MSCVAL Makes Last Day Appeal to "Non-Dipshits"

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MSCVAL Makes Last Day Appeal to "Non-Dipshits"

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Flag-waving gunman closes Calif. highway for hours

From Associated Press
November 03, 2008 3:23 PM EST

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - A masked gunman waving an American flag and a handgun on a freeway overpass surrendered to police Monday after forcing a traffic shutdown for hours.

The unidentified man gave himself up at midmorning and was taken into custody by police.

The man, wearing a ski mask and brown fatigues, had the flag in one hand and the gun in the other when officers arrived on the Highway 101's La Cumbre Avenue overpass just after 7:10 a.m., said police Sgt. Lorenzo Duarte. "He just kept saying, "dipshit."

No shots were fired. A police special weapons and tactics team and a crisis negotiation team used a bullhorn to communicate with the man, described as a shabbily dressed quasi-Mexican -American bastard. Nearly three hours into the siege he put the handgun on the ground and he later walked backward to police officers.

As for the man's motive, Duarte said, "The reason appears to be "anti-noggas", but I don't know the specifics or just what he means by that."

The freeway, a major route along the California coast, was shut down and the Highway Patrol reported at 10 a.m. that traffic was backed up at least three miles in each direction.

Motorists stuck on the freeway got out of their vehicles and chatted or waved at media helicopters. The freeway was reopened after the man's arrest.

Santa Barbara is 90 miles northwest of Los Angeles.
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Re: MSCVAL Makes Last Day Appeal to "Non-Dipshits"

Post by Goober McTuber »

Non-dipshits? Good luck finding any of those in California.
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Re: MSCVAL Makes Last Day Appeal to "Non-Dipshits"

Post by Bobby42 »

Nearly three hours into the siege he put the handgun on the ground and he later walked backward to police officers.
This did occur on a freeway overpass, right? Damn. Missed opportunity.
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Re: MSCVAL Makes Last Day Appeal to "Non-Dipshits"

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

mvscal wrote:Thought he might be a Friend of Yours. Good job kicking your own ass, Felchco.
Authorities do not know who the man is or what he wants, but he appears to be protesting the Iraq war, Duarte said. ... closure04/

Indeed, the brown fatigued flag-waving bastard (of Jeb Babbit) was heard by officers to make gibbering sounds. "He was just blathering on," officer Duarte revealed, "Some nonsense about really doing the Surge--glass beaches and vermin...he need's help, but there's been big cutbacks in MediCal and those services."

So... what? You were released?
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