B.O. orders 17,000 more troops to Afghanistan.
http://www2.canada.com/obama+orders+mor ... id=1299442
"The Taliban is resurgent in Afghanistan, and al-Qaida supports the insurgency and threatens America from its safe haven along the Pakistani border," Obama said.
bwaaa ...
Oh, ok.
I feel pretty "threatened" by it all way over here in S. Korea, too.
The anti-war lefty liberals SheeMans must be diggin' this.
But funny, I don't hear much from 'em.
At any rate, I'm pretty sure our nation can ... afford ... this new adventure.
Yep, we got trillions to burn.
"Drop your shorts and bend over, Mr Babar."
You know, this Obama feller, pretty much didn't do DICK all the time he was in the U.S. senate, did he?
But as soon as he steps into the oval office he goes GANGBUSTERS, flailing haymakers in every direction to reshape the fabric of America in a WHOLE lot of ways.
And unless you're really a grade-A m0ron, you can see that he's fuckin' the country ALL to hell.
It's curious.
You know, fliends, if I were to step back away, like over here to S. Korea, and detach myself from the situation in America.
You know, just look at it very objectively.
And if I was espionage-oriented ... like if I had watched too many James Bonds flicks.
might consider that this ... Hussein ... Obama cat is a ... plant.
You know, a dude "the bad guys" slipped in to bring us down from within.
And it's genius, even.
I mean, it would be TOO obvious to put a "Hussein" in at the top as a BAD guy.
So obvious that
nobody would suspect it.
It'd be like child care worker named "Ima Horndawg" being a serial child rapist.
But I'm not going to go there.
I'm not even going to say another werd about it.
Good luck, World.
I luv u.