Nice going. Aside from the stupidity of the wrong Russian word--and the lameness of the whole idea-- is this intelligent statesmanship ?? Somehow I can't see Condi Rice getting herself into this.

Moderator: Jesus H Christ
You're supposed to figure that out for yourself.Roach wrote:What happened O? What did she step into now?
Wolfman wrote:it didn't say "Go Fuck Yourself".
Nice going. Aside from the stupidity of the wrong Russian word--and the lameness of the whole idea-- is this intelligent statesmanship ?? Somehow I can't see Condi Rice getting herself into this.
Wolfman wrote: Somehow I can't see Condi Rice getting herself into this.
mvscal wrote:Shillary isn't? Her only qualification for political office is that she straddled Bill's cock.Stan Fukkken Pickle wrote:Condi Rice was an affirmative action disaster!
Then why do you use straddling black cock as your excuse to have an opinion on Obama?mvscal wrote:Shillary isn't? Her only qualification for political office is that she straddled Bill's cock.Stan Fukkken Pickle wrote:Condi Rice was an affirmative action disaster!
When does monica get her post?mvscal wrote:Shillary isn't? Her only qualification for political office is that she straddled Bill's cock.Stan Fukkken Pickle wrote:Condi Rice was an affirmative action disaster!
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Wolfman wrote:Fill me in when she handed the representative of Russia a stupid push button contraption that said "Overload" when she thought it said "reset" !
I'll wait for the link.
Then again--that would take a very very lone time--so I'll pass on that.
This Obamanation is looking more lame every day !
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
With the barry and hill show, you might be surprised. I think these two can and will figure out a way.PSUFAN wrote:The most troubling thing about the Bush Administration's foreign policy and Condi Rice in particular was the observable fact that they weren't on the same page...or even holding the same book. Condi Rice was an adequate stateswoman...which meant she had absolutely nothing in common with people like Rumsfeld. I always felt sorry for Rice because it seemed to me that she genuinely wanted to advance our nation's interestes, while others she had to work with pursued their own ends, mostly nefarious ones.
Well, at least we've seen the bottom of the barrel, brought to you by the Bush Administration...there is literally nowhere to go but up.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Who gives a fuck what they do with their women and their goats?smackaholic wrote:. That'll play fine, so long as we look the other way as they behead their women and fukk goats.
Why mikey, that doesn't sound very progressive of you.Mikey wrote:Who gives a fuck what they do with their women and their goats?smackaholic wrote:. That'll play fine, so long as we look the other way as they behead their women and fukk goats.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
We're staying, at least for a while. Boat is loading at 8. Be on it.smackaholic wrote: If we are gonna stay, annihilate them.
Psssssssst. You've never been right about anything.mvscal wrote: It won't take long to find how sadly and tragically mistaken you really are.
Moving Sale wrote:Psssssssst. You've never been right about anything.mvscal wrote: It won't take long to find how sadly and tragically mistaken you really are.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Nice dodge fuckhole.Stan Fukkken Pickle wrote:Moving Sale wrote:Name one.
mvscal wrote:
I'm already right about this. This is the single most corrupt, incompetent administration in US history. There isn't even close second. How many cabinet appointees and deputy secretaries have been forced to or have voluntarily withdrawn their appointments? I believe the number is 15...and counting.
How many trillions of dollars has this stupid n...igger burned through in the first month of office? How many more trillions is he proposing to burn through in the next few months?
How many allies and foriegn dignitaries has this amateur administration insulted with their bumper sticker slogan diplomacy? These people an absolute fucking embarassment.
Your sheet is showing.mvscal wrote: stupid n...igger
So it is your position that this is the most corrupt Administration in history even though not a single person has ever been found to have done a single corrupt thing in office?Stan Fukkken Pickle wrote:NOW IT'S .... "EVERYTHING PLUS ONE!!!"mvskkkal wrote: This is the single most corrupt, incompetent administration in US history.
I understand, your dimehole is still smoking a bit. This has to be a humbling time for you. You'll pull it together before too long, that's my guess, anyway.mvscal wrote:Stay tuned, idiot. It won't take long to find how sadly and tragically mistaken you really are.PSUFAN wrote:Well, at least we've seen the bottom of the barrel, brought to you by the Bush Administration...there is literally nowhere to go but up.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
Moving Sale wrote:So it is your position that this is the most corrupt Administration in history even though not a single person has ever been found to have done a single corrupt thing in office?Stan Fukkken Pickle wrote:NOW IT'S .... "EVERYTHING PLUS ONE!!!"mvskkkal wrote: This is the single most corrupt, incompetent administration in US history.
I Laughed.PSUFAN wrote: You'll pull it together before too long, that's my guess, anyway.
Then you are a trolling fukkkhole. By definition it can't be true that this administration is the most corrupt Admin. Period.Stan Fukkken Pickle wrote: It's my position that mvscal is absolutely 100 percent correct about the Obongo administration. Yes!
Moving Sale wrote:Then you are a trolling fukkkhole. By definition it can't be true that this administration is the most corrupt Admin. Period.Stan Fukkken Pickle wrote: It's my position that mvscal is absolutely 100 percent correct about the Obongo administration. Yes!
Wasn't WRONG either.Moving Sale wrote:So sheetoverheadcal wasn't right. Gotcha.
From what point of reference, the one with your head stuck firmly up your ass?PSUFAN wrote: Well, at least we've seen the bottom of the barrel, brought to you by the Bush Administration...there is literally nowhere to go but up.
Democrat criticisms of Bush ...Mikey wrote:
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.