashbacks of the Blue Eyed Bandit getting pummeled at SC III... but even that guy eventually tried to come correct.

Just when you think you've seen the worst a message board has to offer, along comes some diaper dandy to take jaw dropping idiocy to a whole new level.
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by poptart »


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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Jerkovich »

Dinsdale wrote:
Felix wrote:great news, Exxon Mobil broke the record for the biggest profit in the history of the United States during the third quarter of the year...Shell profits were only up 22%, but maybe they can make it up in the fourth quarter...the remarkable thing is they did it at a time of one of the worst economic conditions this country has seen...rack their fantabulous management and rack all of those that hold Exxon and Shell stock in their portfolios

obviously the tax breaks are working.....how long do you suppose it will take for all that profit to start "trickling-down"....

Then your choice is clear.
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Re: Obama infomercial/propaganda ploy

Post by Rooster »

Suh-weeeeet. And this just as I am about to go to work for Chevron. RACK me for getting out of EMS flying and back into oil & gas.

Cock o' the walk, baby!
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