A- Roid

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A- Roid

Post by .m2 »

Could be the only reason.... baseball players "may be" better athletes than golfers.

Baseball's a joke.

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Re: A- Roid

Post by smackaholic »

I think it'd be more fun to pummel him, throw him into a locker and head the other way on 95 for, oh, 200 miles or so. You can spit at him as he passes niantic or east lyme or where ever the hell you are. Then dump him out on yawkey way......right after a yankees game.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: A- Roid

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Sudden Sam wrote:The freakin' lyin' sack o' shit!

Uhm... I am fairly certain that every team between 1985-2005 had its share of juice-monkeys. If you work on the assumption that every team was loaded with roid-boys during this era, I think you'll sleep much better at night. Furthermore, MLB's participation in these acts can best be described as complicit, so what the fuck are you whining about?
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Re: A- Roid

Post by Shoalzie »

He probably thought he could get away with saying he never used considering that test was supposed to be confidential. The PA screwed him as much as he lied. You have to wonder how long before the rest of the names leak...and they should be revealed. A-Rod shouldn't be left out there to twist in the breeze when there are 100 other players just as wrong as him. At this point, they should just air out all the dirty laundry because nothing is sacred from that era.
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Re: A- Roid

Post by Derron »

I am sure any of the juicers really give a fuck as they get on line and check their bank accounts...and the huge balances in them.

Was it worth it ??

Hell yeah..

A sports figure that lies? [shocked]
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Re: A- Roid

Post by ChargerMike »

smackaholic wrote:I think it'd be more fun to pummel him, throw him into a locker and head the other way on 95 for, oh, 200 miles or so. You can spit at him as he passes niantic or east lyme or where ever the hell you are. Then dump him out on yawkey way......right after a yankees game.

...reminds one of the Seinfield episode where Neuman and Kramer were heckling Kieth Hernandez for making an error that cost the Mets the game. After the game Neuman and Kramer are waiting where the players come out and continue heckling Hernandez who then spits on Kramer...later when they tell Jerry about it, he goes Oliver Stone with the story which then flashes back ala Zabruter film. Jerry reconstructs the whole thing...one of the funniest episodes for sure.
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Re: A- Roid

Post by Screw_Michigan »

"Nice game, pretty boy."
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Re: A- Roid

Post by RadioFan »

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Re: A- Roid

Post by Cosmo Kramer »

Steroids have been banned in baseball since 2001, but there was no testing for it until 2003 when survey testing was done to determine if the game needed to adopt a permanent testing policy

http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/b ... ml?cnn=yes

He admitted cheating and breaking the rules.....Who gives a fuck who leaked it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: A- Roid

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

So...now's there only J.T. Snow left as the only player to have absolutely not taken steroids. Why am I not surprised? :o
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Re: A- Roid

Post by socal »

Van wrote:Kumbaya, asshats.
R-Jack wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:So why did you post it?
Yes, that just happened.
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Re: A- Roid

Post by H4ever »

Sudden Sam wrote:
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
Sudden Sam wrote:The freakin' lyin' sack o' shit!

Uhm... I am fairly certain that every team between 1985-2005 had its share of juice-monkeys. If you work on the assumption that every team was loaded with roid-boys during this era, I think you'll sleep much better at night. Furthermore, MLB's participation in these acts can best be described as complicit, so what the fuck are you whining about?
I'll never forget seeing Lenny Dykstra come in for spring training the year he started. He'd gone from a skinny little worm at the end of the previous season to a bulked up monster. It was so obvious it was ridiculous.

And MLB did exactely jack shit about guys like Dykstra...or Camaniti (RIP)...or Bonds....or Giambi.....or Conseco....or McGuire....or Palmeiro...or Schilling.....or Sosa...etc, etc proverbial mf'n ad nauseum.

And you know why? After the 94 strike, MLB would have turned a blind eye to the ritualistic sacrifice of nuns at second base if it put asses in the seats.

McGwire and Sosa's chase to best Maris saved the fuggin game. Nobody said shit about Sosa's formerly skinny ass hitting like Lou Ferigno on meth-injected pixie stix. From the commissioner to the press following the chase.

MLB is more to blame than most of the players. Especially borderline bush league players who juiced to keep their jobs. They had to or it was back to the bush leagues followed by day jobs. They had to fight fire with fire if 80 % of the players after their jobs were juicing.

Andto think everyone accused Conseco of being a lying POS when he said A-rod has been juicing since early on in his career. Eat crow ESPN, SI, etc....
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Re: A- Roid

Post by Mikey »


Apparently these ballplayers feel that they're above the law.
Who do they think they are, Dick Cheney?

