Every time the Onogga crew opens their yap

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Re: Every time the Onogga crew opens their yap

Post by Morpheus »

GOSD wrote:Nice source citing there you fucking idiot. Please call up that Fox blogger and ask him how a cigarette tax hike is considered an "emergency bill". I guess if I was a backwards fucking hillbilly lke you, I'd consider a tax hike on the cigarette butts I dig out of ashtrays as a top priority. Oh fuck no! Higher taxes on cigarettes means more people won't throw their cigarette away until it's smoked to the filter. Oh dear god you are fucked!

Your little obsession here with the cigarette tax is baffling when the bigger issue is that his new budget raises 45 percent of its revenue from energy taxes.
Now I suppose as you obviously live in a cave, are still trying to invent the wheel, and eat the bugs you catch from your own cesspool you bathe in, then I guess no money will come from your pocket-less candy ass. Unlike the rest of us modern, electricity and gas consuming poor people.

Re: Every time the Onogga crew opens their yap

Post by warren »

GOSD wrote:
Jerkovich wrote:The market shits the bed.

Yep, these guys are real confidence builders.
Generally the first year of every president the stock market goes down. Minus the fact that most of us aren't as completely fucking stupid as you and didn't forget where this started, since it was less than 2 months ago he became president, then this is the norm.

I'd also like to add my brain isn't made of hot steaming shit and I understand Bush is responsible for this mess. Other than that continue on melting for the next 4 years you fucking simpleton.
Do you really believe that or is another puke-job, trolling experiment?

The Kenyan was destroying Wall Street months before he took office. His assault on the top echelon of tax payers whom already shoulder the burden of your welfare baby's WIC program and your funding of African abortions in addition to his propensity to scream fire in the overcrowded theatre that was and is our current economic environment until he got his multi-trillion dollar "stimulis package" passed because it coudn't wait another minute(upon which time he promptly took off to Chicago to wine and dine his posse and decided it could wait until Monday to sign) spelled doom all over it.

Now the moron talks out of his ass about that it "might" be the right time to get into the market. For what sensible reason would a person invest in anything to do with this sinking ship? Oh, maybe so could earn enough to jack himself up a tax a bracket only to have the Southside Community Organizer give it away to some freaking loser that can't, won't or doesn't need to pay his own mortgage or take responsibility for his illigitemate offspring because big brother his here to save the day.

You freaking dopes that voted for "hope and only some change left in your pockets" have been party to the biggest con-job in modern history. You employed a crack dealing, community organizing, lawyer(who never spent a minute in court other than to get his homies out on bail) and a Senator that didn't show up for work half the time.

This guy is spending your money on "Party night Wednesdays" with Kool and the Gang and Stevie Wonder while doing the conga line up to the Lincoln Bedroom for bong hits. Yesterday he spent the day in a private meeting with his economic guru, Brad Pitt, and today he fired up the Air Force One contigency to skip off to Ohio to personally speak to the police academy graduates that now have jobs due to the 1.4 million they're getting from HIS stimulus package. I mean come on, whattaya think it cost to fire up the 747 and Marine One to go gland hand some underqualified cops, 4 million?

Maybe a phone call would suffice.

He is spending you and your ill gotten children's futures into oblivion and sending out that skank lesbian of a Secretary of State to China with her hand out so they can send more money to the Hammas killers of Gaza.

The only redeeming fact that I can actually laugh at is that most of you are so dumbed down by a left wing overhauled public education system that you don't even know that Monkey in Chief is straddling your backside while strapping it on with no vaseline in sight.

Man oh man, I never I thought I'd be saying I was glad to be going back to Islamabad, errrr.....freaking London. To quote your fearless leader, it's going to get worse way before it get's better.
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Re: Every time the Onogga crew opens their yap

Post by poptart »

RACK warren!
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Re: Every time the Onogga crew opens their yap

Post by Van »

Out of breath, doubtless, wrote:His assault on the top echelon of tax payers whom already shoulder the burden of your welfare baby's WIC program and your funding of African abortions in addition to his propensity to scream fire in the overcrowded theatre that was and is our current economic environment until he got his multi-trillion dollar "stimulis package" passed because it coudn't wait another minute(upon which time he promptly took off to Chicago to wine and dine his posse and decided it could wait until Monday to sign) spelled doom all over it.
Check that shit out. Not one comma, even.

