...the Pelosi Porkulus Peculate
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
- ChargerMike
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...the Pelosi Porkulus Peculate
Pelosi’s Payoffs and Pork Bill
H.R. 1, “The American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009”
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently found that the cost of the Pelosi-Reid stimulus package now
exceeds $1.1 trillion. CBO also estimated that only 7 percent of infrastructure money would make its way
into the economy by the end of the year and only 38 percent would be spent by the end of the 2010 fiscal year.
Senator Jeff Session’s (R-Ala.) office estimates the actual number going to tangible road and bridge
construction is just a little more than 3 percent.
Where is this money going to? A not exhaustive look at the 1,588 page legislation, H.R. 1, “The American
Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009” shows the bill is more payoffs and pork then stimulus. Many thanks to
the website readthestimulus.org and its participating organizations.
To the “Green” Lobby
$600 Million To Buy New Cars For Government Workers (Page 89)
These cars would be “green” friendly cars – however very few gas pumps have the right gas to run these cars.
The Federal government already spends $3.5 billion a year.
$10M for bike and walking trails (Page 65)
$200M for plug-in car stations (Page 31)
$400 million for NASA scientists to conduct climate change research (Page 22)
$800 million to clean up Superfund sites (Page 122)
$600 million for grants for diesel emission reduction (Page 119)
$650 million for “alternative energy technologies, energy efficiency enhancements and deferred
maintenance at Federal facilities” (Page 119)
$1.5 billion for construction of “Green Schools” (Page 176)
To the Unions
$1 billion to the controversial COMMUNITY ORIENTED POLICING SERVICES COPS Hiring
“$150 billion in new federal spending, a vast two-year investment that would more than double the
Department of Education’s current budget. The proposed emergency expenditures on nearly every realm of
education, including school renovation, special education, Head Start and grants to needy college students”
Sam Dillon, “Stimulus Plan Would Provide Flood of Aid to Education,” New York Times. January 27, 2009.
NOTE: Private and religious schools are excluded.
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/28/educa ... .html?_r=1
To the Abortion Industry
Representative Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) inserted in the original bill billions of dollars for family
planning groups, including the abortion giant, Planned Parenthood. Pressure and public exposure from
Congressional Republicans forced the Democrats to remove such funding from this bill. However the
bill still provides billions in reforming the health care system and working towards nationalized health
care – with little to no debate.
$2.7B in NIH grants which would be targeted to among other things embryonic stem cell
experimentation. (Page 56)
Other Special Interests
$3 Billion for Prevention & Wellness Programs, Including $335 million for STD Education and
Prevention -- Recent government expenditures in this area include a transgender beauty pageant in San
Francisco that advertised available HIV testing and an event called “Got Love? – Flirt/Date/Score” that taught
participants how “to flirt with greater finesse.”
$83 billion for the earned income credit for people who don't pay income tax.
$246 million for Hollywood http://www.nationaljournal.com/congress ... 7_9337.php
$50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts (Page 122)
$75 million for smoking cessation (Page 148). This contradicts the latest version of SCHIP that is funded
largely by new taxes on cigarettes.
$4.19 billion open to ACORN. The Pelosi-Reid bill makes groups like ACORN eligible for a $4.19 billion
pot of money for “neighborhood stabilization activities.”
Some of the biggest winners in the package are federal agencies:
$54 billion will go to federal programs that the Office of Management and Budget or the Government
Accountability Office have already criticized as "ineffective" or unable to pass basic financial audits.
$462 Million for Equipment, Construction, and Renovation of Facilities at the Centers for Disease
Control (CDC) (Page 137)
$150 Million for Repairs to Smithsonian Institution Facilities (Page 128)
$44 million to the Agricultural Research Service (Page 135)
$227 million for oversight of the pork barrel spending in the stimulus (Page 11)
$1 Billion for The Follow-Up To The 2010 Census (Page 49)
Discretion is given to governors and Mayors for how to spend a large chunk of the money. The U.S.
Conference of Mayors recently sent Congress a $96.6 billion wish list of "shovel-ready" projects which now
could be funded by the stimulus. These projects include: “$1 million for annual sewer rehabilitation in Casper,
WY; $6.1 million for corporate hangars, parking lots, and a business apron at the Fayetteville, AR airport; 28
projects with the term "stadium" in them; and 117 projects mentioning landscaping and/or beautification
efforts. The taxpayers should be most teed off at the 20 golf courses included in the list.”
http://www.ntu.org/main/press.php?Press ... g_name=NTU
H.R. 1, “The American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009”
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently found that the cost of the Pelosi-Reid stimulus package now
exceeds $1.1 trillion. CBO also estimated that only 7 percent of infrastructure money would make its way
into the economy by the end of the year and only 38 percent would be spent by the end of the 2010 fiscal year.
Senator Jeff Session’s (R-Ala.) office estimates the actual number going to tangible road and bridge
construction is just a little more than 3 percent.
