Left Seater wrote:Read and heard the other day that Obama (or his team) said that now is the time to strike. Meaning right now he should propose stuff that he never would get away with in better times. If that is the case then here is what he should be doing.
1) Term Limits. Get them in place now. No more than 4 terms in the House and only two in the Senate. If you run out of time in one you can run for the other.
As I recall, this was action item #1 in Newt Gingrich's 1994 platform. What happened to all those term limits promises after 2001?
That's what I thought.
2) Social Payments to Illegals. End them all tonight. If you are not a legal visitor or worker, you don't get a single thing from the government. Children born to illegals are not US citizens. If parents are here legally, then the child gets citizenship. I'll be damned if my money goes to feed someone from another country who broke and continues to break laws to be here.
Good luck with that one. I bet you would be right at home with the 100 Percenters and the Invisible Knights back in 1920. We are a country of immigrants and nothing you say is going to stop that.
3) Must work for Food Stamps, Welfare, Etc. With the illegals gone there will be plenty of jobs for those needing help. You want your Food Stamps? School districts, cities, counties, etc have jobs that need completion. Hell, if you want to work really hard we can add an incentive payment.
There are plenty of jobs to do RIGHT NOW. We don't have a shortage of workers. We have a shortage of people willing to pay to get shit done. See 88's tax thread for examples.
That being said, I've always been in favor of the idea of work for any able bodied person on public funds. Period. This is your best idea of the bunch.
4) Make Food Stamps etc less likely to be resold. I understand moving away from the printed kind to save money, but put something in place so person A can't sell them to person B for cash or drugs etc. Also, make those using them have to get them from the supervisor of their community job.
Unless you want to start monitoring the cash registers of every bodega in America, that's not likely. Even if you give everybody individualized food stamp "credit cards", you still have the problem of unscrupulous corner stores who will ring up fake bills in return for a cash kickback. The better idea is just to have people work for their benefits.
5) Annex Baja. Then call Mexico's debt with us repaid.
That's the kind of shit that prompted us to invade Iraq the first time. Totally unrealistic.
6) Restore relations with Cuba. No other reason than I want to visit and go to some of the place my Grandparents have pictures of.
Your second best idea. This has gone on long enough.
7) Give employers the right to fire any Union workers on Strike. Think you are worth more money, go across the street. The better employers will always rise to the top.
You mean like bank CEOs? The "better employees" are the ones who fucked the entire system up to begin with.

Encourage States to end Teacher Tenure and move to Merit based Pay. I had some outstanding young teachers and some horrible seasoned ones. No reason the older ones should make more just because they have been there longer. Reward and encourage good teachers no matter their experience and let the others move on.
The real problem is that the people most qualified to teach look at what the average teacher makes and 90% move onto something more lucrative. Change that dynamic and tenure isn't an issue.
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."
—Earl Sinclair
"I do have respect for authority even though I throw jelly dicks at them.
- Antonio Brown