that's it. I'm getting me a rifle, a bunch of ammo, some supplies and loading the family up and headed down to west virginia to hang out with tom in his bunker.
tom, you got a gennie and a wireless connection. i know it'll be tough going, but, there's no sense in going without internet pron. 'spose I'll have to burn a few dvds befor eI leave as a precaution.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
smackaholic wrote:that's it. I'm getting me a rifle, a bunch of ammo, some supplies and loading the family up and headed down to west virginia to hang out with tom in his bunker.
tom, you got a gennie and a wireless connection. i know it'll be tough going, but, there's no sense in going without internet pron. 'spose I'll have to burn a few dvds befor eI leave as a precaution.
Better stock up on the Lysol. And the Pine-Sol. Fuck, just bring an entire wheel of blue cheese.
smackaholic wrote:that's it. I'm getting me a rifle, a bunch of ammo, some supplies and loading the family up and headed down to west virginia to hang out with tom in his bunker.
tom, you got a gennie and a wireless connection. i know it'll be tough going, but, there's no sense in going without internet pron. 'spose I'll have to burn a few dvds befor eI leave as a precaution.
Glad I could be of Service! May I suggest one of those survival seed bags so you can plant a garden after all the nuclear dust clears.
smackaholic wrote:that's it. I'm getting me a rifle, a bunch of ammo, some supplies and loading the family up and headed down to west virginia to hang out with tom in his bunker.
tom, you got a gennie and a wireless connection. i know it'll be tough going, but, there's no sense in going without internet pron. 'spose I'll have to burn a few dvds befor eI leave as a precaution.
Glad I could be of Service! May I suggest one of those survival seed bags so you can plant a garden after all the nuclear dust clears.
Now how in hell them survival seeds going to grow during a nuclear winter? Maybe you could can some of the sunshine Obama is blowing up everyone's ass and use it as needed to grow the crops.
I have bots downloading gigabyte upon gigabyte of classic pron available on the internet now. My searches are for HETERO, THIGH HIGH BOOTS, LATEX. If you want me to include your preferences, let me know, they're subject to my approval. If it's only available in streams, I've coded software to capture those streams and convert them to AVI, WMV, and mp4. I have an array of USB drives serving as a SAN and it gets backed up to another array nightly.
I have ten years supply of wet wipes, keyboard covers, and bring your own mouse and lube. The bunker has a bunker, a bunker within a bunker so to speak for these purposes.
I haven't thought about food yet. How much do you think we'll need ?
smackaholic wrote:that's it. I'm getting me a rifle, a bunch of ammo, some supplies and loading the family up and headed down to west virginia to hang out with tom in his bunker.
tom, you got a gennie and a wireless connection. i know it'll be tough going, but, there's no sense in going without internet pron. 'spose I'll have to burn a few dvds befor eI leave as a precaution.
You aren't doing shit. You are sitting the fuck down on your couch until you die watching Dancing with the Stars, you pathetic fuck.