Tejada charged: lying to Congress about steroids
36 mins ago

WASHINGTON – All-Star shortstop Miguel Tejada has been charged with lying to Congress about steroids. Tejada is scheduled to appear in court Wednesday where he is expected to plead guilty.

The charges against Tejada, who currently plays for the Houston Astros, were outlined in documents filed in Washington federal court on Tuesday.

The documents indicate that a plea agreement has been reached with Tejada.

Messages left for his attorney, Mark Tuohey, were not immediately returned.

The documents were filed a day after superstar Alex Rodriguez admitted to past use of performance-enhancing drugs.

The FBI also is investigating whether Roger Clemens, a seven-time Cy Young winner, lied to Congress last year when he denied using steroids or human growth hormone.

In the documents filed Tuesday, Tejada is charged with lying to investigators for the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform in 2005 when he denied knowledge of an ex-teammate's use of performance-enhancing drugs.

The teammate is not identified in court documents, but is referred to as having played with Tejada on the Oakland Athletics.

Tejada "unlawfully withheld pertinent information from the committee because defendant Tejada, before and during his interview with the committee staff, then and there well knew that player #1, one of his teammates on the Oakland Athletics, had used steroids and HGH," the papers state.

In fact, prosecutors charge, during spring training in 2003, Tejada had purchased a substance believed to be HGH from the player.

The charges are contained in a six-page criminal information, a legal document used often when a defendant has struck a plea deal with prosecutors.

The criminal information charges Tejada with making misrepresentations to Congress.
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Re: A- Roid

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

mvscal wrote:Dick Cheney didn't lie to Congress.
Typical Orwellian inversion of reality by the resident lock-step Rove Monkey.

In fact, on July 23, 2002, the head of British intelligence reported that Bush and Cheney were intent on invading Iraq and planned to "fix the intelligence and facts around the policy".Seven years later a million people have died in Iraq as a direct result of these lies with no end in sight. Torture has been institutionalized, habeas corpus eviscerated, and illegal spying made routine. These outright crimes (which make the utterly criminal Reagan gang's capers seem quaint) are the basis for an international (or Federal) war crimes case against the (twice unelected) disgraced vice-president.

yer boy, babs...til death and you both depart, as it were

Meanwhile, what Kelloggian insanity informs the utter hypocrisy of prosecuting Miguel Tejada--a genuine nice guy, a true Horatio Algier story of our world--while these vile scum-sucking criminals are ruining countless thousands of families and businesses--and enjoying golden parachutes?

Just deregulate! I'm pontificating here, and less government is what's needed...uh.... :shock:
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Re: A- Roid

Post by H4ever »


Apparently these ballplayers feel that they're above the law.
Who do they think they are, Dick Cheney?

Tejada charged: lying to Congress about steroids
36 mins ago

WASHINGTON – All-Star shortstop Miguel Tejada has been charged with lying to Congress about steroids. .
Next it'll be Palmeiro being charged, then McGwire, on and on. Critical mass is going to be reached in this shit-storm and baseball will never be the same unless they wipe clean all stats from 1988 to present. If Clemens goes down....I don't think baseball will ever recover. And that is beyond sad. America's past time ruined by greed and the pressure to perform. The owners, Selig, the whole lot of them ought to be charged, too. The Mitchell report was a fucking joke. It was a desperate attempt at damage control. That report was controlled by baseball.

I blame the league for steroids in baseball. Sure, players are greedy, too. But what of those who had to take them to compete and save their jobs? Shit just snowballed and here we are. Sad, sad state of affairs.
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Re: A- Roid

Post by Van »

McGwire is the one guy in this 'roids scandal who will not be charged with anything. His pathetic little "I didn't come here to talk about the past" non answer to Congress means that he never lied under oath.

He's guilty as sin but he never perjured himself.

Btw, who among us thought Jose Canseco was anything but the world's biggest dirt bag, just a few years ago?

Turns out that every last thing the guy said was the truth. That douchebag turns out to be the white knight in this whole thing?? A guy who became a whistle blower, just to make a few bucks?

Nice. Reap what you sow, Bud.

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Re: A- Roid

Post by Moving Sale »

Van wrote: His pathetic little "I didn't come here to talk about the past" non answer to Congress means that he never lied under oath.
Actually he did lie under oath. He said: "I didn't come here to talk about the past." He also said, "[T]here has been a problem with steroid use in baseball."

