Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

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Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by upstart »

What the fuck is he talking about ?

"Civilian National Security Force as strong and as well funded as the military"

This guy is insane
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Mikey »

Ever heard of the National Guard?
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Tom In VA »

Are you asking Obama that or upstart ?

This is kind of like when "Homeland Security" was created. Isn't "Department of Defense" sort of supposed to defend the homeland ?

Maybe we should change the DoD to the DoO, Department of Offense. Defense might win championships, but the best defense is always a good offense.
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by upstart »

Mikey wrote:Ever heard of the National Guard?
If the demos' get to 60 in the senate -where are we going to build the gulags ?

It diden't sound like he was talking about the gard to me.

Civilian National Security Force

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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Tom In VA »


Obama is a uniter.

He has been selected to unite all. One step closer to a New World Order.

The Heart of the Matter:

It is said that the Illuminati influence every major political decision that happens in the United States. How can that be, you may ask. The reason being that some of the richest people in the world belong to the Illuminati. People like Alan Greenspan, Rothchilds, Rockefellers, etc. It is said that the entire central banking system in the world, which as you may know are really private banks, are under the Illuminati control.

The Illuminati teaches its disciples that as they acquire knowledge and power they are illuminated and as such they are better than the ordinary people in the world. Like any other religious cult, and that in essence is what the Illuminati is, a cult, they believe that the laws of the world do not apply to them or their purpose as they are "above the Law".

Their purpose is simple, to unite the earth into a one world government to serve one king. And they will use any ruthless means to achieve that goal.


If you buy into that stuff. :lol:
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Tom In VA wrote: Isn't "Department of Defense" sort of supposed to defend the homeland ?

Finally, someone gets it.

There is no greater sense of freedom that seeing your own well armed soldiers on your streets.

RACK the troops. Forever may they man your daily checkpoints.
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Tom In VA »

Well it was called the "War Department". I think that name is more appropriate.
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Cuda »

Mikey wrote:Ever heard of the National Guard?
Ever hear of the Gestapo? They were civillians too.
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Mikey »

You're sounding intimidated again.

Why don't you just screw up your face, take a deep breath and let it all out?


Don't worry, the jackbooted liberals won't come to silence you this time.
I won't let them.
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Dr_Phibes »

So what is he talking about? A labour service? :? There must be more to that speech that's been left out, you can't just say something like that without qualifying it.
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

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You can if you're Obama.
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Dr_Phibes »

it's a twenty second clip, there is no context - no lead up, or references.
I am suspiciously suspicious of this clip being selectively edited.
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Tom In VA »

Of course you are. So am I. Problem is, there isn't much available on the WTF he's talking about. There isn't much anywhere about WTF he's talking about.

Not in his voting record, not in the mainstream press, he starts @300K = you're rich enough to be taxed more and now they're down to 120K. He claims to want to save "Main Street" and the average Joe, but when Joe asks a simple question - he and hit cohorts use government computers to take a giant shit on the "working man" to whom he verbally panders.
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Mikey »

Tom In VA wrote:
He claims to want to save "Main Street" and the average Joe, but when Joe asks a simple question - he and hit cohorts use government computers to take a giant shit on the "working man" to whom he verbally panders.
No, he doesn't.
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Tom In VA »

Mikey wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
He claims to want to save "Main Street" and the average Joe, but when Joe asks a simple question - he and hit cohorts use government computers to take a giant shit on the "working man" to whom he verbally panders.
No, he doesn't.

Oh, okay, well if you say so. :meds:
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Dr_Phibes »

well the full speech is on there, it starts off by saying that people are too caught up in the minuteia of everyday life that they've forgot the larger picture of the national good.

Then comes some war on terror stuff and why not a national version of neighbourhood watch to keep the islamists at bay.

not really earth-shaking stuff.
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Tom In VA »

That's right. We're all selfish little monsters while the fucking Messiah is the only one giving anything back to the community.
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Mikey »

Tom your bitterness is really showing through.

Now why don't you just roll over and take it up the ass and pretend you enjoy it. It's inevitable and you know it.
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Tom In VA »

Ummmm. No.

I will not go gently into that good night. There's still .... time .... still .... time.

Fourth Quarter, down by 2, field goal will win, but we're on our own 46. 3rd and 4 and 45 seconds left to play.

That's when you lower your head gear, hit the motherfucker hard, and drive baby, drive.

We'll see if McCain can get in field goal range tomorrow night.

My true hope, is that if Obama wins, he doesn't have a Dem super majority. No matter who is in power, I fear it being UNCHECKED. Pelosi, to Reid, to Obama is a triple play that will really fuck things up in my opinion.

I'd at least like to see a "buffer" in the Senate to keep Pelosi and Obama honest, if that's at all possible for liars to ever be honest.
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Mikey »

Tom In VA wrote:
I'd at least like to see a "buffer" in the Senate.
Barney Frank isn't running.
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Tom In VA »

Mikey wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
I'd at least like to see a "buffer" in the Senate.
Barney Frank isn't running.

Good one. He likes to play center, but I think he freaks the QB out.
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Cuda »

Dr_Phibes wrote:So what is he talking about? A labour service?
More like the Hitler Jüngen, only with better weapons
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Tom In VA »

The whole thing. Thanks Phibes.

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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Mikey »

mvscal wrote:
Dr_Phibes wrote:So what is he talking about?

He's talking about Brown Shirts, Phibes. Any more questions?
mvsblackhelicpoter is convinced he's going to be intimidated and silenced if Obama's elected. Better plan on going underground right away.
mvscal wrote:
Mikey wrote:
...Obama might suspend Habeus Corpus to jail and intimidate anyone who criticizes him, his policies, and his past.
Do you really think that he would do that, or were you just being cheeky?
Jail? Probably not. Intimidate and silence? You fucking bet he will.
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Mikey »

mvscal wrote:So you're OK with club wielding thugs "watching" polling places.

Got it.
And what makes you think that Obama either knows about or would ever approve of those idiots?

Oh I get it...they're all n---iggers, so they must be in on it together.

:meds: :meds:

I'm pretty sure that wasn't in your neighborhood anyway.
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Mikey »

mvscal wrote:
Mikey wrote:
mvscal wrote:So you're OK with club wielding thugs "watching" polling places.

Got it.
And what makes you think that Obama either knows about or would ever approve of those idiots?
Answer the question, pussy.
Of course I'm not OK with it, asshole.

Now, you answer the question.

Or are you feeling too intimidated?
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Mikey »

mvscal wrote:
Mikey wrote:Of course I'm not OK with it, asshole.
Then shut your dick gobbler.
So, I see you're too much of a pussy to answer a simple question.

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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by upstart »

Lets see the black panthers will be the core of Barry Soetoro's new secret police force.

I'd just call it the start of the reparations
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Cuda »

I probably have more rounds of .357 mag in my basement than there are blacvk panthers in the whole country

And I damn sure have more .45acp, 30.06 & .223 than I have .357 mag.
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Goober McTuber »

Cuda wrote:I probably have more rounds of .357 mag in my basement than there are blacvk panthers in the whole country
And it will only take one of them to put you out of your misery.
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Re: Barry Soetoro's new secret police force

Post by Cuda »

enjoy yourself while you can, white boy
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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