Change You Can Believe In

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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Mr T »

War Wagon wrote:
Van wrote: The difference is that had McCain (or any of the other candidates) been elected it wouldn't have been due to their skin color.
Obama wasn't elected due to his skin color. You should just drop that angle right the fuck now.
Got to agree with WW for once. The retards of America were voting blue no matter what rich ivy league piece of shit they threw up on the ballot.
TheJON wrote:What does the winner get? Because if it's a handjob from Frisco, I'd like to campaign for my victory.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Van »

Voting blue, true.

Setting astronomical, Oprah and Hollywood fueled campaign donation records for just one candidate during the Democaratic

Having one specific race largely treat that one candidate as their

Seeing a major party choose as their presidential nominee a non legacy (Kennedy, Bush, etc), nondescript white guy with the complete lack of experience Obama

Again, answer the question: With Obama's exact same resume would any of us even be aware of his existence if he were a 100% caucasion male named Burt Weinstein or John Jones?

If you answer yes you're simply being disingenuous. You simply don't want to face the truth. (The real truth, not our favorite whack job poster sporting multiple nics and non sequitur pics on demand.)
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Mr T »

Van wrote: You simply don't want to face the truth.
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Oh he won the primary due to his race just as Hillary got runner-up due to her sex. The American people outside of the blacks were voting Dem just to vote Dem. Couldve been Jeb Bush lining up under the Blue Squad. The idiots in our nation wouldve voted for "change".

If he was 100% white, he wouldnt have ran in this election. It wouldve been Hillary in the white house. Burt Weinstein wouldve lost eight years later to John Jones. Because of the much needed change we would need after eight years of blue, then it would be time for John Jones to go eight and then blue. so ole Burt Weinstein wouldve just been another Gore, maybe ole Burt couldve won a Nobel Piece Price for making a movie about the earth being round or revolving around the sun. Burt Weinstein wouldve been fine.
TheJON wrote:What does the winner get? Because if it's a handjob from Frisco, I'd like to campaign for my victory.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

America needs heroes.

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Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by PSUFAN »

Van wrote:The fuck he wasn't. That wasn't the only reason he was elected, obviously, but it was the main reason he was even in a position to be elected.

Make him a white guy with a boring name and the exact same resume and we never would've even heard of him. He doesn't get that senate seat and he certainly isn't groomed as a first term junior senator to be the Democractic nominee for president of the United States.

Not a chance.

Hell, if his name was Jimmy Watkins and he looked like Nate Newton, same deal. We never would've even heard of the guy.

He was tabbed as an ideal figure head because of his name and how he looked. He had to also be able to pull off the role, of course, which meant he had to have his other politically viable qualities.

Based on those other qualities alone though he never even gets a sniff at these gigs he's been given, not this soon, not if he were a nondescript white politician.

He was groomed to be the perfect figure head of "change." Black, but not too black.

No chance in hell does a boring white guy via Hawaii and Chicago go as far as Obama has gone, as quickly as he's managed it.

With that resume?


No way in hell blacks by the thousands are bawling their eyes out over how it's such a great, uplifting day for their people if Obama's a 100% caucasian named Burt Weinstein.

Not...a...chance. Same resume. Same man.

I completely agree...but again, who cares? A black guy got what? Now everyone has to get past that - both the folks who think Their Time has come, and those who rightly note that his meteoric rise is due to his perceived ethnicity.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Moving Sale »

Van wrote: He's merely the first mulatto U.S. president.

(That sounds so much better than correctly saying "our first mulatto U.S. president," doesn't it?)
From the one drop rule to the 100% rule in a little over 40 years. Nice going you fucking retard.

BHO was at an advantage because he is Black? You are really going to pull that turd off the pile and shine it up? How dumb are you?

BTW here is how you do spelling smack. See how I first addressed your post? Now I ADD to that this...
Van wrote: Moreover, stupid, pathetic people wouldn't be crying in the streets with joy over the election of a wholly unqualified guy who achieved the heights of politcal success solely due to his skin color.

Barack sems to be a decent man and I have little doubt he's a very bright man as well.
Take another swing at the piñata* dumbass.

*Notice that the word "piñata" is correctly spelled. You just sucked in two different languages.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Sirfindafold »

Moving Sale wrote:BHO was at an advantage because he is Black? You are really going to pull that turd off the pile and shine it up? How dumb are you?

