We Made the Big Time! Rampaging Murderous SOB

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Stan Fukkken Pickle

Re: We Made the Big Time! Rampaging Murderous SOB

Post by Stan Fukkken Pickle »

I started this thread yesterday as it was breaking news, but Van got mad at me.
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Re: We Made the Big Time! Rampaging Murderous SOB

Post by Van »

Sam, the dude obviously didn't receive his share of free textbooks.

Understandable reaction.
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Re: We Made the Big Time! Rampaging Murderous SOB

Post by Tom In VA »

We need "Psychopathic Rampage Education" in our public schools. Educate these kids early that if they feel a need to go on a psychopathic rampage, they should test their weapon first. Test it by placing a round in the chamber, putting the barrel in their mouth and pulling the trigger.

If the weapon works, our problem is solved. If the weapon doesn't work, maybe the perp will come to his her senses - if not - they'll retest until it does work. Either way our problem is solved.

Perhaps we should distribute revolvers and bullets as well.
Stan Fukkken Pickle

Re: We Made the Big Time! Rampaging Murderous SOB

Post by Stan Fukkken Pickle »

I can tell you exactly what is going on in this country.

White people in this country are flipping out from all the multicultural, political correct bullshit that is all around them. We can't even turn on the television anymore without being bombarded with PC bullshit! For instance, you can damn well guarantee that if there is a commercial promoting burgular alarms that it will be a beautiful black family in a multimillion dollar neighborhood and the criminal will be a White guy. YEAH RIGHT!


All promoting Anti White Hatred!

I can't even step out my front fukkken door anymore without wanting to scream! A trip to the grocery store is akin to walking through the slums of Harlem or Mexico City!

You want a corelation? How many of these types of mass murderous rampages happened in America when it was nearly All White? NONE!

Bring back 1950's All White "Leave it to Beaver" America and this madness will disappear!

Re: We Made the Big Time! Rampaging Murderous SOB

Post by warren »

How do you even put words to an inexplicable tragedy like this.

I've watched some limited coverage and unlike the Korean at Virginia Tech or those Columbine freaks there didn't seem to be any warning signs at all.

I realize it was very early morning when I saw the Mayor of one of your Townships and he didn't know him personally but stated he had common aqaintences and that he was a model employee at a meat or sausage processing plant or something similar.

I don't buy into this kind of thing at all but damn if that doesn't seem like some kind of demonic posession.

If that's where you are from Sam, I tell you what my heart goes out to your community. The manner in which your article laid out the sequence of his rampage is straight out of a fukked up Hollywood horror script.

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Re: We Made the Big Time! Rampaging Murderous SOB

Post by ChargerMike »

....add to that the 16 people the Kraut gunned down..

http://news.aol.com/article/germany-sch ... 1201342519
JIP said...Hell, Michael Sam has more integrity than you do.

Stan Fukkken Pickle

Re: We Made the Big Time! Rampaging Murderous SOB

Post by Stan Fukkken Pickle »

ChargerMike wrote:....add to that the 16 people the Kraut gunned down..

http://news.aol.com/article/germany-sch ... 1201342519


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Re: We Made the Big Time! Rampaging Murderous SOB

Post by Derron »

Too bad none of the victims was packing....I would hope to get one shot off before he got me...

Makes more sense every day..but for the last 7 years I have had concealed carry..

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Re: We Made the Big Time! Rampaging Murderous SOB

Post by GOSD »

mvscal wrote:I wonder what kind of meds this guy was on.
I'm actually wondering when you are going to be next to do some shit like this? It is your rank and file that we have to worry about on a daily basis flipping out and shooting up everything and then killing themselves. You fucking pussies hide behind your guns and then off yourselves, because you can't preach your retarded bullshit in public. It must suck being afraid of others in your personal lives finding out about the retarded shit you post here. The fear of getting punched in the jaw on a daily basis has got to make you want to snap.

So, when are you going to snap mvscal?
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Re: We Made the Big Time! Rampaging Murderous SOB

Post by Derron »

GOSD wrote:
mvscal wrote:I wonder what kind of meds this guy was on.
I'm actually wondering when you are going to be next to do some shit like this? It is your rank and file that we have to worry about on a daily basis flipping out and shooting up everything and then killing themselves. You fucking pussies hide behind your guns and then off yourselves, because you can't preach your retarded bullshit in public. It must suck being afraid of others in your personal lives finding out about the retarded shit you post here. The fear of getting punched in the jaw on a daily basis has got to make you want to snap.

So, when are you going to snap mvscal?
Hopefully when he is standing right next you with a weapon suitable of leaving your dome rolling around in the gutter.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
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Re: We Made the Big Time! Rampaging Murderous SOB

Post by Loganfan »

If everybody in this country were armed he NEVER would have had that high a body count.
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Re: We Made the Big Time! Rampaging Murderous SOB

Post by Van »

Sam wrote:You do know John McKay and Bear were really good buddies, right?

l, McKay; r, Bear

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Moving Sale

Re: We Made the Big Time! Rampaging Murderous SOB

Post by Moving Sale »

mvscal wrote:I wonder what kind of meds this guy was on.
Why? Becuase he was white?
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Re: We Made the Big Time! Rampaging Murderous SOB

Post by smackaholic »

Moving Sale wrote:
mvscal wrote:I wonder what kind of meds this guy was on.
Why? Becuase he was white?
Well, he's right. I mean black folks only murder when they can no longer stand the burden of being held down by the man all these years.

White folks, however do it because they go crazy, usually over penis envy.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Moving Sale

Re: We Made the Big Time! Rampaging Murderous SOB

Post by Moving Sale »

mvscal wrote: Well, except when it involves n...igger racists murdering, raping and pillaging at a wildly disproportionate rate.
"Disproportionate?" To what?

BTW- We already know your answer.
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Re: We Made the Big Time! Rampaging Murderous SOB

Post by smackaholic »

Disproportionate to their numbers, dumbfukk. What do you think he meant?
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Moving Sale

Re: We Made the Big Time! Rampaging Murderous SOB

Post by Moving Sale »

smackaholic wrote:Disproportionate to their numbers, dumbfukk.
So you are a simpleton. We already knew that.

Re: We Made the Big Time! Rampaging Murderous SOB

Post by GOSD »

smackaholic wrote:
Moving Sale wrote:
mvscal wrote:I wonder what kind of meds this guy was on.
Why? Becuase he was white?
Well, he's right. I mean black folks only murder when they can no longer stand the burden of being held down by the man all these years.

White folks, however do it because they go crazy, usually over penis envy.
Uhhh.. no you dumbfuck. White folks flip out when they can no longer stand the burden of being held down by the man/liberals all these years.
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Re: We Made the Big Time! Rampaging Murderous SOB

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

All right, hold on! Settle down..there's a lot of hate in the air--I mean fear, or ...sudden awareness of the skim of civility which separates from our close cuz, the chimp (not that one), a plain primate closing out accounts--progeny included. What I mean is--look...a Chink at Virginia Tech...a Cubano just today in Miami..a Kraut with a gun totin' dad...and this guy--a former metal plant worker who lived with his mom!! What do you expect? :meds:
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Re: We Made the Big Time! Rampaging Murderous SOB

Post by Van »

Sam, who may need a refresher course on the usual positioning relationship which occurs between chaser and chasee, wrote:The shooter eventually got ahead of the chaser.
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