A Nice Jewish Boy...

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A Nice Jewish Boy...

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMo7T9t0 ... re=related

...who regarded himself as "a fucking steamroller," and who was willing to pay extra for non-condom sex with an attractive young hooker, Elliot Sptizer, it turns out, was a genuine American hero. Examine the precise wording of his editorial exposng the sheer criminality of the Chimp/Cheney cabal, notice how clearly he predicts its effects. And notice how the role of the OCC has in fact been somehow buried in the current mileu of "shocked" plutocrats crawling the carpet. Elliot Spitzer, who would have guessed?

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Re: A Nice Jewish Boy...

Post by PSUFAN »

So Elliot dipped his candlestick into some goyim wax. I never understood why that was something that could unseat him. The dude has to spend his money on SOMETHING. Would people somehow feel better if his hobby was dreidel-making, instead of kosher sausage-pushing? Pussies.
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Re: A Nice Jewish Boy...

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

piss-fan, try to actually examine the editorial in the link. The fact of Elliot being Jewish is not the focus of your study here. If you must ridicule someone for being Jewish, why not go after Alan Greenspan and his demented hero, Ayn Rand? You'll have fun with that. :lol:

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Re: A Nice Jewish Boy...

Post by PSUFAN »

The fact of Elliot being Jewish is not the focus of your study here.
Sorry, I was used to that being your focal point, you spittle-flicking simpleton.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: A Nice Jewish Boy...

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Well, no...I've never had a problem with anyone being Jewish. Now if someone is a Zionist, then we have a problem because I rightly regard Zionists as Jewish Nazis who have been actively fucking up America in particular and geo-politics in general for about sixty years now. :wink:


But Elliot's situation has nothing to do with that--and does deserve real attention.
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Re: A Nice Jewish Boy...

Post by Tom In VA »


To play Devil's Advocate here, the timeline doesn't need to add up for Spitzer to be "targetted" for some political assassination. The article outlines that conflict existed for awhile, as far back as 2003. It's plausible.

That being said, where is the evidence that Bush, or anyone else for that matter instigated the investigation ?

When the states and Sptizer as he stated ..
when my office opened an investigation of possible discrimination in mortgage lending by a number of banks, the OCC filed a federal lawsuit to stop the investigation.
Perhaps Dodd or Frank "tipped" somebody off to Spitzer's skeletons because they too were afraid of what might be uncovered.

That too, is a plausible conspiracy.
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Re: A Nice Jewish Boy...

Post by Dr_Phibes »

PSUFAN wrote:So Elliot dipped his candlestick into some goyim wax.
no, she's a kike all right - her real name is garbfarb or something.
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Re: A Nice Jewish Boy...

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Tom In VA wrote:88,

To play Devil's Advocate here, the timeline doesn't need to add up for Spitzer to be "targetted" for some political assassination. The article outlines that conflict existed for awhile, as far back as 2003. It's plausible.

That being said, where is the evidence that Bush, or anyone else for that matter instigated the investigation ?
We don't often agree on political topics, but we agree here. Spitzer's favored m.o. was as a muckraker from the inside. That had been the case long before the article Nicky cited was published. Suffice it to say that he wasn't on the Bushies' Christmas card list, and not just because he doesn't celebrate that holiday.

But as you mentioned, the more disturbing issue with Nicky's premise is that there isn't a scintilla of evidence tying this investigation to any of the Bushies. And I'm no fan or apologist of the Bushies, not by a longshot.
PSUFAN wrote:So Elliot dipped his candlestick into some goyim wax. I never understood why that was something that could unseat him.
I'm with you on that. When this story first broke, the local media presented it as more or less a fait accompli that Spitzer would resign, completely ignoring the fact that many other political figures ('sup, David Vitter) had survived similar, and in some cases more embarrassing, scandals.

Perhaps Spitzer, or someone close to him, concluded that he would have no credibility if he was something less than squeaky clean in his private life. But then again, his targets were greed, fraud and corruption in the public and corporate sectors. He was never someone to lecture the American people about their perceived lack of family values, unlike Vitter.

Perhaps the answer lies in my own training as a criminal defense attorney. By the time the story on Vitter broke, any criminal statute of limitations had long since expired, so criminal prosecution was an empty threat as far as he was concerned. Not so with Spitzer. Perhaps resignation was the bone he threw to his political opponents in order to escape criminal prosecution.
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Re: A Nice Jewish Boy...

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Just because the Chimp 'n Cheney cabal facillitated the looting plutocrats of finance by way of egregious deregulation, it doesn't mean that these other entites aren't capable of carrying out their own political assassinations. That is, regarding Spitzer accurately as a muckracking threat, they were probably ready to utilize the Justice Department etc., when the time came.

My point in presenting this is not so much to follow up the video maker's conspiracy claim as much as to bring to attention the matter of the OCC intervention, etc. The clear criminality of the Chimp cabal in this particular matter is what's important, not so much the nasty business of big league politcal knife fights.

What's significant in the video's claim of conspiracy is the obvious double standard of exposing what legally should have been a sealed investigation, while basically ignoring the sordid and really shocking fact of Jeff Gannon, male prostitute, being given full press credentials in the fucking White House press corps! His phony scripted questions, his hundreds of White House visits! Overnight stays! And all of this just drifted by on page thirty-three and then was buried entirely.
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Re: A Nice Jewish Boy...

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

mvscal wrote:The only requirement to be a journalist these days is the ability to guzzle man-goo.

Sincerely, Ghost Of Tim Russert.

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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: A Nice Jewish Boy...

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Well, 88, if you examine Spitzer's editorial, he details the executive branch's manipulation of the OCC. Whether or not you regard the OCC as a specific regulatory agency, or whether you determine that technically such manipulation was legal, the clear facts are exposed that the Chimp and his cronies actively sought to inhibit consumer protections--and to allow the full splurge of predatory lending that ensued. Examine it again, it's pretty clear.

As for Spoor defending male prostitute Jeff Gannon's installation as a fully credentialed White House Press Corps member...well, since he was probably fucking Karl Rove, it makes sense that Spoor would approve. Disgusting, but typical. (And soon to disappear :wink: )
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