Where is this money going to? A not exhaustive look at the 1,588 page legislation, H.R. 1, “The American
Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009” shows the bill is more payoffs and pork then stimulus. Many thanks to
the website readthestimulus.org and its participating organizations.
To the “Green” Lobby
$600 Million To Buy New Cars For Government Workers (Page 89)
These cars would be “green” friendly cars – however very few gas pumps have the right gas to run these cars.
The Federal government already spends $3.5 billion a year.
$10M for bike and walking trails (Page 65)
$200M for plug-in car stations (Page 31)
$400 million for NASA scientists to conduct climate change research (Page 22)
$800 million to clean up Superfund sites (Page 122)
$600 million for grants for diesel emission reduction (Page 119)
$650 million for “alternative energy technologies, energy efficiency enhancements and deferred
maintenance at Federal facilities” (Page 119)
$1.5 billion for construction of “Green Schools” (Page 176)
To the Unions
$1 billion to the controversial COMMUNITY ORIENTED POLICING SERVICES COPS Hiring
“$150 billion in new federal spending, a vast two-year investment that would more than double the
Department of Education’s current budget. The proposed emergency expenditures on nearly every realm of
education, including school renovation, special education, Head Start and grants to needy college students”
Sam Dillon, “Stimulus Plan Would Provide Flood of Aid to Education,” New York Times. January 27, 2009.
NOTE: Private and religious schools are excluded.
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/28/educa ... .html?_r=1
To the Abortion Industry
Representative Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) inserted in the original bill billions of dollars for family
planning groups, including the abortion giant, Planned Parenthood. Pressure and public exposure from
Congressional Republicans forced the Democrats to remove such funding from this bill. However the
bill still provides billions in reforming the health care system and working towards nationalized health
care – with little to no debate.
$2.7B in NIH grants which would be targeted to among other things embryonic stem cell
experimentation. (Page 56)
Other Special Interests
$3 Billion for Prevention & Wellness Programs, Including $335 million for STD Education and
Prevention -- Recent government expenditures in this area include a transgender beauty pageant in San
Francisco that advertised available HIV testing and an event called “Got Love? – Flirt/Date/Score” that taught
participants how “to flirt with greater finesse.”
$83 billion for the earned income credit for people who don't pay income tax.
$246 million for Hollywood http://www.nationaljournal.com/congress ... 7_9337.php
$50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts (Page 122)
$75 million for smoking cessation (Page 148). This contradicts the latest version of SCHIP that is funded
largely by new taxes on cigarettes.
$4.19 billion open to ACORN. The Pelosi-Reid bill makes groups like ACORN eligible for a $4.19 billion
pot of money for “neighborhood stabilization activities.”
Some of the biggest winners in the package are federal agencies:
$54 billion will go to federal programs that the Office of Management and Budget or the Government
Accountability Office have already criticized as "ineffective" or unable to pass basic financial audits.
$462 Million for Equipment, Construction, and Renovation of Facilities at the Centers for Disease
Control (CDC) (Page 137)
$150 Million for Repairs to Smithsonian Institution Facilities (Page 128)
$44 million to the Agricultural Research Service (Page 135)
$227 million for oversight of the pork barrel spending in the stimulus (Page 11)
$1 Billion for The Follow-Up To The 2010 Census (Page 49)
Discretion is given to governors and Mayors for how to spend a large chunk of the money. The U.S.
Conference of Mayors recently sent Congress a $96.6 billion wish list of "shovel-ready" projects which now
could be funded by the stimulus. These projects include: “$1 million for annual sewer rehabilitation in Casper,
WY; $6.1 million for corporate hangars, parking lots, and a business apron at the Fayetteville, AR airport; 28
projects with the term "stadium" in them; and 117 projects mentioning landscaping and/or beautification
efforts. The taxpayers should be most teed off at the 20 golf courses included in the list.”
http://www.ntu.org/main/press.php?Press ... g_name=NTU
JIP said...Hell, Michael Sam has more integrity than you do.

- Shlomart Ben Yisrael
- Insha'Allah
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Re: ...the Pelosi Porkulus Peculate
RACK the fiscal "conservatives" who came out from under their rock and were non-existent when Dubya was shitting dollar bills all over Iraq.
And yes, Pelosi should be stung to death by Africanised bees. In the face.
And yes, Pelosi should be stung to death by Africanised bees. In the face.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
Re: ...the Pelosi Porkulus Peculate
If they wanted to stimulate the economy they'd cut government spending DRASTICALLY, give individuals a BIG tax rebate, cut capital gains taxes, and cut business taxes.
In short, they'd keep the money in the PRIVATE sector, where is can actually work to GROW things.
The bill looks like it was drawn up by a 4th grade social studies class, with all it's ridiculous GREEN horsehit and blatant social engineering idiocy.
The liberal mind is sort of cute when it shows itself in a child, but the frightening reality is that it's just plain fucking DANGEROUS when "adults" are so totally deluded.
In short, they'd keep the money in the PRIVATE sector, where is can actually work to GROW things.
The bill looks like it was drawn up by a 4th grade social studies class, with all it's ridiculous GREEN horsehit and blatant social engineering idiocy.