Even among noteworthy run-on and otherwise butchered sentences that is a truly remarkable sentence.


I only wish the always erudite Smackie Chan were here to comment on it. Amusement would surely follow.
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Re: Every time the Onogga crew opens their yap

Post by GOSD »

warren wrote:
GOSD wrote:
Jerkovich wrote:The market shits the bed.

Yep, these guys are real confidence builders.
Generally the first year of every president the stock market goes down. Minus the fact that most of us aren't as completely fucking stupid as you and didn't forget where this started, since it was less than 2 months ago he became president, then this is the norm.

I'd also like to add my brain isn't made of hot steaming shit and I understand Bush is responsible for this mess. Other than that continue on melting for the next 4 years you fucking simpleton.
Do you really believe that or is another puke-job, trolling experiment?

The Kenyan was destroying Wall Street months before he took office. His assault on the top echelon of tax payers whom already shoulder the burden of your welfare baby's WIC program and your funding of African abortions in addition to his propensity to scream fire in the overcrowded theatre that was and is our current economic environment until he got his multi-trillion dollar "stimulis package" passed because it coudn't wait another minute(upon which time he promptly took off to Chicago to wine and dine his posse and decided it could wait until Monday to sign) spelled doom all over it.

Now the moron talks out of his ass about that it "might" be the right time to get into the market. For what sensible reason would a person invest in anything to do with this sinking ship? Oh, maybe so could earn enough to jack himself up a tax a bracket only to have the Southside Community Organizer give it away to some freaking loser that can't, won't or doesn't need to pay his own mortgage or take responsibility for his illigitemate offspring because big brother his here to save the day.

You freaking dopes that voted for "hope and only some change left in your pockets" have been party to the biggest con-job in modern history. You employed a crack dealing, community organizing, lawyer(who never spent a minute in court other than to get his homies out on bail) and a Senator that didn't show up for work half the time.

This guy is spending your money on "Party night Wednesdays" with Kool and the Gang and Stevie Wonder while doing the conga line up to the Lincoln Bedroom for bong hits. Yesterday he spent the day in a private meeting with his economic guru, Brad Pitt, and today he fired up the Air Force One contigency to skip off to Ohio to personally speak to the police academy graduates that now have jobs due to the 1.4 million they're getting from HIS stimulus package. I mean come on, whattaya think it cost to fire up the 747 and Marine One to go gland hand some underqualified cops, 4 million?

Maybe a phone call would suffice.

He is spending you and your ill gotten children's futures into oblivion and sending out that skank lesbian of a Secretary of State to China with her hand out so they can send more money to the Hammas killers of Gaza.

The only redeeming fact that I can actually laugh at is that most of you are so dumbed down by a left wing overhauled public education system that you don't even know that Monkey in Chief is straddling your backside while strapping it on with no vaseline in sight.

Man oh man, I never I thought I'd be saying I was glad to be going back to Islamabad, errrr.....freaking London. To quote your fearless leader, it's going to get worse way before it get's better.
You just wasted a shitload of fucking time on a rambling shitpile of worthlessness. If only every American could get together and waste their time typing such retarded shit about their ignorant beliefs, such as yours, then America's GDP would be healed in months.

It's garbage like this, that you believe and that you would spend the time to type out, is the reason I have no hope for this country. I can't obviously murder you, but it'd help our economy if you kindly offed yourself.

Re: Every time the Onogga crew opens their yap

Post by warren »

GOSD wrote:
warren wrote:
GOSD wrote: Generally the first year of every president the stock market goes down. Minus the fact that most of us aren't as completely fucking stupid as you and didn't forget where this started, since it was less than 2 months ago he became president, then this is the norm.

I'd also like to add my brain isn't made of hot steaming shit and I understand Bush is responsible for this mess. Other than that continue on melting for the next 4 years you fucking simpleton.
Do you really believe that or is another puke-job, trolling experiment?

