Troop Surge for Afghanistan

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Re: Troop Surge for Afghanistan

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

One more time, in bold type so perhaps you won't pack it into your serious blind spot:

Within ten years there will be a solid Arab majority population within the state of Israel itself. This does NOT include the occupied West Bank, etc.

This is what's going on. This is the future. Now, as you well know the South African Boers were also a minority within their 1948 (perfectly legitimate!) apartheid state experiment. you well know, the ruthless measures required to maintain a subjugated majority population proved politically, morally, and practically untenable. They had to revise their utterly racist laws and political system.

Now...why do you think it's so different in the case of this apartheid state experiment? Really!

Obviously there will be no military attempt to conquer Israel. But so what? Its median age is higher than that of Japan's. It's basically a Russian retirement zone.

It's time to scour off these foul notions of a Divine Mandate for a race state. It's obviously a nineteenth-century type idea in the first place--back when it was apparently acceptable to march into a foreign land and just colonize it--taking all the resources and using the locals as slave labor. You know, like the French in Vietnam, or the British in Kenya, etc. Israel is a totally artificial holdover from the colonial era--with a bizarre and odious religious twist. So what? It's obviously been a complete disaster--and it's only getting worse. Do you really even have an argument?

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Re: Troop Surge for Afghanistan

Post by Van »

So, what you're looking forward to is a time when Israel's disenfranchised achieve the same wonderful quality of life currently enjoyed by black S. Africans?

Why do you hate Arabs?
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Re: Troop Surge for Afghanistan

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Do you suppose the former subjects of the apartheid system in South Africa would want to go back? How about the Vietnamese? How about the Algerians? How about the Chinese?

That's all you've got to address the plain facts of the matter? A silly little dodge? That's it? Oh sure, you've got your true Belief in the Zionist enterprise. But of course you can't bring yourself to actually express that--because it's too embarrassing no doubt.

For my part, my opposition to the ZioNazi monstrosity has nothing whatever to do with a love--or even a like--of the Arab culture, or the Islamic faith. Nor do I harbor any hatred--or even dislike--for the Jews, converted or not. I certainly don't like--any neither should you--the various manipulations and schemes rendered by various Jews on behalf of the ZioNazi state. But at least I 'm really dealing with it, unlike the lock-step tunnel-vision head space revealed in your cliche-ridden "defense" of "her sovereignty, etc."

Most noticeably, you maintain some sort of robust ignorance concerning the demographic realities of the situation. Good luck with that. :wink:

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Re: Troop Surge for Afghanistan

Post by Van »

So, okay, you're happy with how S. Africa's blacks are doing now, now that they're self "governing." You're also thrilled with the notion of "Palestinians" doing well on their own.

You know, just so we're clear and all.
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Re: Troop Surge for Afghanistan

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Again you're nervously dodging. I never said I like the current state of South Africa--or New York for that matter. But that's never been the issue at all.

Do you suppose the people of South Africa would want apartheid back? Do you suppose the Palestinians wouldn't like the ZioNazi apparatus removed? Think the Chinese want the Brits back (importing tons of opium to essentially date rape the entire country! :doh: )?

consider a few basic facts (there's a LOT more not covered in this lil' vid)

Do you really believe any of the ludicrous inversions of reality you're offering (in very tiny slivers! You don't DARE actually think through and mount an argument, we notice. Just like babs, the Rove Monkey)?
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Re: Troop Surge for Afghanistan

Post by Van »

I never said I like the current state of South Africa--or New York for that matter.
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Re: Troop Surge for Afghanistan

Post by Van »

There you go again, mvscal, supposing your values and beliefs on others.

How in the fuck do YOU know that blacks in S. Africa don't actually prefer a machete to the temple over a little racial profiling? Maybe they have a higher tolerance for pain than you do, didja ever consider that, you soft fucking American? Maybe they get sick of having to deal with too many mouths to feed and they've actually come to appreciate the benefits of a society that kills, errr, alleviates them of so many burdens??

Why you always gotta be this way, dude??
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Re: Troop Surge for Afghanistan

Post by smackaholic »

I'll bet those fukkers would really appreciate a loose pair of shoes and a warm place to shit, right about now.
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Re: Troop Surge for Afghanistan

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

mvscal wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:I never said I like the current state of South Africa
Well, by all means feel free to offer your comments on the current state of affairs in South Africa. How is that post-apartheid lovefest working out for them? Certainly all their problems were solved, right?
Do you suppose the people of South Africa would want apartheid back?