Care to argue his point intelligently? You can't cause you're a fuckin' jerkoff.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Van »

TVO, don't even bother.

I don't consistently misspell "political" or "seems." In each instance those words were just missing the obvious vowel. Those are known as "typos."

You? The crap you spew?

Put it this way, TVO: No one will ever confuse your writing with mine, or PSU's, or Smackie Chan's, or...


Get the picture? You fucking cannot write. Come to think of it, you write like a, oh, let's see, how would you put it?

Yeah! That's it!

You write like an addled brain fucktard.

So, would you like to take another crack at spelling "hippocrate," dumbass? That sure wasn't a typo either, not when you did it twice in a row, exactly the same way both times. You didn't even come close to getting it right and the scary thing is crap like that isn't even unusual for you.

You simply cannot write or spell, TVO. Take away your extensive use of subtle variations on your oh so clever sobriquet "fuckstick" and you essentially have no ability to convey compelling thought through the use of the written word. You never have been able to write or spell, the entire time you've been on these boards. If it's not a C&P job it's nearly a certainty that there will be comically horrific fuck ups in any TVO post.

Don't bother with trying to spin it by saying "hook, line and sinker" either. There was no context there for an attempt at trolling. You had nothing to gain there by suddenly dropping in a butchered word.

What, you just suddenly decided to drop in a butchered word as part of your master plan? That was an intentional ploy, brilliantly designed to reel me in?


I notice also that you steered clear of the main question here: Would Obama be where he is today were he the exact same man with the exact same resume, only instead of looking the way he does and having that name he was a nondescript looking 100% caucasian named Burt Winestein?

Would he have gotten his seat in the Senate? Would he have immediately been pushed to the front of the presidential line by the Democratic party? Would he have received the record financial support he received from the Oprahs of the world, both during the Democratic primaries and then during the general election? Would a single race of people find themselves gibbering with joy in 20 degree weather over the sea change in their lives this guy's election supposedly represents to them?

Burt Weinstein, with Obama's resume?

The answer here is obvious. PSU had the balls to admit the truth and answer these questions honestly.

You? Doubtful. Honesty does not come easily to you.

Spin, that's a different story. Spin comes very easily to you and that's doubtless all we'll see from you whenever truth won't advance your argument.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by socal »

Van wrote:Not...a...chance. Same resume.
When has America ever let at a candidate's resume affect their choice on the ballot since the advent of television?
Van wrote:Kumbaya, asshats.
R-Jack wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:So why did you post it?
Yes, that just happened.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Van »

Nixon wasn't exactly photogenic, nor was GHWB.

Ike looked like a potato. Carter looked like he could eat a large tree.

Really the only truly photogenic presidents we've had since the advent of widespread tv were Kennedy, who was a scion of a famous political family, Reagan, who was a long time governor of the nation's most populous state and Clinton, who liked fat chicks.

W? Another famous scion, and another governor of a large state.

Obama is truly this nation's first MTV/BET/The Daily Show elected president, and those same entities wouldn't have given him the time of day if he looked, spoke and was given a name like Albert Brooks.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by socal »

Van wrote:Nixon wasn't exactly photogenic, nor was GHWB.
Nixon was also ill at ease in front of a camera. Kennedy wasn't.

Between George Herbert and Tank Driver Douchekakis, who won again?

Ike looked like a general. Carter could have looked like Annie and would have won that election. Ford couldn't erase the Nixon ass residue tatooed to his face as he pardoned his Watergate debacle.

Television image and political ads are the modern resume neither of which will trump tumultuous economic woes or giant political shitstorms. So will 5-4 Supreme Court decisions.
Van wrote:Kumbaya, asshats.
R-Jack wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:So why did you post it?
Yes, that just happened.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Van »

All of which only further underscores my point: If Barack was named Barney Smith and he looked like you or Darryl Dawkins we wouldn't even know he exists.

However, he isn't and he doesn't. He's named Barack Obama (Oooooooh...change!) and his visage is decidedly t-shirt friendly. He also speaks well. So, TPTB decided to push him up to the front of the line and the predictable lemmings came a'runnin'...
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by socal »

Van wrote:All of which only further underscores my point: If Barack was named Barney Smith and he looked like you or Darryl Dawkins we wouldn't even know he exists.