Van is too dumb to get how that is a lie I'd wager, since he does know up from down or East from West.
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Re: A- Roid

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Van wrote:Btw, who among us thought Jose Canseco was anything but the world's biggest dirt bag, just a few years ago?
Actually, I think most astute fans were pretty sure he knew exactly what he was talking about. Or... at least those among us who've ever been to a gym.

You don't blow up the way these guys were. It was obvious as far back as 1989 when Lenny Dykstra put on 25 lbs of 'muscle' in 4-5 months.
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Re: A- Roid

Post by Van »

Moving Sale wrote:
Van wrote: His pathetic little "I didn't come here to talk about the past" non answer to Congress means that he never lied under oath.
Actually he did lie under oath. He said: "I didn't come here to talk about the past." He also said, "[T]here has been a problem with steroid use in baseball."

Van is too dumb to get how that is a lie I'd wager, since he does know up from down or East from West.
Go ahead and take that case. See if you can get him convicted of lying before a federal grand jury. When you fail there maybe you'll then be able to convice a judge and jury that living trees aren't alive and south isn't south...because you say so.
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Re: A- Roid

Post by Cornhusker »

Sudden Sam wrote:Anyone who would consort with that POS nasty-ass skank deserves a serious beatdown.
Being a tad bit rough on the board members don't ya think Sam?
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Re: A- Roid

Post by Mikey »

Roach wrote:
looks like fucking grass hopper legs. jesus.
The woman keeps herself in shape.

She could prolly wrap those legs around your torso and slowly squeeze the life out of you.
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Re: A- Roid

Post by Dinsdale »

Sudden Sam wrote:Most of the pervs in here would screw Jess the Rookie.


0, 0
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Re: A- Roid

Post by Van »

Goddammit, Dins!! That was SERIOUSLY unfuckingcalled for!!
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Re: A- Roid

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Looks like someone just smacked that fat kid right across the face... with a left hand that's missing a finger?
Moving Sale

Re: A- Roid

Post by Moving Sale »

Van wrote:See if you can get him convicted of lying before a federal grand jury.
[Moving Sale said] living trees aren't alive
Nice lie.
south isn't south...because you say so.
You said Mt Tam was north of SR and you have the nerve to type that?

You are a fucking moron.
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Re: A- Roid

Post by Van »

I said Mt Tam was west of SR and north of the 101, as the 101 heads down from SR into the GGB.

The 101 isn't south of Mt Tam when it's passing through SR, it's south of Mt Tam when it's passing into the SF Bay, beneath Mt Tam.

I'm not going to quibble with you on degrees of south/southwest. If you seriously use a compass just to travel north on the 101 (as you say you do) then you have much bigger mental fish to fry.

Come to think of it, I also said the 101 is north of Mt Tam, when it's...north of Mt Tam. It's north of Mt Tam quite a bit.

Dude, why do you always pick the most monumentally trivial and lame battles to (poorly) fight? What's with you and these nit picky little hit and run episodes?

Isn't there somewhere you'd rather be? Isn't there yet another person you need to be calling a "racist piece of shit fuckstain," or some other similarly brilliant little sobriquet?
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Re: A- Roid

Post by Van »

Scroll up one post above mine. Therein all your answers will be found.
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Re: A- Roid

Post by smackaholic »

Todd must be using the autotardignore feature on his browser, Van.

Todd, I think you can turn that feature off by clicking on tools if you are using firefox. Not sure about IE as I quit using that pos awhile ago.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: A- Roid

Post by Loganfan »

A-Rod went about this media circus today all wrong.
A simple "I've got 475 million reasons why I took that stuff. I've got the same number of reasons why I don't feel I need to explain myself to the media" should have sufficed
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Re: A- Roid

Post by smackaholic »

He should just blame the jews.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.

Re: A- Roid

Post by GOSD »

Toddowen wrote: I'm not all that convinced of what A-Rod sees in Madonna, with the knowledge that Jeter was one of her playthings once upon a time.
Quite possibly the fact that she lets you get shit faced and blow your load all over her face more than once an hour? The fact she probably sucks all the cum out of you for days? The fact she probably lets you fuck her and one of her friends at the same time?

No... absolutely no idea why someone wouldn't want to hang out with Madonna just for one month of your life.
KC Scott

Pujols - Roid or Void

Post by KC Scott »

Albert Pujols -

Roid or Not?


In othr Rodriguez steroid news - they're going to nail Pudge as well........

http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news?slug=a ... &type=lgns
SUNNY ISLES BEACH, Fla. (AP)—Ivan Rodriguez looked as feisty as ever, explaining why he’s physically and mentally ready to play baseball.

