m2 wrote:Trust me,
Okay, I laughed. Look, m2, you know I'm one of the few people here who enjoys your act. I actually like you, which seems to place me in the minority opinion 'round these parts. So, that being the case, you gotta admit that at this point asking people here to
trust you is pretty fucking funny.
this has been going on for years with Petey.
Oh really? Link? Loads of other examples you can link us to, right?
Most PAC 10 fans know his act well and I just wanted to bring this to the attention of other College Football fans before it hit the mainstream media.
Most Pac 10 fans know he's the best coach in the conference. Most Pac 10 fans know his players love him. Most Pac 10 fans see Pete as being very much a "player's coach" and a guy who genuinely cares about his players and their families.
Most Pac 10 fans here know that you live to take potshots at USC, and that you're not above tossing out any shit possible in the hopes that maybe even a little of it might stick.
There is no track record of this sort of behavior from Pete. If there were it wouldn't be such news right now. This is very obviously a unique situation and if you read the entire transcript of the press conference and if you watched the entire press conference you'll see that by and large Pete said and did all the right things anyway.
About the only things that were unusual were his comments about the "below 50/50 success rate" of QBs who come out early and the fact that Pete mostly stood at the table rather than sitting down. Then he quickly bailed, offering Sanchez just a small pat and a "good luck."
Lost in all this is the fact that Pete also said Sanchez will "kick ass, because that's what Mark Sanchez does."
The bottom line here is there's no pattern of this type of behavior from Pete. Pete is well known for supporting his players who leave early. Players wouldn't keep coming to play for him and they wouldn't keep consulting with him about their NFL decisions if Pete had a reputation for fucking kids over for selfish reasons.
That kind of crap would get around in a big hurry.
I knew it would get national attention, since it involved a star qb at $C going against Petey's wishes.
A regular Kreskin, you are. Took a real genius to realize this would make for a newsworthy story.
Pete Carroll puts himself first, even if it means lying to his players.
Yeah, you'll be able to support
that one with facts.
Observe how he reacted about Mark Sanchez.
Rightfully concerned for the kid's future? Rightfully worried the kid is making a mistake? Maybe even a little pissed too?
Shocking! Pete is Josef Mengele!
He talked Matt Leinart into staying, even though Leinart was a 1st round pick.
He flat out lied to Lofa T.
:broken record:
Carroll told him he wouldn't go in the first three rounds and then wouldn't speak to him when he found out Lofa was leaving.
Bigfoot told you this, didn't he? Or was it Lofa himself, hitting you up on your cell?
Result: Lofa T. goes in the 2nd round and makes Pro Bowl in first year.
Same thing with Udeze.
And this reflects poorly on Pete, how? Please remind us of those press conferences where Pete shat on Lofa and Udeze for coming out early. Mike Williams, Dwayne Jarrett...Reggie Bush, Lendale White...
Lotta USC underclassmen who've come out early under Pete Carroll. Lotta press conferences. Lotta opportunities for USC players past and present to throw Pete under the rug, if what you say is true. If it's so well known that Pete lies and shits on his underclassmen who leave early, okay, where's the evidence of it?
This deal with Sanchez is news precisely because it's so out of the ordinary for Pete. Even saying that, this whole thing is being far overblown. He didn't really say much that was even remotely negative but he sure did say a whole lot of very positive things.
He shouldn't have said
anything negative, granted, but some people are blowing this way out of proportion...especially you.
Don't worry though. Cal still won't get the recruits you want and Cal still won't grow a pair.