However, he isn't and he doesn't. He's named Barack Obama (Oooooooh...change!) and his visage is decidedly t-shirt friendly. He also speaks well. So, TPTB decided to push him up to the front of the line and the predictable lemmings came a'runnin'...
And if you had a decent changeup you'd be banging skanks on the road with the River Cats or the Long Beach Armada.

Lemme get this straight. You don't think Obama would be POTUS today if he looked more like his mama and had a more middle of the road name? Are you 9 years old? Deal with the scoreboard. Barack Obama is President. He won it fair and square despite what the mvscalyers say. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

And why begrudge those of black ancestry for indulging in the moment? Big fuckin' deal. They'll be settling back to reality fairly soon.
Van wrote:Kumbaya, asshats.
R-Jack wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:So why did you post it?
Yes, that just happened.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Van »

Lemme get this straight. You don't think Obama would be POTUS today if he looked more like his mama and had a more middle of the road name?
Are you 9 years old?
Nope. 44, same as you, IIRC.

Are you going to answer the question, now that you've defined it correctly?

More to the point, are you seriously going to sit there and say a first term junior senator from Illinois who was a balding, paunchy, white man named Fred Gertz would even have that Senate gig, much less his party's fevered push to beome its flagbearer in the next presidential election?

Go ahead. Sit there and lie and tell me you believe that.

You won't. You're smarter than that.
Deal with the scoreboard.
I have. We need a playoffs, badly.
Barack Obama is President
Yes, he is, and now that he is I'm rooting for him to do very well. If he even does half as well as those who expect otherworldly things out of him merely due to his skin color then I'll be happy.

Hopefully he'll turn out better than Mvscal is predicting.


Regardless though of scoreboard it won't change the fact that he's only in this postion in the first place due to his media friendly "black but not too black" appearance and bumper sticker friendly name. All his other skills allowed him to be safely chosen to represent his party but those skills on their own don't land him this gig, not at his age and certainly not with his resume; not if he's a boring looking white guy.

He doesn't even get a sniff yet, not under those circusmtances.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Goober McTuber »

Mr T wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:
The Seer wrote:The Messiah gets elected and everything is still fucked up. The Lord works in mysterious ways.
Yes, because if John McCain had been elected the Dow would be up 3,000 points, gas prices would be $1.25 and banks would be turning down bailout money. Idiot.
No, but if you believe we would be better off with McCain then Obama or vice a versa then you are a fucking retard.
That was hardly the point, you fucking moron.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by socal »

Van wrote:Nope. 44, same as you, IIRC.
45 manana.
Are you going to answer the question, now that you've defined it correctly?

More to the point, are you seriously going to sit there and say a first term junior senator from Illinois who was a balding, paunchy, white man named Fred Gertz would even have that Senate gig, much less his party's fevered push to beome its flagbearer in the next presidential election?

Go ahead. Sit there and lie and tell me you believe that.

You won't. You're smarter than that.
If Dubya could make it on his silver spoon resume, then why can't Barry?

I know, I know. Dubya governed the State of Tejas. Obama is just a Chitown politician.

Where does it say in the Constitution you have to hold higher office for more than two years?

Stop dodging my questions. You'll be 45 soon enough.


Deal with the scoreboard.
I have. We need a playoffs, badly.
Barack Obama is President
Yes, he is, and now that he is I'm rooting for him to do very well. If he even does half as well as those who expect otherworldly things out of him merely due to his skin color then I'll be happy.

Hopefully he'll turn out better than Mvscal is predicting.


Regardless though of scoreboard it won't change the fact that he's only in this postion in the first place due to his media friendly "black but not too black" appearance and bumper sticker friendly name. All his other skills allowed him to be safely chosen to represent his party but those skills on their own don't land him this gig, not at his age and certainly not with his resume; not if he's a boring looking white guy.

He doesn't even get a sniff yet, not under those circusmtances.
Don't blame the media. All the boring white guys ran out with John Kerry. Went with the young, hip lefty from the bullpen and he mowed 'em down 1-2-3. Not even a foul tip.