The 14-time All-Star catcher, though, is still looking for a place to play.

Rodriguez said he might sign soon with the Florida Marlins, Houston Astros or New York Mets.

Or, he might need to stay patient.

“I don’t know where I’m going to play, but a team is going to win the lotto when I sign,” Rodriguez said Sunday night in an interview with The Associated Press. “I still feel I can play three or four more years, to be honest, because of the way I take care of myself.”

The way Rodriguez took care of himself in the past has been questioned, most notably by former teammate Jose Canseco.

Rodriugez’s mood changed when that subject was broached during a wide-ranging interview in his 44th-floor apartment overlooking Miami Beach.


Is the 37-year-old star known as Pudge on the list of 104 players who tested positive for steroids during baseball’s 2003 survey?

“Only God knows,” Rodriguez said softly.

Canseco, a former teammate in Texas, has alleged he injected the steroids into Rodriguez.

Another former teammate, Alex Rodriguez, recently said he used performance-enhancing drugs while with the Rangers.

“Alex is a great guy, he’s the best player in baseball and he’s going to be OK,” Ivan Rodriguez said. “People don’t know how hard he works.”

Alex Rodriguez said the culture of the game was different when he used drugs to improve his performance.

Ivan Rodriguez begrudgingly agreed.

“It happened and everybody has to move forward,” he said.

Looking back, no one can match some of feats that Ivan Rodriguez has accomplished since his career began in 1991 with the Rangers.

He is the only player in baseball history with at least 13 Gold Gloves and a career .300 average or better.

He has three more Gold Gloves, earning one as recently as 2007, give him three more than Johnny Bench and almost double the total by Bob Boone, who is third on the list. Among position players, only Hall of Fame third baseman Brooks Robinson has more Gold Glove awards.

Rodriguez has caught 2,173 games, trailing only Carlton Fisk (2,226) and Boone (2,225) in terms of longevity behind the plate.

“Absolutely, I’d like to break Mr. Fisk’s record,” he said. “And, another goal is 3,000 hits.

“But really, my love of the game of baseball is what motivates me to work out five days a week to stay ready.”

Rodriguez, who has 2,605 career hits, would likely have to play a few more seasons to join the 3,000-hit club.

Ivan Rodriguez takes questions…

AP - Feb 15, 8:15 pm EST
And, he’d have to play much better than he did last season.

Rodriguez hit .295 in 82 games last season for the Detroit Tigers, then finished with a .276 batting average after struggling at the plate with the New York Yankees.

The Tigers dealt Rodriguez, who sparked the turnaround when he signed with them in 2004 after helping Florida win the World Series, and didn’t re-sign him because they didn’t think he was a No. 1 catcher and knew he disagreed.

“I still think I’m an everyday catcher and that’s one of the things that disappoints me when I hear people say I can’t play every day or I’m a part-time player,” Rodriguez said with piercing eyes as the Atlantic Ocean crashed on the beach and dusk led to orange, yellow and shades of gray to fill the sky. “People don’t know how hard it was on me to go through a divorce from my wife of 15 years and how much that drained me physically and mentally.

“But now, I’ve been happily married for two years to a great woman, my kids are great, my ex-wife is good. I just want to play baseball because I know I have a lot left in me.”

While Rodriguez can’t hit like he did in the past, his play behind the plate is still strong. His caught-stealing percentage ranked third in the AL last season after ranking fifth and first the previous two years, among catchers with a minimum of 600 innings behind the plate, according to STATS.

Rodriguez is excited to play for Puerto Rico at the World Baseball Classic next month, but he’s eager to join a Major League Baseball team.

“It’s hard to be sitting here at home a few days after pitchers and catchers reported,” Rodriguez said. “I hear Florida, Houston and the Mets are trying to do some things to sign me.

“I would love to be with any team right now, but I can get ready quick because of the way my body and mind are prepared to play right now.”
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Re: Pujols - Roid or Void

Post by War Wagon »

KC Scott wrote:Albert Pujols - Roid or Not?
Is there any doubt?

No, there isn't.
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Re: A- Roid

Post by War Wagon »

Van wrote: Dude, why do you always pick the most monumentally trivial and lame battles to (poorly) fight? What's with you and these nit picky little hit and run episodes?

Isn't there somewhere you'd rather be? Isn't there yet another person you need to be calling a "racist piece of shit fuckstain," or some other similarly brilliant little sobriquet?

No Van, there isn't.

