dotdotdot wrote:T-minus 20 years or so until I am as jaded as Buschice.
Don't fall for that stuff...everyone wants to go to either extreme. It's either going to be sunshine, butterflies and lollipops or death, famine and corruption. Heaven forbid, anyone here has a moderate view on things.
The guy I voted for won the election but I'm not marching up and down the street in celebration. I want this guy to follow through on what he says he's going to do. You vote for the person you hope will leave the country in better shape than what it was before they were elected. Just because he got my vote doesn't mean I'm not going to hold back on any criticism I may have for him when he makes mistakes. He does give nice speeches but this guy also has to deliver as the leader of the free world or myself and millions of others cast our votes for the wrong man. This guy works for all of us now.