The Kenyan was destroying Wall Street months before he took office. His assault on the top echelon of tax payers whom already shoulder the burden of your welfare baby's WIC program and your funding of African abortions in addition to his propensity to scream fire in the overcrowded theatre that was and is our current economic environment until he got his multi-trillion dollar "stimulis package" passed because it coudn't wait another minute(upon which time he promptly took off to Chicago to wine and dine his posse and decided it could wait until Monday to sign) spelled doom all over it.

Now the moron talks out of his ass about that it "might" be the right time to get into the market. For what sensible reason would a person invest in anything to do with this sinking ship? Oh, maybe so could earn enough to jack himself up a tax a bracket only to have the Southside Community Organizer give it away to some freaking loser that can't, won't or doesn't need to pay his own mortgage or take responsibility for his illigitemate offspring because big brother his here to save the day.

You freaking dopes that voted for "hope and only some change left in your pockets" have been party to the biggest con-job in modern history. You employed a crack dealing, community organizing, lawyer(who never spent a minute in court other than to get his homies out on bail) and a Senator that didn't show up for work half the time.

This guy is spending your money on "Party night Wednesdays" with Kool and the Gang and Stevie Wonder while doing the conga line up to the Lincoln Bedroom for bong hits. Yesterday he spent the day in a private meeting with his economic guru, Brad Pitt, and today he fired up the Air Force One contigency to skip off to Ohio to personally speak to the police academy graduates that now have jobs due to the 1.4 million they're getting from HIS stimulus package. I mean come on, whattaya think it cost to fire up the 747 and Marine One to go gland hand some underqualified cops, 4 million?

Maybe a phone call would suffice.

He is spending you and your ill gotten children's futures into oblivion and sending out that skank lesbian of a Secretary of State to China with her hand out so they can send more money to the Hammas killers of Gaza.

The only redeeming fact that I can actually laugh at is that most of you are so dumbed down by a left wing overhauled public education system that you don't even know that Monkey in Chief is straddling your backside while strapping it on with no vaseline in sight.

Man oh man, I never I thought I'd be saying I was glad to be going back to Islamabad, errrr.....freaking London. To quote your fearless leader, it's going to get worse way before it get's better.
You just wasted a shitload of fucking time on a rambling shitpile of worthlessness. If only every American could get together and waste their time typing such retarded shit about their ignorant beliefs, such as yours, then America's GDP would be healed in months.

It's garbage like this, that you believe and that you would spend the time to type out, is the reason I have no hope for this country. I can't obviously murder you, but it'd help our economy if you kindly offed yourself.
How about you do something non-liberal like and refute an actual point instead of resort to sophomoric insults.

Oh, and the day that I give a fuck about my spelling and punctuation on the freaking "one bored" is the day I know I have way to much time on my hands. Way to go Van, bring zero to the table but punctuation smack, spelling is still open too, I'll be hanging on a thread for the next "spellchecker" to crush my delicate ego.

Back to this moron that I didn't really reply to, his idiocy was only an excuse to outwardly laugh at the current jr. high school level administration: I suppose you're thrilled with obama's "bear market." It's now official, your economic guru is drooling all over himself after the market finishing at +32 yesterday. This following the single largest "correction" of the market during a new administration in 80 yrs.

His chief economic adviser, Sec'y Gheitner, has yet to nominate anyone, much less have them confirmed, to 18 vacant posts. All of this leading into the economic summit in Europe in couple of weeks. He had only two potential nominees drop yesterday due to "personal reasons," fraudulent tax returns anyone?

How about his act cleaning up of our foreign image after all the damage Bush did? He gives our single greatest ally a case of DVD's and backs out of a planned joint press conference with their PM, refuses to fly their flag, or our's for the matter, during the photo op and sends back a gift of a bust of Winston Churchill(the gift wasn't his to send back, like everything else he doesn't realize it belonged to the American people.)

Dear God can actually wrap your obama worshipping mind around the fact that as a State gift he ponied up a 20 pack of DVD's including obscure, impossible to get, never seen before cult classics like ET and Star Wars? Unfucking believable this douchebag is.