But while we're at it, why would YOU spend one minute debating a JV team poster... ad nauseum? I mean, it's one thing to level a few drawn out blasts, but at some point it becomes overkill. You don't need a sledgehammer to swat flies.

So just grit your teeth next time and say to yourself over and over...

Must. Not. Respond.
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Re: A- Roid

Post by Van »

WW, you speak 'um truth. Sage advice.

In general I've always made it a policy of sorts to respond to people who post to me. This goes all the back to '99 and Valvenis and all sorts of other obvious trolls.

Responding back and forth is what drives a message board, ya' know?

I have made some exceptions, such as the really bad trolls who genuinely have nothing worthwhile to say.

TVO typically isn't in that category. Or, at least he didn't used to be. There was a time (before he got his law degree, basically) when he was a legitimate poster. Unfortunately though his only reason for posting these days is to call people names and otherwise add nothing besides petty hit and run attacks. He never starts threads. He never engages in real discussions. Like m2 he's prone to answering questions with self serving riddles, as opposed to simply standing and delivering with real answers.

So, yeah, on occasion I now do ignore him. Not always, certainly, but sometimes.

I've also taken to ignoring m2's worst trolling efforts. I'll stick with the discussion for awhile but once he loses the plot I go ahead and let him run his wayward course.

A guy like Birdy (or GOSD...same thing), of course I'd ignore that one note debacle as well.

By and large though most people will receive a response and as long as the discussion remains alive in some real way I'll usually hang in there.
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Re: A- Roid

Post by Rack Fu »

I think someone should test Robert Plant for steroids. Look at the size of his noggin:


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Re: A- Roid

Post by smackaholic »

Wonder if he's bangin' the shit out of allison?

He ought.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Moving Sale

Re: A- Roid

Post by Moving Sale »

Van wrote:I said Mt Tam was west of SR and north of the 101, as the 101 heads down from SR into the GGB.
Mt Tam is not north of SR EVER! How fucking dumb are you?
Come to think of it, I also said the 101 is north of Mt Tam, when it's...north of Mt Tam. It's north of Mt Tam quite a bit.
Not as you leave SR it's not.
Dude, why do you always pick the most monumentally trivial and lame battles to (poorly) fight?
YOU were the one that brought it up in this thread you sanctimonious shitstain.
What's with you and these nit picky little hit and run episodes?
I have never run from you or anyone else on this board. Care to lie about something else?
Isn't there somewhere you'd rather be? Isn't there yet another person you need to be calling a "racist piece of shit fuckstain," or some other similarly brilliant little sobriquet?
Yes there was. Sorry it took so long to get back to you but I was walking a client on a receiving charge.
Unfortunately though his only reason for posting these days is to call people names and otherwise add nothing besides petty hit and run attacks. He never starts threads. He never engages in real discussions.
A)I have not changed my style. I just never called YOU a POS 'cause I never posted to you.
B) Do you even KNOW what hit and RUN means?
C) I have never started many threads. Not SC1, not in SC11, not in SC111, not on Conduct's board, Not here, Not ever.
D) Not my fault that you can't follow even the simplest of ideas. You can't even read "99% dead" without reading "dead." You can't even read a map and then translate what you saw into English... and *I* never engage in real discussions?

Hypocrisy they name is Van.
Moving Sale

Re: A- Roid

Post by Moving Sale »

War Wagon wrote:... a JV team poster... [/i]
Projection much you vapid fucktard?
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Re: A- Roid

Post by Van »

Moving Sale wrote:
Van wrote:I said Mt Tam was west of SR and north of the 101, as the 101 heads down from SR into the GGB.
Mt Tam is not north of SR EVER!
Agreed. That's why I've said it's west of SR, a half dozen times.

It's north of the 101, not SR, and its only north of the 101 once the 101 dips down into the SF Bay.
How fucking dumb are you?
Very, apparently, for continuing to do this with you, despite your obvious inability to read and comprehend.
Come to think of it, I also said the 101 is north of Mt Tam, when it's...north of Mt Tam. It's north of Mt Tam quite a bit.
Not as you leave SR it's not.
Unfortunately though his only reason for posting these days is to call people names and otherwise add nothing besides petty hit and run attacks. He never starts threads. He never engages in real discussions.
A)I have not changed my style.
Yes, you have. In Days Of Yore you were capable of civilized, lengthy discussion. You didn't merely drop in to lob the same gratuitous insults as your sole reason for ever posting, which is now the case.

You're just too close to the trees ( :meds: ) to see the forest.
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88

Show me your dicks. - trev
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