Look for the Repubs to ditch their Harley Davidson retreads for a Bombay-gixxer of their very own, say Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana?
Van wrote:Kumbaya, asshats.
R-Jack wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:So why did you post it?
Yes, that just happened.
Moving Sale

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Moving Sale »

Van wrote: You fucking cannot write.
I write better than you read.. or smack.
So, would you like to take another crack at spelling "hippocrate," dumbass?
Want to take another crack at sticking to the topic fuckhead?
What, you just suddenly decided to drop in a butchered word as part of your master plan? That was an intentional ploy, brilliantly designed to reel me in?
Master plan? You're a fucking Irish Setter. You can be distracted by a green frisbee. I flat out said in my post to you that your 'grammar-smack' was a dodge and you STILL didn't respond to the question at hand. Nice work Dolt.
I notice also that you steered clear of the main question here: Would Obama be where he is today were he the exact same man with the exact same resume, only instead of looking the way he does and having that name he was a nondescript looking 100% caucasian named Burt Winestein?
By "steered clear" you mean 'addressed directly' right? You think his 'Blackness' was an advantage right? How dumb are you?
Would a single race of people find themselves gibbering with joy in 20 degree weather over the sea change in their lives this guy's election supposedly represents to them?
Can you stay on topic for one fucking second you vapid fuckwad?
PSU had the balls to admit the truth and answer these questions honestly.
PSU is a tent folding dumbfuck.
Honesty does not come easily to you.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Van »

If Dubya could make it on his silver spoon resume, then why can't Barry?
Barry did, though not on his resume.

Comparing resumes though, well, lessee here...

In Obama you've got a first term junior senator who did next to nothing during his term in the Senate, due to the fact that he was forever running for president instead of being an Illinois senator. He's an unusually young man (to be a U.S. president) who never held a real job in his life. He has no military experience. He has no political "legacy" ties (read, "silver spoon" family dynasties) with which people can feel familiarity and therefore comfort.

He has none of the historical prerequisites for admission into the Oval Office.

W? Yep, he's a silver spoon. Silver spoons are as old as the hills, all over the world. Silver spoons usually do govern. W was also governor of a major state. He also helped run a major business.

More importantly, his dad is one of the most experienced and respected politicians and statesman in the world. His dad was actually a U.S. president, a war hero, blah blah blah.

W's grandfather was no slouch either in the political world. :caddyshack reset:

W grew up around all that. His was a fairly normal resume for a U.S. president.

Obama? His dad wasn't even American, and he bailed on Barack anyway.

Basically, Barack grew up in a white family, as an egghead. He did well in school, along with countless other kids we never heard about. He then managed to trade on his "blackness" by attracting attention in Chicago politics.

The guy has no resume. If he had your name and if he looked like you he wouldn't have gotten those "black" political appointments in Chicago. He wouldn't have gotten his Senate seat. He wouldn't have been picked by the Democratic party to be their key note speaker at the '04 DNC.

They were grooming him to be their figurehead, right from the beginning.

Had the guy looked like you they would've chosen somebody else to groom for this particular time frame.

Even if he were white and his name was Socalvansmack maybe through dint of character, talent and effort he eventually rises to the top anyway?

Who knows?

He wouldn't have gotten all this handed to him though, not this easily, not this soon in his career.

You're right though, he's there now. Let's all hope he surrounds himself with some good people and I guess there's nothing else to do but to sit back now and see how it all plays out.

I'm certainly not rooting for him to fail. I want the guy to succeed, extravagantly.

I'm just embarrassed as fuck about our society, that in a country as powerful and as plentiful and as prosperous as ours the best we could manage to come up with as our presidential candiates were people like Obama, McCain and even Palin.

We've got to be able to do better than this.

Fuck, was Uncle Fester too busy to run? Mike The Lab Rat too?

