Merry Christmas, ASSES.

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Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

We start with an innocent holiday pleasantry, and wind up with:
My God and GOD you really are a dumbfuck asshole aren't you?
Truth be known, you're most likely a lying sack of shit and aren't donating a fucking dime
Die nice and silently and without notice.
Shove your book up your ass and mind your own fucking business.
Bwahahaa. This shit is why I pay the Deciders good coin.
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Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.

Post by Mikey »

Dinsdale wrote:
Mikey wrote:I decided to spend the $$ on an oz. of blow instead.

Got baking soda?

I haven't completely lost the spirit of giving. I plan to take half of it, add equal weight of mannitol, divide it into half gram bindles and distribute it free at our church's next youth mass.

A lot of these kids come from families that don't have many resources. Some can't even afford recreational drugs. I believe that introducing them to this product is as important to their proper education, or even moreso, as elementary school music lessons.
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Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.

Post by Dinsdale »

Wow, what a Grinch.

The cut is just going to fraction off when those poor kids cook the spoon anyway.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
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Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.

Post by Mikey »

It would be a disservice to pump their expectations up too high.
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Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.

Post by Jerkovich »

Mikey wrote:
Jerkovich wrote: There are those of us that give all year long and don't brag about it. .
there you go again, you elitist cunt bag. Some of us gfive at least 10% of our earnings, after taxes, to those local charities that need it most. I'm still not going to post the spread sheet, but my guess is that your "charitable giving" is still less in ratio to Onagga's and O biddin's.

You liberal cunts are such complete fucktards.
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Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.

Post by Jerkovich »

I can't believe you all are so sick, and demoralized by the filth my soon to be in the dog house husband "entertains" himself with... What a nasty and irreverent lot you pride yourselves in being, my question is why? Why do persist in promoting the negativity that persists, and condone it to the fullest degree? What is wrong with you all?( I never read this CRAP on my husbands laptop, I'm shocked and saddened by the screaming loneliness and need for attention, but happened upon it checking the weather.) Duh.
Stupid me. Should have used my own laptop and avoided all this garbage. Oh, and you're all, well most of you obviously and dangerously close to hell. You are people who are going to ignorantly conclude that "Sven" or whatever his name is married to some dumb Christian podunk dumbass. Guess again scary non believers. Jesus took nails and pain for our lives that no schmuck on the internet screaming for his rights for porn or fucking canines without reprehension from the humane society will understand. Reach out to those around you. Give without arrogant dispute or praise. Love without doubt. Just get off your fucking computer for a day and give back the fact that you're walking around able to use a computer and malign others when you could do the right thing! Goodbye Sven, God bless. And if I catch him on this nasty "troll train" you all better pray for this miscreant that finds filth and outright abuse of others so entertaining, if not brain numbing. If your goal is to irritate and awaken, yo have irritated and awakened, far from the pathetic moral code you pretend to uphold. Tonight you'll go and worship your computer by spouting more filth and derivative comments towards each other. Praise seems few and far between. I'll go to bed, (laugh an evil laugh if you want, cause you can't truly touch my family) and pray thanks to the Lord for providing this day, and allowing my family to enjoy the beauty.

Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.

Post by Screw_Michigan »

^^^ Most epic melt ever. Slam the lock on this bitch.
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Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.

Post by Jerkovich »

