Be Green!

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Be Green!

Post by poptart »

I decided to forgo locust and dog tonight.
Opted instead for Chicken, tossed salad, macaroni and cheese ... and a handful of beer nuts. haha

As I glanced at the macaroni and cheese box I saw a pretty notice decorating one side.

- BE GREEN and help the Earth live -

Below that pretty notice was a list of instructions for me to follow to save the Earth.

Quite a lofty mission, helping the Earth live (should I decide to accept it), isn't it?
And I will confess to feeling a stirring in my soul.
A stirring of a sense of purpose.
A calling.

So I was waiting for the water to boil and I began looking at the instructions.
Either that or glance here at an LTS TARD post.
'BODE box.

The print was small, and despite being a braggart in Mace's "eye" thread by declaring that I am 48 and still not in need of glasses, well, ... the print was sort of ... small, you ASSES!!

I think the target audience for the "help the Earth live" movement is the young (and dumb??).
Certainly not those who are carotene-challenged, anyway.

But at any rate, I was able to make out some of the instructions for my important mission of "being green to save the Earth."

be an Earth advocate
wonderous blue and green planet
steward of our fragile planet
plankton and polar bears
whales to redwoods
we share the same home
BE GREENs are everywhere
growing phenomenon
louder our voice
keep the ripple going
BE GREEN bumper sticker

I stopped.
The water was boiling and my eyes hurt a little bit.

I was marginally moved by my reading and didn't want to argue, especially when plankton and a "same home" are involved.
But I had a question about WHO or WHAT is dying.

Aren't PEOPLE dying ... at a 100% clip?
And hasn't the "fragile planet" been here for ... millio ... err... well, a real long time?

But I brushed those negative thoughts to the back of my mind faster than B_Smack dashing to the bank to cash a $15 check.

The angel was telling me to save the Earth and the devil was telling me it's all a crock of shit and I should keep living like a pig and say "fuck y'all" to the youngsters coming up to live on this shithole of a planet Earth that we've all created.

I didn't know which voice to listen to.

Oh well, it can't hurt my to order the free bumper sticker.
And if this is what it takes to be a good steward, count me IN.

And yes, I'll raise my voice, too.
Even if it hurts, like my eyes now do.

That's fine, we've all got to be willing to sacrifice a little bit to save this wonderous blue and green planet.

WAR plankton, polar bears, whales and redwoods!
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Re: Be Green!

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

poptart wrote: Opted instead for...tossed salad...

Whoah...I didn't need to read that.

Well, good luck with your "lifestyle choices" anyway, 'tart.
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Re: Be Green!

Post by Diego in Seattle »

Poptard's posts already turn people green, anyways.
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Re: Be Green!

Post by smackaholic »

do charge shipping for that free sticker? If not and it truely is free, I will order as many as I can get away with. I will then smile as I stuff them in the trash, knowing that some imbecile hippie, helped me fullfill my goal to overflow my local landfill ASAP.
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Re: Be Green!

Post by Dinsdale »

mvscal wrote:
R-Jack wrote:The green movement is all about the green global socialism, but it doesn't give a fuck about the enviornment.

Two words:

"Subsidized recycling"

Government-mandated environment-killer.
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Re: Be Green!

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

I went green, and it sure as all hell wasn't easy!
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Re: Be Green!

Post by Shoalzie »

Companies going "green" is keeping my company plenty busy. We're a controls contractor and we've worked on several new construction and renovation projects where companies or groups are trying to be more environmentally friendly. I don't think it's a bad thing to be a more conscious of your surroundings and not be wasteful. It's a hot niche industry that we're in with the whole idea of saving energy and money. We've able to find plenty of work in spite of the economic struggles going on in Michigan. The west side of the state doesn't seem to be as down as it is on the east side.
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Re: Be Green!

Post by War Wagon »

But I brushed those negative thoughts to the back of my mind faster than B_Smack dashing to the bank to cash a $15 check.

And for every company now advertizing how they're going green, I'm going to throw another tire on the burning pile in my backyard and pour another quart of used motor oil in the culvert.

Keeps the mosquitos down, and even though it's January, one can't be too careful.
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Re: Be Green!

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Shoalzie wrote:I don't think it's a bad thing to be a more conscious of your surroundings and not be wasteful.
Alright Vogel, come out from behind the troll.
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Re: Be Green!

Post by Shoalzie »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
Shoalzie wrote:I don't think it's a bad thing to be a more conscious of your surroundings and not be wasteful.
Alright Vogel, come out from behind the troll.

If it was Vogel, he would demand that we all go green. I'm simply encouraging's good for business.
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Re: Be Green!

Post by Diego in Seattle »

mvscal wrote:
Shoalzie wrote:I'm simply encouraging's good for business.
No, it isn't...unless your "business" is leeching money from taxpayers.
That's right....Going green is bad for business. That's why we're throwing money away on it.


“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
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Re: Be Green!

Post by poptart »

I woke up one night at 3:07 and had to piss like a racehorse.
It was darker than Vic and Annie's love child, and in my hustle to get to the john, I stubbed the living fuck out of my wittle toe.
A few days later it actually WENT GREEN

To date, that's my only real experience in regard to this mission.

