Tattoos - visablity at work

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Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Left Seater »

Tattoos are all over the place today. You see them everywhere, and there are a ton more that you don't see. What do you think about adding language to work dress codes regarding them?

I run my own business and as such our dress code says that they must be covered up at all times while on duty or in an area where clients might view them. I recently had an applicant with a so so resume apply and then complain about the dress code, specifically the tattoo requirement that they be covered at all times. I explained that it was no different than being clean shaven at all times. I didn't hire him because his flying experience was not what I was looking for, and now he is claiming discrimination. Nothing will come of this except my time and prolly some money, but it begs the larger question.

Sadly, pilots are often judged by pax on first glance, and those outside of the military mold, often are viewed as less competent. So, do employers have the right to tell employees to cover all tattoos while on the job? has a story on this issue too. ... toos_N.htm
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Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Cuda »

it's usually not a good thing to bitch about company policies before you get hired.

on the other hand, it's fair warning to the employer. it says "if you hire me, you'll fucking regret it"
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Tom In VA »

"We don't allow discrimination based on skin color, yet we came up with a policy that discriminated against people with color on their skin," says Steve Tufts, president of the United Firefighters of Los Angeles City.
Ummm, there's a difference dude. A BIG difference.

In regards to dress code it's entirely at the discretion of the company. That's it.
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Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Smackie Chan »


Looks like she could be the spawn of ...

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Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Shoalzie »

88 wrote:My secretary has a few tattoos. She has a chinese character on her abdomen. She said it means cheerful or something. I told her that unless she reads Chinese and knows for sure, it might read Peking Duck. She didn't think that was very funny. She also has a Gaelic tramp stamp just above her ass. She said she got them at age 18 to spite her overprotective mother. What a waste. She is absolutely gorgeous except for the ink.

First off all, thank you for painting the picture of your lovely assistant...insert Penthouse forum joke. I'm with you, attractive women with ink is a shame. It's not as disappointing as seeing one with a cigarette in their mouth though. I can deal with a butterfly on the small of the back more than I can deal with the smell of cancer sticks.

I've not been opposed to dating women who happen to have tattoos. Certainly with multiple tattoos, that lowers the odds. One young lady that I went out with a while back a tattoo on her ankle...I think it was a flower or something like that. It was a mother-daughter deal where she and her mom each got ink together. It wasn't ghastly but she could've done without for sure.

Tattoos are becoming so cliche that they don't seem to the same shock value as they once had but you just one what you want with it. You might think it looks cool or sexy now, but just wait until you older. We're going to have a generation of seniors with stupid tattoos on their wrinkly old bodies.
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Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Rasputin »

Left Seater wrote:I run my own business and as such our dress code says that they must be covered up at all times while on duty or in an area where clients might view them. I recently had an applicant with a so so resume apply...

Would you have reconsidered if he had a superlative resume? If someone has the requisite skills, he'll get a job somewhere whether he has tats or not. As far as being so repulsed by an otherwise total babe having a tat or five (or smoking a cig), I highly approve.

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Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Screw_Michigan »

What happened to the Truly Gay avatar?

Tread lightly, faggot.
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Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Atomic Punk »

Left Seater wrote:
Sadly, pilots are often judged by pax on first glance, and those outside of the military mold, often are viewed as less competent. So, do employers have the right to tell employees to cover all tattoos while on the job? has a story on this issue too.
When I was in the USN, visible tattoos were off limits for officers according to a USMC instructor while I was in NROTC.. That may have changed by now, but there may be a precedent you can use in your defense if I remember correctly. I don't remember if I read that in one of our texts, or he just made it up. I think the Mustang officers got a pass from their enlisted days. Check into it and good luck.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.

Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Kierland »

Mace wrote:I get the opportunity to see a number of tats at work.....99% of which are clients (probation and parole).

Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Kierland »

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Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Mister Bushice »

Left Seater wrote:Tattoos are all over the place today. You see them everywhere, and there are a ton more that you don't see. What do you think about adding language to work dress codes regarding them?

I run my own business and as such our dress code says that they must be covered up at all times while on duty or in an area where clients might view them. I recently had an applicant with a so so resume apply and then complain about the dress code, specifically the tattoo requirement that they be covered at all times. I explained that it was no different than being clean shaven at all times. I didn't hire him because his flying experience was not what I was looking for, and now he is claiming discrimination. Nothing will come of this except my time and prolly some money, but it begs the larger question.

