Buhrock was pretty sweet in the Jackson 5.
Joe Biden

Seth Davis called. He wants his shit eating grin back.
Nancy Pelosi

Hit it
Hillary Clinton

Hit it
Sara Palin

Eh...I'll stay on deck for the next 20 or so years.
George W. Bush

When I see this, I think of that FUCK YEAH!! troll.
Al Gore

When I see this, I think of the rope, knife, and gloves he's got stashed in the trunk.
Rod Blagojevich

See...most people look back 30 something years later and laugh at how goofy they looked. This dude went the opposite route and actually used it as inspiration to sculpt that perfect pile of dorkitude on his head into what we see today. Well done.
Dick Cheney

With some charisma, I almost didn't recognize him.
John McCain

With that whole not looking like a corpse thing, I almost didn't recognize him.
Mike Huckabee

How did Huckabee end up with Obama's hair??
Bill Clinton

Loved this dude as Biff
George H.W. Bush

Loved this dude as McFly
Jimmy Carter

Gore's accomplice