Surprisingly, "they" still want me.

After the bumper sticker arrives and I start raising my voice and meditating on plankton, redwoods, ripples going, and ... CHANGE, my mission to help the Earth live will start to crystalize before my eyes.

... I hope.

I know I'm good enough, smart enough ... doggone it ... etc x some.

If not, one of the Hollywood smartypants will help me along.
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Re: Be Green!

Post by Mister Bushice »

poptart wrote: - BE GREEN and help the Earth live -
keep the ripple going
Sounds more like you should drink to forget, 70's style.
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Re: Be Green!

Post by smackaholic »

my favorite is everybody and their brother rushing out to replace their energy hog monitor with a lcd flatscreen.

I am sure that they use a fair bit less power and they do free up a square foot or two of real estate on the desk, but, does it really make sense to replace a perfectly functioning crt? Factor in having to dispose of that nasty old vacuum tube full of icky stuff and the resources consumed making the new green one and I doubt it makes any sense.
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Re: Be Green!

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

smackaholic wrote:my favorite is everybody and their brother rushing out to replace their energy hog monitor with a lcd flatscreen.

I am sure that they use a fair bit less power and they do free up a square foot or two of real estate on the desk, but, does it really make sense to replace a perfectly functioning crt? Factor in having to dispose of that nasty old vacuum tube full of icky stuff and the resources consumed making the new green one and I doubt it makes any sense.
I don't think there are two people on this planet who are replacing their CRT's with LCD's because polar bears are drowning.
smackaholic wrote:
I am sure that they use a fair bit less power and they do free up a square foot or two of real estate on the desk...
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Re: Be Green!

Post by smackaholic »

Martyred wrote:
smackaholic wrote:my favorite is everybody and their brother rushing out to replace their energy hog monitor with a lcd flatscreen.

I am sure that they use a fair bit less power and they do free up a square foot or two of real estate on the desk, but, does it really make sense to replace a perfectly functioning crt? Factor in having to dispose of that nasty old vacuum tube full of icky stuff and the resources consumed making the new green one and I doubt it makes any sense.
I don't think there are two people on this planet who are replacing their CRT's with LCD's because polar bears are drowning.
smackaholic wrote:
I am sure that they use a fair bit less power and they do free up a square foot or two of real estate on the desk...
they are doing it because it's green.


companies buy their kilowatts in big chunks and get a pretty good price on them. i can't imagine that the cost of a new monitor is paid for in energy savings very soon. Infact, I'd guess that if you figure in a few percent interest on the money, it would never pay for interself.

not saying that crts shouldn't be replaced with lcds. they should......when they go tits up.
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Re: Be Green!

Post by Cuda »

Diego's idea of public relations is a box of candy and a leash for his "lost puppy"
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Re: Be Green!

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

smackaholic wrote:

they are doing it because it's green.

If that fits your meme, good. Run with that.

People who want a stylish, new monitor cant because you'll accuse them of being tree-spiking, Earth Firsters.
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Re: Be Green!

Post by Goober McTuber »

mvscal wrote:
smackaholic wrote:
not saying that crts shouldn't be replaced with lcds. they should......when they go tits up.
That's pretty much the way it's being done, isn't it?
No. A lot of companies upgrade monitors because they believe it benefits their employees and makes them more productive.
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Re: Be Green!

Post by Derron »

This being green is all a bunch of is the buzz word , particularly in the Pacific Fucking Northwest.

It does not have to make any real economic sense, as was very accurately pointed out in several of the above posts..It just has to sound..."GREEN"...and if you can convince your clients customers or whomever, that your are "greener" than the next company..then go ahead and rack the sale..and feel free to run the margin up as well.

Browsing Barnes and Noble on the airport concourse last week...and in the business section, there was several books on making your business "green" or "more green". Thumbed through it, and thought what a bunch of shit. Then started thinking about it a bit more, and thought, well if it don't cost me much and I can impress the lemmings that buy our services, and I can increase and justify larger margins..then I am down with this "green" movement. Getting ready to send an electronic survey to about 500 of our sales targets and clients...and 2 of the questions have to do with this green bullshit..

I am going back and buy the book....and become more "green"..which BTW in the Peoples Republic of Oregon allows me to apply for and receive many different tax credits, and the ability to sell those tax credits to other company's, for completely unrelated purposes, for fucking cash, and since I already received the tax credit, it is tax free money. My accountant is working on that as I write this.

Now that is what I call "green". Real fucking
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Re: Be Green!

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

LCD's use less electricity than CRT's. Use a fucking multi-meter if you care to find out.

electricity = $

Capitalism 101, retards.
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
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Re: Be Green!

Post by Screw_Michigan »

mvscal wrote:
smackaholic wrote:
not saying that crts shouldn't be replaced with lcds. they should......when they go tits up.
That's pretty much the way it's being done, isn't it?
Not according to Suckaholic's consistant hysterical conservative conspiracy theories.
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Re: Be Green!

