And you know what?
They ARE poor.
Dirt fucking poor.
The "poor" in America are fat.
And many/most of 'em have refrigerators, cell phones, and color/cable tv.
Of course, but it hasn't been caused by a failure of capitalism.Diego wrote:So you don't think the reduction of the middle & lower classes as spenders has any effect on the economy?
In the 50's, 60's and some of the 70's, most families had one bread winner.
Wives tended to stay home and take care of the family.
And people were pretty WELL off.
Now most familes have two bread winners and they still can't make ends meet.
Most families are in debt ... and a LOT of 'em up their ears.
Wft happened?
What caused it, simply put, is INFLATION and over-taxation of the people.
Why has there been inflation and over-taxation?
Two reasons.
1. Too much "funny" money -- not BACKED by anything, has been printed.
So the dollar just doesn't buy what it ought to be able to buy.
That's inflation.
2. Too much borrowing, so that the gov can continue to spend on idiotic programs which only work in the ponytailed professor's classroom dreams.
A lot of the liberal "program" ideas sound terrific if you're stoned out of your mind or under age 11.
The taxpayer takes it up the @ss while m0ronic progams produce even worse failure.
Capitalism WILL produce some down periods in an economy, but the overall trend remains upward.
You just suck it up during the "down" periods, with money that you have ... SAVED.
Wow, savings, what a novel concept.
What has happened is that the government (fed reserve in particular) has grabbed the economy by the balls.
They DEMAND that things continue on an upward trend.
They create "bubbles" of prosperity that are, for lack of a better word, fake.
When a fall off in a market occurs, they prop things up by printing fake money or borrowing money.
So you just get MORE inflation, a lower standard of living, and a greater debt passed on to your children.
The fed has been playing this game for a LONG time and it's why the economy is in shambles.
Wft do you think is going to happen to the standard of living when all this new funny money is pumped into the system?
Inflation x a WHOLE HELL OF A LOT.
This bill is NO answer.
It will make the situation worse, ... a LOT worse.
This "stimulus" is a joke.
Democrats hyped up a bad economy to push through spending spree that has very little to do with stimulating the economy and most everything to do with a social agenda.