You've got Hillary giving a red button to Russia with the wrong Russian word on it and exclaims "we tried to get it right." You mean there's no person in the State Dept. that speaks Russian. Not one. Freaking Condy spoke it herself you pock marked, fur trading, non-entity.

She states to the Euro's that America has the oldest democracy in the world (hello ancient Greeks,) oh and by the way we're a republic, not a democracy. The witch claims she's never understood the two-party system and misprounces or out and out get's wrong every representative at the conference's name.

I mean you can go on and on with the absolute, pathetic ineptitude of the Kenyan and his deer in headlights admin.

Dude, actually try to have any take on any of this other than "obama is great and I am so stupid. as far as wasting a bunch of time I don't how long it would take you to regurgitate the morning headlines and throw in various vulgare, asinine insults, oh and a couple of commas, but my coffee hasn't even cooled off enough yet.

Oh, and Van is that enough comma's for you?

I hope everybody, including the lock and step hope and changers have a great weekend.
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Re: Every time the Onogga crew opens their yap

Post by smackaholic »

warren wrote: Oh, and Van is that enough comma's for you?
Where's ucunt?

I got a new sig for him.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Every time the Onogga crew opens their yap

Post by smackaholic »

got a few ftfys, warren.
warren wrote:This following the single largest "correction" of the market during a new administration in at least 90 yrs.
His chief tax cheat, Sec'y Gheitner, has yet to nominate anyone, much less have them confirmed, to 18 vacant posts. All of this leading into the economic summit in Europe in couple of weeks. He had only two potential nominees drop yesterday due to "personal reasons," fraudulent tax returns anyone?
You've got Hillary giving a red button to Russia with the wrong Russian word on it and exclaims "we tried to get it right." You mean there's no person in the State Dept. that speaks Russian. Not one. Freaking Condy spoke it herself you pock marked, fur munching, non-entity.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Every time the Onogga crew opens their yap

Post by Van »

warren wrote:Oh, and Van is that enough comma's for you?
"Comma's" does not require an apostrophe. You were using the plural, not the possessive.


Welcome back, dude.
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Stan Fukkken Pickle

Re: Every time the Onogga crew opens their yap

Post by Stan Fukkken Pickle »

warren wrote:
Man oh man, I never I thought I'd be saying I was glad to be going back to Islamabad, errrr.....freaking London. To quote your fearless leader, it's going to get worse way before it get's better.

I wanted to RACK the entire post, but I suppose it's sufficient to at least quote the last part of it. London is now Islamabad....BAHAWHAHWHHWHWHWAHAHWHWHAHAHA!

While we're busy letting an affirmative action negro run our country into the ground and giving it away to the Messicans, the limeys are busy giving away their kingdom to bunch of primitive, diaperhead, goatfukkking, allah worshipping, evil, suicide bomb wearing, 72 virgin fukkking, savages.

God Save the Queen from Allah
God Bless Amexico

Re: Every time the Onogga crew opens their yap

Post by warren »

Van wrote:
warren wrote:Oh, and Van is that enough comma's for you?
"Comma's" does not require an apostrophe. You were using the plural, not the possessive.


Welcome back, dude.
I really suck don't I.

Thanks anyway.

Re: Every time the Onogga crew opens their yap

Post by warren »

smackaholic wrote:got a few ftfys, warren.
warren wrote:This following the single largest "correction" of the market during a new administration in at least 90 yrs.
His chief tax cheat, Sec'y Gheitner, has yet to nominate anyone, much less have them confirmed, to 18 vacant posts. All of this leading into the economic summit in Europe in couple of weeks. He had only two potential nominees drop yesterday due to "personal reasons," fraudulent tax returns anyone?
You've got Hillary giving a red button to Russia with the wrong Russian word on it and exclaims "we tried to get it right." You mean there's no person in the State Dept. that speaks Russian. Not one. Freaking Condy spoke it herself you pock marked, fur munching, non-entity.
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Re: Every time the Onogga crew opens their yap

Post by smackaholic »

warren wrote:I really suck don't I.
At misplaced commas and apostrophes?

Yeah, pretty much.

Atleast you didn't call anybody out and roundhouse kick your own ass defending such mistakes, unlike some other poor sod did.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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