R-Jack wrote: Hell, even when presented with links, you try to dismiss them as if they were not what you were looking for, and they are anti-american for some reason.
I know you are stupid. I GET that. I don't even really mind having to deal with it. When I want to converse with people with brains I don't go here. That being said I really can't believe that you can't read this thread and figure it out.
mvsKKKal is a lying sack of shit from jump street. You know it and I know it, therefore even when he puts up a link 9 times out of 10 it's a lie too. That is what happened here and I called him on it before you started sucking his cock. Why you like sucking his cock I have no clue.
mvsKKKal is a bot. He threw up his post I went to a Right Wing Wackjob site and found his talking point then googled it. His # is pure sophestry. It is the the amount of money that they paid out worldwide for all taxes including $ they took in from customers. It's BS. You are too stupid to read his post, which implies they paid more income/use taxes than anybody ever, and see that it is pure BS. So be it, but don't compound your idiocy by calling ME out. Pull your lips off mvsKKKal's cock and maybe you'll see what a dumbass you sound like.
Good luck.