The liberal mind is sort of cute when it shows itself in a child, but the frightening reality is that it's just plain fucking DANGEROUS when "adults" are so totally deluded.
- Diego in Seattle
- Rouser Of Rabble
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- Location: Duh
Re: ...the Pelosi Porkulus Peculate
With Bush in office the last eight years, the republicans pursued more & more tax cuts.poptart wrote:If they wanted to stimulate the economy they'd cut government spending DRASTICALLY, give individuals a BIG tax rebate, cut capital gains taxes, and cut business taxes.
In short, they'd keep the money in the PRIVATE sector, where is can actually work to GROW things.
How'd that work out for the economy?
9/27/22“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
Re: ...the Pelosi Porkulus Peculate
Pretty good up until the point of the housing market hitting the skids.Diego in Seattle wrote: With Bush in office the last eight years, the republicans pursued more & more tax cuts.
How'd that work out for the economy?
Are you claiming "tax cuts" had an adverse impact on the housing market ? If so, I haven't heard that angle yet, please expound upon it.
- Diego in Seattle
- Rouser Of Rabble
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- Location: Duh
Re: ...the Pelosi Porkulus Peculate
The tax cuts, while part of the economic issue, are only related to the housing situation by party affilliation only. The housing meltdown was caused primarily by other factors (people investing large amounts of moolah into a larger bubble, the republican March Towards Feudalism, ect.). But I didnt' mean to imply that the housing crisis was caused by tax cuts.Tom In VA wrote:Pretty good up until the point of the housing market hitting the skids.Diego in Seattle wrote: With Bush in office the last eight years, the republicans pursued more & more tax cuts.
How'd that work out for the economy?
Are you claiming "tax cuts" had an adverse impact on the housing market ? If so, I haven't heard that angle yet, please expound upon it.
9/27/22“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
Re: ...the Pelosi Porkulus Peculate
Well if higher taxes are the solution, feel free to mark your W4 with a big ZERO, and when you file your taxes each year - don't deduct anything.
Can I presume you do that ?
Can I presume you do that ?
- Diego in Seattle
- Rouser Of Rabble
- Posts: 9719
- Joined: Sat Jan 15, 2005 1:39 pm
- Location: Duh
Re: ...the Pelosi Porkulus Peculate
Yep.Tom In VA wrote:Well if higher taxes are the solution, feel free to mark your W4 with a big ZERO, and when you file your taxes each year - don't deduct anything.
Can I presume you do that ?
Just like the republicans with kids who want to eliminate welfare for single mothers because "they don't like paying for other people's decisions to have children" mark zero on their tax forms.
9/27/22“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
Re: ...the Pelosi Porkulus Peculate
Actually most Republicans I know, with kids, are good folks who volunteer time and money in charitable firms better equipped to assist single mothers because they want to as opposed to the likes of Ms. Pelosi who merely pays them lip service to sustain her lifestyle and the trappings of political office and taxpayer paid travel wherever she wants.Diego in Seattle wrote:Yep.Tom In VA wrote:Well if higher taxes are the solution, feel free to mark your W4 with a big ZERO, and when you file your taxes each year - don't deduct anything.
Can I presume you do that ?
Just like the republicans with kids who want to eliminate welfare for single mothers because "they don't like paying for other people's decisions to have children" mark zero on their tax forms.
But our current issues in the economy are signed by both D and R. We need new blood. New blood that simplifies the tax code and collects taxes to do what the fed is supposed to do and that's it.
That will stimulate the economy.
- Diego in Seattle
- Rouser Of Rabble
- Posts: 9719
- Joined: Sat Jan 15, 2005 1:39 pm
- Location: Duh
Re: ...the Pelosi Porkulus Peculate
I would go along with that. But I would also add that the new blood should also punish those who pay their taxes & fines. I remember reading an article around 5-6 years ago that said that only about 7% of corporate fines had been collected. Just making it 50% would be a cash cow for the Treasury.Tom In VA wrote:Actually most Republicans I know, with kids, are good folks who volunteer time and money in charitable firms better equipped to assist single mothers because they want to as opposed to the likes of Ms. Pelosi who merely pays them lip service to sustain her lifestyle and the trappings of political office and taxpayer paid travel wherever she wants.Diego in Seattle wrote:Yep.Tom In VA wrote:Well if higher taxes are the solution, feel free to mark your W4 with a big ZERO, and when you file your taxes each year - don't deduct anything.
Can I presume you do that ?
Just like the republicans with kids who want to eliminate welfare for single mothers because "they don't like paying for other people's decisions to have children" mark zero on their tax forms.
But our current issues in the economy are signed by both D and R. We need new blood. New blood that simplifies the tax code and collects taxes to do what the fed is supposed to do and that's it.
That will stimulate the economy.
9/27/22“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
Re: ...the Pelosi Porkulus Peculate
Iguess you don't have time to post anything worth reading since you are so busy setting up your recession-proof blo-n-go glory hole business.