Jerkovich wrote:I can't believe you all are so sick, and demoralized by the filth my soon to be in the dog house husband "entertains" himself with... What a nasty and irreverent lot you pride yourselves in being, my question is why? Why do persist in promoting the negativity that persists, and condone it to the fullest degree? What is wrong with you all?( I never read this CRAP on my husbands laptop, I'm shocked and saddened by the screaming loneliness and need for attention, but happened upon it checking the weather.) Duh.
Stupid me. Should have used my own laptop and avoided all this garbage. Oh, and you're all, well most of you obviously and dangerously close to hell. You are people who are going to ignorantly conclude that "Sven" or whatever his name is married to some dumb Christian podunk dumbass. Guess again scary non believers. Jesus took nails and pain for our lives that no schmuck on the internet screaming for his rights for porn or fucking canines without reprehension from the humane society will understand. Reach out to those around you. Give without arrogant dispute or praise. Love without doubt. Just get off your fucking computer for a day and give back the fact that you're walking around able to use a computer and malign others when you could do the right thing! Goodbye Sven, God bless. And if I catch him on this nasty "troll train" you all better pray for this miscreant that finds filth and outright abuse of others so entertaining, if not brain numbing. If your goal is to irritate and awaken, yo have irritated and awakened, far from the pathetic moral code you pretend to uphold. Tonight you'll go and worship your computer by spouting more filth and derivative comments towards each other. Praise seems few and far between. I'll go to bed, (laugh an evil laugh if you want, cause you can't truly touch my family) and pray thanks to the Lord for providing this day, and allowing my family to enjoy the beauty.
Oh for God's sake, I'm not trying to "stalk" anybody! I'm trying in my own small way to preach the gospel. Poor attempt, your words are taken into consideration. I'm not trying to change who you are, just open your heart and eyes to whom you could become. God Bless, have an awesome New Year. I'll leave this crap up to my husband now who comes up with prolific monikers to keep ya' all happy and me disturbed.
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Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.

Post by Mikey »

Reindeer damage?
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Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Tha fuck is this shit? The Jerkowife version of Norman Bates?
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Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.

Post by PSUFAN »

Mrs. Jerknic got loose on the laptop? Zounds...could be epic.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.

Post by PSUFAN »

Goodbye Sven, God bless.
Mrs. Jerknic, are you a squirter?
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.

Post by RadioFan »

Tardowen wrote:Die nice and silently and without notice.
You still haven't offed yourself yet? Damn, and I was hoping for a decent present this year ... if not for me, than for humanity's sake.
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Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.

Post by Goober McTuber »

RumpleForeskin wrote:I made a donation to a young women's program a few years back that involved teaching them basic computer skills, communication skills, and other general office reponsibilities.
Try teaching them some basic dietary skills, eh?

And RACK Kevnic's little bitch hose-bag for getting loose and making Terry's old lady seem like Mother Theresa.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.

Post by smackaholic »

Jerkovich wrote:I can't believe you all are so sick, and demoralized by the filth my soon to be in the dog house husband "entertains" himself with... you go girl. shut kev down till, say easterWhat a nasty and irreverent lot you pride yourselves in being, you ain't seen nasty and irreverent. can somebody drag morese in here?my question is why? Why do persist in promoting the negativity that persists, and condone it to the fullest degree? because it's fun....and it pisses you off and jerkhisdick will be doing just that for the next few weeks What is wrong with you all? adhd here. can't speak for the rest( I never read this CRAP on my husbands laptop, I'm shocked and saddened by the screaming loneliness and need for attention, but happened upon it checking the weather.) Duh.
Stupid me. Should have used my own laptop and avoided all this garbage. yeah, stupid you Oh, and you're all, well most of you obviously and dangerously close to hell. i gathered from that trainwreck of a sentence that you think we're all going to hell? yeah, prolly. if there is one, all of us 'cept mikey and maybe tom. well, there's also mvscal and psufag. hell has erfused their applications You are people who are going to ignorantly conclude that "Sven" or whatever his name is married to some dumb Christian podunk dumbass. Guess again scary non believers. Jesus took nails and pain for our lives that no schmuck on the internet screaming for his rights for porn or fucking canines without reprehension from the humane society will understand. you know filthy? tell him we said hi.Reach out to those around you. Give without arrogant dispute or praise. Love without doubt. Just get off your fucking computer for a day and give back the fact that you're walking around able to use a computer and malign others when you could do the right thing! Goodbye Sven, God bless. And if I catch him on this nasty "troll train" you all better pray for this miscreant that finds filth and outright abuse of others so entertaining, if not brain numbing. If your goal is to irritate and awaken, yo have irritated and awakened, far from the pathetic moral code you pretend to uphold. sorry, but we don't even pretend to have a moral code here. TNW tried it and went tits up. Tonight you'll go and worship your computer by spouting more filth and derivative comments towards each other. Praise seems few and far between. I'll go to bed, (laugh an evil laugh if you want, cause you can't truly touch my family) that's what dan vogel thought and pray thanks to the Lord for providing this day, and allowing my family to enjoy the beauty.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.