It is inarguable that they would be more prosperous and more secure....even the blecks.
Well at least you're appropriately viewing the South African blacks and the Palestinians as subjugated populations of respective apartheid state regimes. Your question of course is a no-brainer: OF COURSE they're better off without the fascist police state abusing and humiliating them every day. Certainly other problems arisen--crime, etc. Of course. But...they sure don't want to go back. As for the white South Africans, those who chose to stay are quite happy that South Africa is now a welcome member of the world community. It's actually VERY good for business. Of course the diamond consortium (nice Irish boys) never even noticed--but they're doing well too. As for the Palestinians, well gee babs, what do you think? Would they like the ZioNazi state apparatus removed? I think that's an unequivocal "yes." And guess what? Despite the well armed (politically and militarily) core of hardliners in Israel, a sizable degree of the population see clearly what's happened to their cherished dream state: a bunkered, paranoid, brutal apartheid state--which will within ten years have a solid Arab majority. Uh oh! :cry: Yeah, they really do see the truth, unlike the literally insane ZioChrister legion in this country, etc.

I don't like the fact of Cape Town being a dangerous gangland any more than you. And similarly, I really don't like the Hamas-style social model of Islamic gangland with health clinics and soup kitchens in Palestine. But the obvious fact of the moral, political, and sheer practical impossibility of the ZioNazi apparatus (just like South Africa's) is clear and present.

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Re: Troop Surge for Afghanistan

Post by barack is GOD »

mvscal loves Barack! He kneels before the Great Obama!

Barack will end these wars and will rectify the economy! You must be patient and believe!!
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Re: Troop Surge for Afghanistan

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Papa Willie wrote:So what's the deal? Do liberals hate the Jews in Israel, but not the ones here? Let me know - I've got to jerk off.
well, Willie, why don't you ask a liberal? For my part, I don't care if someone is Jewish or not. I simply abhor ZioNazis--and as I'm sure you're aware, the vast majority of these dangerously deluded folks are not Jews at all, but Christers. As to your question, however, if we are to accept that Obama's "agenda" and the people he's surrounded himself with are Liberal, then your question becomes murky. I mean Rahim Emanuel is about as hardcore a ZioNazi you can get. And I don't doubt that David Axelrod is also a solid supporter. I really don't think you'll find many--if any--traditional Liberal organizations which are avowed supporters of the Special Apartheid state, and the drift is certainly pulling away. Boycott movements are becoming much more engaged--especially after the recent ghastly Gaza massacre.
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Re: Troop Surge for Afghanistan

Post by Van »

Nonsense. The world at large isn't lining up in support of a dismantling of the Israeli state. They may protest Israel's heavy handed reactions to certain provocations but nobody in the civilized world is advocating an end to your "Special Apartheid state."

It's just business as usual. Israel's supporters are still firmly behind her and Israel's enemies still hate her and want her gone. Just as soon as the next cowardly suicide bombing occurs the world will again line up to condemn Islamic Fanaticism and they'll line up behind Israel's right to defend herself.

Nothing's changed. Worldwide support for Israel isn't going anywhere and neither is worldwide condemnation of Islamic barbarism.
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Re: Troop Surge for Afghanistan

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: I simply abhor ZioNazis
You don't even know what Zionism means, let alone are able to identify it.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:... Rahim Emanuel is about as hardcore a ZioNazi you can get.
No, he isn't. I doubt you would be able to tell who a Zionist was if they were pouring out some matzo soup for you in a yarmulke. Shut the fuck up, retard.

Now, go see your doctor and have him tighten up your meds.
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Re: Troop Surge for Afghanistan

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Oh look, it's M-tyrd pretending to show up. You suggest that I don't know what Zionism is...but you give no indication why. After all, don't you think I could detail the entire history of that movement--from Herzl to Kastner to Begin to Sharon? The mission statement of the Zionists is not some hidden agenda. What are you pretending to say?

As for Rahim Emanuel, why do you feel he's not a Zionist? You forgot to support your curious statement. He is after all the son of a hardcore Zionist , born in Israel, etc. Go ahead, try to explain your seemingly nonsensical statement. And as for matzo ball soup, I don't think Christers enjoy that particular treat--and they are after all the great majority of Zionists.

Zionist? Yes. Matzo soup partaker? .....uh no...
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Re: Troop Surge for Afghanistan

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Are you trying to be funny, or are you really this crazy in your every day life?

I almost feel sorry for you.