This is one time where I completely agree with editorialists from other countries who look on us as being too vapid and too stupid to deserve our tradtional prosperity. At this point it's almost like we'll be forced to succeed in spite of ourselves...
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Mr T »

Goober McTuber wrote:
Mr T wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote: Yes, because if John McCain had been elected the Dow would be up 3,000 points, gas prices would be $1.25 and banks would be turning down bailout money. Idiot.
No, but if you believe we would be better off with McCain then Obama or vice a versa then you are a fucking retard.
That was hardly the point, you fucking moron.
No that was my point to your point

TheJON wrote:What does the winner get? Because if it's a handjob from Frisco, I'd like to campaign for my victory.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Goober McTuber »

Mr T wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:
Mr T wrote:No, but if you believe we would be better off with McCain then Obama or vice a versa then you are a fucking retard.
That was hardly the point, you fucking moron.
No that was my point to your point

I believe my point went right over your pointed little head.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by PSUFAN »

I'm just embarrassed as fuck about our society, that in a country as powerful and as plentiful and as prosperous as ours the best we could manage to come up with as our presidential candiates were people like Obama, McCain and even Palin.
True enough - but both Obama and McCain are in a different class than Palin. Palin is more like W - a genuine halfwit. The GOP got it half right - they knew that they needed to make a splash with a "different" sort of VP candidate. They picked a woman...but she was a profoundly - even aggressively ignorant woman. Seriously - that was the best they could do? If so, then they deserved the ignominy that has been served to them in heaps since.

I think I might have voted for a McCain ticket that had a halfway decent VP choice. Palin was a huge fucking mistake.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Sirfindafold »

PSUFAN wrote:Palin is more like W - a genuine halfwit.
Care to expand on that?
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by PSUFAN »

Naa - it looks like you've got it covered pretty well.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Sirfindafold »

I didn't think so. At least I didn't think you could intelligently.

no surprise. what a sad, pathetic liberal lemming you are.

go fuck yourself.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Cuda »

PSUFAN wrote:Palin is more like W - a genuine halfwit.
Irony much?
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by GOSD »

Sirfindafold wrote:I didn't think so. At least I didn't think you could intelligently.

no surprise. what a sad, pathetic liberal lemming you are.

go fuck yourself.
How does a post that contains the word "intelligently" read like a Viper is spitting in your eyes?
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Mr T »

Goober McTuber wrote:
Mr T wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:
That was hardly the point, you fucking moron.
No that was my point to your point

I believe my point went right over your pointed little head.
Well that is just your opinion about my point to your point.

Been listening to Jefferson Airplane?
TheJON wrote:What does the winner get? Because if it's a handjob from Frisco, I'd like to campaign for my victory.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Wolfman » ... 3:38&net=2

Almost 10 years ago. I guess this is the "change" ?? We sent Al Capone to prison--nowadays we send them to a cabinet appointment !
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Van wrote:W was also governor of a major state.
Governor of Texas is a figurehead. Tell me you knew.
He also helped run a major business.
Into the ground, you mean.

The only thing he has ever touched that didn't turn completely to shit is the Texas Rangers. And even there, he managed to trade Sammy Sosa, in what he believes is the biggest mistake he has ever made.
he certainly isn't groomed as a first term junior senator to be the Democractic nominee for president of the United States.
If you truly believe that Obama was being groomed for the Presidency this go-round, then the historical revisionists have already won. Ever hear of Hillary Clinton? She was the DNC's preferred candidate this time. It was the grass roots that chose Obama instead.
PSUFAN wrote:Palin is more like W - a genuine halfwit.
Yep. Basically a Bush without the name.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Van »

Unless they have something to dig into grass roots have no way to take hold. Obama was pushed to the front by the party (see the '04 DNC) and then in a wave of fundraising cash fueled by the Oprahs of the world Obama was able to bury any and all opposition in this election season...
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Sirfindafold »

Terry in Crapchester wrote:
PSUFAN wrote:Palin is more like W - a genuine halfwit.
Yep. Basically a Bush without the name.

how so?

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Sirfindafold wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote:
PSUFAN wrote:Palin is more like W - a genuine halfwit.
Yep. Basically a Bush without the name.

how so?
Which papers do you read?
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Sirfindafold »

LA Times

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Thanks for proving my point. Palin's an even bigger half-wit than yourself. Feel free to go fuck yourself.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Sirfindafold »

Can't answer a simple question?
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by PSUFAN »

I can - go fuck yourself.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Sirfindafold »

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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by PSUFAN »

You're asking to be shown that Palin is a halfwit, or that W is a halfwit, or that they are similar?
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Sirfindafold »

What makes Palin a half-wit.
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Re: Change You Can Believe In

Post by Mikey »

Sirfindafold wrote:What makes Palin a half-wit.
probably genetics
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