Question, mods.

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Question, mods.

Post by smackaholic »

Is there a way to block certain avatards while at work? Some of us are not in the most private of settings and all I need is the wrong person looking over my shoulder as they walk by and happen to catch an eyeful of a certain someone clanging away on a pair of cymbals.

I wouldn't dream of asking him to take it down because, well, he'd likely tell me to do something anatomically impossible in a very clever and amusing way. Also, it is one of the best avatards I've seen in this dump.

One other thing. Is there a way to make TiVO's posts suck just a little bit less?

mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Question, mods.

Post by indyfrisco »

It's been said before and I'll say it again...if you are doing something at work that may get you in trouble, don't do it. Why anyone would risk their job to post at this place is beyond me. We have one main rule here and that is the (!) rule.
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
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Re: Question, mods.

Post by PSUFAN »

Is it possible for you to use Firefox?
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
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Re: Question, mods.

Post by smackaholic »

not at work, I don't think. pretty sure bill gates pays protection money to the place.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Moving Sale

Re: Question, mods.

Post by Moving Sale »

smackaholic wrote:Is there a way to block certain avatards while at work? Some of us are not in the most private of settings and all I need is the wrong person looking over my shoulder as they walk by and happen to catch an eyeful of a certain someone clanging away on a pair of cymbals.
I thought you were proud of your Racism?

Now go fuck yourself you big fat 'hippocritical' fucknut.

Re: Question, mods.

Post by GOSD »

smackaholic wrote:Is there a way to block certain avatards while at work? Some of us are not in the most private of settings and all I need is the wrong person looking over my shoulder as they walk by and happen to catch an eyeful of a certain someone clanging away on a pair of cymbals.

I wouldn't dream of asking him to take it down because, well, he'd likely tell me to do something anatomically impossible in a very clever and amusing way. Also, it is one of the best avatards I've seen in this dump.

One other thing. Is there a way to make TiVO's posts suck just a little bit less?

What you should worry about is people in your workplace reading the drivel you post and realizing what a fucking idiot they hired and putting you first on the chopping block come layoff time.
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Re: Question, mods.

Post by Van »

Yeah, yeah. Go blow some ZioNazi cock.

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Show me your dicks. - trev
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Re: Question, mods.

Post by Sirfindafold »

What? You work for ACORN or something? There's a strong chance you might receive a raise / promotion if the right person saw that.

Roll the dice motherfucker.
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