Post by Derron »

Martyred wrote:LCD's use less electricity than CRT's. Use a fucking multi-meter if you care to find out.

electricity = $

Capitalism 101, retards.
Especially after your utility figures a way out to stick it farther up your ass for your electricity billings ... xml&coll=7
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Re: Be Green!

Post by Derron »

When asked 5 questions regarding "green business's" to our clients...the leading answer so far is ...

That the community will see us as using "green" products and the perception of us being green...

So much for the environmental side of it..fucking bandwagoners...

But I am jumping on...
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Re: Be Green!

Post by smackaholic »

Martyred wrote:LCD's use less electricity than CRT's. Use a fucking multi-meter if you care to find out.

electricity = $

Capitalism 101, retards.
No shit, sherlock. I admit to as much, if you bother to read my post. My point is monitors use pennies a day worth of electricity. So, capitalism 101 would teach that you go with a new monitor if it will pay for itself.

It does not, imo, do so in saved 'lectricity. The other reason mentioned, that it might make employees happier or more productive, might be true.

There is one other possibility. Companies may get erally good deals on them if they buy them by the trailer full. It might also make logistic sense for the geeks to just do it all in one shot rather than 1 at a time as the crts fail.
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Re: Be Green!

Post by smackaholic »

Screw_Michigan wrote:
mvscal wrote:
smackaholic wrote:
not saying that crts shouldn't be replaced with lcds. they should......when they go tits up.
That's pretty much the way it's being done, isn't it?
Not according to Suckaholic's consistant hysterical conservative conspiracy theories.
Not according to my workplace or just about any other place I know of. Everybody and their brother has switched over completely. And it sure as hell hasn't been 1 by one as the crts fail, since crts are stupid reliable and can last for many years.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Be Green!

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

I've spoken to about 15-20 people on upgrading from CRT's to LCD's, some asked my opinion, some just wanted to bounce some ideas off me.

Generally, they want to know:

- Will the picture look "sharper" or "better".
- Can their graphics card output a resolution to best fit the new monitor.
- What brands of LCD screen are reliable.
- Can the monitors be left on for extended periods of time.

Not once has the issue of disrupting the migration pattern of the Silver-Tailed Crested Ground Squirrel ever been brought up.

Not once...

...and I hang with some righteously militant comrades.
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Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
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Re: Be Green!

Post by orcinus »

poptart wrote: WAR whales!
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Re: Be Green!

Post by PSUFAN »

Derron, what the hell is that sig all about, anyway?
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Re: Be Green!

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

Yer asking Derron about his sig???
What were we just talking about?
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Re: Be Green!

Post by Dan Vogel »

The awareness of being green is something that should have been going on a long time ago. Our trashed up and hurting world wouldn't be in the hurt and overly warm condition it is now in. Most of what they are talking about is for people to just be aware of the enviornment and to do common sense things to insure a good habitat for our future generations. But some people overreact and take this as a political issue. Then anger and irrational thoughts come in. Just love the planet and do your own part to show it love.

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Re: Be Green!

Post by smackaholic »


Are you doing anything to recycle mvscal's manseed from the OL's trashed up, hurt and overly warm starfish? Or are you just poluting the ground water by hosing her off in the backyard?
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
KC Scott

Re: Be Green!

Post by KC Scott »

As long as we're discussing Green, What is the deal with She Hulk?


Is it just a PMS thing? Did Marvel just figure Hulk would never get a date? I really wanna know........
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Re: Be Green!

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

KC Scott wrote:Is it just a PMS thing? Did Marvel just figure Hulk would never get a date? I really wanna know........
Some questions are best just left unasked Scott. At any rate, I don't think she has the Hulk on her mind right now...

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Re: Be Green!

Post by Dinsdale »

smackaholic wrote: There is one other possibility. Companies may get erally good deals on them if they buy them by the trailer full. It might also make logistic sense for the geeks to just do it all in one shot rather than 1 at a time as the crts fail.


Kinda one of my professional duties these days, dealing with huge corporate rollouts.

And for the previous point of it being easier on employee eyeballs.

And as faras being "green"... recently yanked out hundreds of perfectly good LCD 15" and replaced them with 24's... doesn't sound too "green" to me. Sounds more like IT justifying a larger budget because they actually did something tangible that the users, invluding management use every day and makes them happier... the IT budget folks ain't stupid.
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Re: Be Green!

Post by smackaholic »

Dinsdale wrote:
smackaholic wrote: There is one other possibility. Companies may get erally good deals on them if they buy them by the trailer full. It might also make logistic sense for the geeks to just do it all in one shot rather than 1 at a time as the crts fail.


Kinda one of my professional duties these days, dealing with huge corporate rollouts.

And for the previous point of it being easier on employee eyeballs.

And as faras being "green"... recently yanked out hundreds of perfectly good LCD 15" and replaced them with 24's... doesn't sound too "green" to me. Sounds more like IT justifying a larger budget because they actually did something tangible that the users, invluding management use every day and makes them happier... the IT budget folks ain't stupid.
I trust those perfectly good 15 inch LCDs were bartered for a fair amount of weed/booze/crank?
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Be Green!

Post by Dinsdale »

I actually have no idea what they do with the old ones. I suppose I could ask... if I could only scrape up enough give-a-shit.
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