Sadly, pilots are often judged by pax on first glance, and those outside of the military mold, often are viewed as less competent. So, do employers have the right to tell employees to cover all tattoos while on the job?
When tattoos start getting nicknames like "tramp stamp" and "Jailhouse tat" you can pretty much assume public relations, marketing, and corporate America are not going to risk the company reputation and financial success on someone who has the word "fuck" tatted on his knuckles.
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Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Derron »

The no visible tats thing is pretty common employers you have the right to make that LF's case..the simple lack of hours or experience justify's him not hiring the potential employee...

My boys in the USMC all have ink, but none is visible..not permitted in the Corps any more for the last 5 years I believe..

My daughter is a sheriff's deputy...she had to sign the no visible tats thing as well...did not have to disclose if she had small ankle tat...but cop gear keeps that all covered..

But those back and butt tats give you something to look at as you monkey drive them anyway.... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Kierland »

Derron wrote:My boys in the USMC all have ink, but none is visible..
Invisible tattoos? What's the point?
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Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Goober McTuber »

Shoalzie wrote:One young lady that I went out with a while back a tattoo on her ankle...I think it was a flower or something like that. It was a mother-daughter deal where she and her mom each got ink together.
There’s a fairly hot bartender at a local watering hole. A few years back she and her MILFish mom got boob jobs together.
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Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Smackie Chan »

Goober McTuber wrote:There’s a fairly hot bartender at a local watering hole. A few years back she and her MILFish mom got boob jobs together.
I saw a mother/daughter synchronized titty flash at a Bourbon Street bar not too long ago.

That's all I really have to contribute.
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Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Imus »

Atomic Punk wrote:When I was in the USN, visible tattoos were off limits for officers according to a USMC instructor while I was in NROTC...
Which is it, the canoe club or the high school flag-bearer club (code name for fag guys who can't be cheer leaders but who take pictures of themselves with rubbers hanging out of their ass and post them on the internet) ??

Get your stories straight, if you can. This is the internet.
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Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Cuda »

Kierland wrote:
Mace wrote:I get the opportunity to see a number of tats at work.....99% of which are clients (probation and parole).
what does your's say, "Insert Cock Below"?
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Derron »

Cuda wrote:
Kierland wrote:
Mace wrote:I get the opportunity to see a number of tats at work.....99% of which are clients (probation and parole).
what does your's say, "Insert Cock Below"?
That would be tatted on his buttocks, just above his well used and abused corn hole.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
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Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Goober McTuber »

Derron wrote:
Cuda wrote:
Kierland wrote: Image
what does your's say, "Insert Cock Below"?
That would be tatted on his buttocks, just above his well used and abused corn hole.
Finally, an expert weighs in.
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Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by RumpleForeskin »

My brother is a recovering addict and also a graduate of anger management classes. Dude was so screwed in the head for so many years and now has a wife, a one year old boy, and a steady job. Things are good for him right now and he wants to make it even better by getting an education and finding a job that doesn't pay by the hour. He has a plan. However, my sister-in-law is not quite informed on the hardships of acquiring better paying jobs when you have a checkered past. My bother is already up against it when he has to disclose his criminal record on a job application. Dude is already behind the 8-ball with that shit and his wife thinks it will be a good idea to surprise him this Christmas with a tatoo of their son's face on his forearm. Not fucking smart. My brother will proably go for it and most likely regret it when interviewing for a management position down the road.

Tatoos are dumb.
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Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Cuda »

Goober McTuber wrote:
Derron wrote:
That would be tatted on his buttocks, just above his well used and abused corn hole.
Finally, an expert weighs in.
maybe he's seen it
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Dinsdale »

Did he use the word "visabilty" on his application?

If so, he's probably not terribly well educated.
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Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Screw_Michigan »

RumpleForeskin wrote:Tatoos are dumb.
Don't blame the tattoo. Your brother's dumb.
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Re: Tattoos - visablity at work

Post by Goober McTuber »

Cuda wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:
Derron wrote:
That would be tatted on his buttocks, just above his well used and abused corn hole.
Finally, an expert weighs in.
maybe he's seen it
Wow, you catch on fast.
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