ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:RadioFan wrote:So it's the volume level and NOT the context?
Welcome to the thread, dumbfuck. It took numerous posts and several days, but I am happy you finally understood this sentence
'volume level of the braindead fuck' after 3 failed attempts.
The keyword here is:
I got the whole "I hate Gus Johnson because he hurts my ears" argument. Only, you didn't make it.
Gus Johnson doesn't scream over
every basket. Not even close, you brain-dead fucking idiot. Try actually watching an entire game of college basketball, with Johnson calling it. (yeah, I know -- the horrah!) Better get out the pick polo, earplugs and a pillow to wrap around your ears.
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:A Finnish proverb wrote:A loud voice shows an empty head.
No wonder you love Gus Johnson so much... you both have copious amount of unused disk space on your internal hard drive. Fucking tards.
A Finnish proverb?
Excellent. Because, the Fins are
known for their proverbs.
After all, when it comes to proverbs, nobody thinks about China nor the Bible. Everyone automatically thinks:
Look moron, I get the fact that you don't like dudes like Gus Johnson seemingly screaming (at least to you) over every basket, just as I don't like Mike Patrick screaming after every 1-yard gain by ESPN's back of the week in CFB, or SNF, back in the day, or ACC basketball for that matter.
Can we at least agree on that?