Now, hit me up with any evidence that Emanuel is a Zionist.
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Re: Troop Surge for Afghanistan

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Martyred wrote:Are you trying to be funny, or are you really this crazy in your every day life?

I almost feel sorry for you.

Now, hit me up with any evidence that Emanuel is a Zionist.
As usual, M-tyrd, you pretend to offer some point of view--and yet there's nothing there!

Is Rahm Emanuel a Zionist? Well, let's look at his history. His Israeli-born father Benjamin was an integral member of the Zionist terror group known as Irgun during the 1940s. Along with another notorious terror outfit—the Stern Gang—Irgun bombed Jerusalem’s King David Hotel in 1946 where 96 people were killed; while also instigating the 1948 Deir Yassin Massacre.

Benjamin Emanuel directly plotted the assassination of Count Bernadotte, a Swedish diplomat and United Nations envoy who tried to broker peace in Palestine. But Irgun didn’t seek treaties. It instead sought racial cleansing and genocide. According to Elisabeth Bumiller in The New York Times, Benjamin Emanuel passed secret codes to Shin Bet bomber and future Prime Minister Menachem Begin. These very same Jewish terrorists eventually became the recognized Israeli government in 1948, as well as predecessors to Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud Party.

As for Rahm, to get a final idea of what we’re dealing with, consider this quote from U.S. war journalist Pat Dollard:

"Let me tell you right now, no exaggeration. Rahm Emanuel is the devil. He is . . . a Goebbels, a Mengele, a perfect Cromwell who would, without the
faintest evidence of hesitation washing across his face for even a millisecond, order and even personally execute each and every human being he or Obama perceived to be an enemy of the regime. And if you ever personally offended him, and he had the opportunity to kill you, he would probably do it by starting with your children as you were made to watch. He is a bad guy.

Some researchers have gone so far as to claim that Emanuel was the notorious “Mega” spy deep inside the Clinton administration who passed top-secret documents about Iran on to the Israeli government, causing a great deal of chaos among the various intelligence agencies. Be very wary of this man. Like the “Prince of Darkness” Richard Perle and Michael Chertoff before him (both of whom hold dual U.S.-Israeli citizenships), it may well be proven that his loyalties rest more with a fabricated little state in the Middle East than they do with us."

Obviously Dollard is quite upset about the weaselly Emanuel, and I don't claim to verify his every suggestion or apprehension, but if you can honestly suggest that Emanuel is NOT a staunch supporter of the Zionist mission, go ahead--let's hear your take.

As for P-Willie, your question is unclear for starters. If you actually can't understand my response, be specific and I'll clarify.
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Re: Troop Surge for Afghanistan

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:
Is Rahm Emanuel a Zionist? Well, let's look at his history.
...and then you go on to offer absolutely no evidence at all.

Stop listening to RBN.
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Re: Troop Surge for Afghanistan

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Martyred wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
Is Rahm Emanuel a Zionist? Well, let's look at his history.
...and then you go on to offer absolutely no evidence at all.

Stop listening to RBN.

If you dispute the facts I've presented, show why. Be specific and clear. Actually try and say something. :meds:
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Re: Troop Surge for Afghanistan

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:
Martyred wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
Is Rahm Emanuel a Zionist? Well, let's look at his history.
...and then you go on to offer absolutely no evidence at all.

Stop listening to RBN.

If you dispute the facts I've presented, show why. Be specific and clear. Actually try and say something. :meds:
I asked you to prove Rahm Emanuel was a Zionist. You didn't.

Also, it's not necessary for me to pen a novella to prove what an escaped mental patient you are. I can generally do that in a sentence or two.
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Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
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Re: Troop Surge for Afghanistan

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

You don't do or say anything in your tiny posts. Are you actually suggesting that Emanuel is not an ardent Zionist? You ask for evidence but as usual you don't actually state an opinion on anything.

Now, if you really have some doubt as to the his Zionist upbringing etc., consider this, Rahm Emanuel, nicknamed “Rahmbo,” is a pro- Israel Orthodox Jew who was educated in a Talmudic yeshiva and served as a volunteer in the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). He is a dual citizen of Israel. Israel is the only nation where Americans can apply for and obtain citizenship without automatically renouncing U.S. citizenship.

Unless you're truly dense and slow, you'll connect the dots. Good luck.
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Re: Troop Surge for Afghanistan

Post by Jerkovich »

Wow, this this got some run even if it did derail.

You fuck twats are easy bait.
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