Post by smackaholic »

somebody really needs to bring a mrs kevnic troll to this sordid clambake. i'd do it, but, i've had my troll priviledges revoked by the deciders after my one miserable failure of a troll attempt.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.

Post by Dan Vogel »

I can't believe you all are so sick, and demoralized by the filth my soon to be in the dog house husband "entertains" himself with... What a nasty and irreverent lot you pride yourselves in being, my question is why? Why do persist in promoting the negativity that persists, and condone it to the fullest degree? What is wrong with you all?( I never read this CRAP on my husbands laptop, I'm shocked and saddened by the screaming loneliness and need for attention, but happened upon it checking the weather.) Duh.
Stupid me. Should have used my own laptop and avoided all this garbage. Oh, and you're all, well most of you obviously and dangerously close to hell. You are people who are going to ignorantly conclude that "Sven" or whatever his name is married to some dumb Christian podunk dumbass. Guess again scary non believers. Jesus took nails and pain for our lives that no schmuck on the internet screaming for his rights for porn or fucking canines without reprehension from the humane society will understand. Reach out to those around you. Give without arrogant dispute or praise. Love without doubt. Just get off your fucking computer for a day and give back the fact that you're walking around able to use a computer and malign others when you could do the right thing! Goodbye Sven, God bless. And if I catch him on this nasty "troll train" you all better pray for this miscreant that finds filth and outright abuse of others so entertaining, if not brain numbing. If your goal is to irritate and awaken, yo have irritated and awakened, far from the pathetic moral code you pretend to uphold. Tonight you'll go and worship your computer by spouting more filth and derivative comments towards each other. Praise seems few and far between. I'll go to bed, (laugh an evil laugh if you want, cause you can't truly touch my family) and pray thanks to the Lord for providing this day, and allowing my family to enjoy the beauty.
This is the best message I've ever seen posted here. Just take it to heart and why not look at the new year as a starting point to make this a better and more positive board. Some of you hear do that but the general board mood is degradation and celebration of all things vile and twisted.

I have to put in two days of work and then I am off from Wednesday all the way through Sunday. That's five days by my count.

Have a nice week!
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Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.

Post by socal »

Jerkovich wrote:I can't believe you all are so sick, and demoralized by the filth my soon to be in the dog house husband "entertains" himself with... What a nasty and irreverent lot you pride yourselves in being, my question is why? Why do persist in promoting the negativity that persists, and condone it to the fullest degree? What is wrong with you all?( I never read this CRAP on my husbands laptop, I'm shocked and saddened by the screaming loneliness and need for attention, but happened upon it checking the weather.) Duh.
Stupid me. Should have used my own laptop and avoided all this garbage. Oh, and you're all, well most of you obviously and dangerously close to hell. You are people who are going to ignorantly conclude that "Sven" or whatever his name is married to some dumb Christian podunk dumbass. Guess again scary non believers. Jesus took nails and pain for our lives that no schmuck on the internet screaming for his rights for porn or fucking canines without reprehension from the humane society will understand. Reach out to those around you. Give without arrogant dispute or praise. Love without doubt. Just get off your fucking computer for a day and give back the fact that you're walking around able to use a computer and malign others when you could do the right thing! Goodbye Sven, God bless. And if I catch him on this nasty "troll train" you all better pray for this miscreant that finds filth and outright abuse of others so entertaining, if not brain numbing. If your goal is to irritate and awaken, yo have irritated and awakened, far from the pathetic moral code you pretend to uphold. Tonight you'll go and worship your computer by spouting more filth and derivative comments towards each other. Praise seems few and far between. I'll go to bed, (laugh an evil laugh if you want, cause you can't truly touch my family) and pray thanks to the Lord for providing this day, and allowing my family to enjoy the beauty.
Who knew Russian mail order brides could pick up English more quickly than their bitch husbands?

Rack Mikey.
Van wrote:Kumbaya, asshats.
R-Jack wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:So why did you post it?
Yes, that just happened.
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