Didn't see that comin'

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Q, West Coast Style
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Didn't see that comin'

Post by Q, West Coast Style »

*** To be continued? I'm sure there's shotgun or three in the house.

WASILLA, Alaska – Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin, the teenage daughter of Gov. Sarah Palin, have broken off their engagement, he said Wednesday, about 2 1/2 months after the couple had a baby.

Johnston, 19, told The Associated Press that he and 18-year-old Bristol Palin mutually decided "a while ago" to end their relationship. He declined to elaborate as he stood outside his family's home in Wasilla, about 40 miles north of Anchorage.

He also said some details of the breakup, rumors of which had been swirling on the Internet, were inaccurate.

Bristol Palin said in a statement issued through a spokeswoman for her mother's political action committee that she was "devastated."

"Unfortunately, my family has seen many people say and do many things to `cash in' on the Palin name," she said. "Sometimes that greed clouds good judgment and the truth."

SarahPAC spokeswoman Meghan Stapleton did not immediately respond to requests for clarification.

The two teens are the parents of a boy named Tripp, who was born Dec. 27.

Sarah Palin revealed her daughter's pregnancy just days after being named John McCain's running mate on the Republican presidential ticket.

In an interview that aired on Fox News last month, Bristol Palin said her fiance saw the baby every day and described him as a "hands-on" dad.

The two had said they were considering a summer wedding.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by Wolfman »

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Q, West Coast Style
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by Q, West Coast Style »

Wolfman wrote:WGARA ??
Those of us who have been hearing the "family values" rap from YOU PEOPLE for decades.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

You realise that if Bristol miscarried, Obama would have harvested her dead child's stem cells, right?

Be well, young mother...and try to get your boyfriends to wrap it next time.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by Diego in Seattle »

Martyred wrote:You realise that if Bristol miscarried, Obama would have harvested her dead child's stem cells, right?
And how would that be worse than ending up in a dumpater like they usually do?
“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by War Wagon »

Q, West Coast Style wrote:
Wolfman wrote:WGARA ??
Those of us who have been hearing the "family values" rap from YOU PEOPLE for decades.
So you're a loser who doesn't have any family or values and want to cash in on some sensationalistic non-story to soothe your bruised ego.

We get that.

Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by GOSD »

War Wagon wrote:
Q, West Coast Style wrote:
Wolfman wrote:WGARA ??
Those of us who have been hearing the "family values" rap from YOU PEOPLE for decades.
So you're a loser who doesn't have any family or values and want to cash in on some sensationalistic non-story to soothe your bruised ego.

We get that.
This is a great story, because fucking fools like mvscal thought Palin was the second coming of Christ. The Palin's are the punchline that keeps on giving.

Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by GOSD »

mvscal wrote:RACK War Wagon?!?

http://www.theoneboard.com/board/viewto ... 11&t=29006
That's some red meat any base could appreciate...oh, well except for Onogga's base of faggots, bitter lesbians and nutless metros. Sorry...

I hoping for some nice cleavage in the VP debate. It would pretty much be a wipe out.
You're a fucking moron. This is a classic McCain move. Agree with the pick or not, he has always done surprising and/or unpredictable things like this and he has always enjoyed jabbing a thumb in the eye of the Beltway establishment. Palin is about as far outside of that as you can get.
There is a black dick on aisle 4 that needs jizz mopped.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by War Wagon »

GOSD wrote:The Palin's are the punchline that keeps on giving.
Sorta' like your continued presence here, except you're imminently more ignorable.

We get that as well.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by Trampis »

Couldnt believe I heard this "news" story today on the radio. Slow news day I guess. The losing vice presidential canidates daughters boyfriend broke up with her. Wow, struck a dagger through my heart too when I heard it :meds: Tomorow we'll probably hear how Todd shaved his goatee off.
Bad spelling is a diversionary tactic

Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by GOSD »

War Wagon wrote:
GOSD wrote:The Palin's are the punchline that keeps on giving.
Sorta' like your continued presence here, except you're imminently more ignorable.

We get that as well.
Hey fucknut! How do you get that I'm ignorable when you just replied to me? I know your kind has absolutely no self perception, but this is just ridiculous. I guess it's the reason you'd be defending a family full of "oopsies", when the vast majority on this board all had "oopsies" or were the product of an "oopsie". Fucking lameasses.

Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by GOSD »

Trampis wrote:Couldnt believe I heard this "news" story today on the radio. Slow news day I guess. The losing vice presidential canidates daughters boyfriend broke up with her. Wow, struck a dagger through my heart too when I heard it :meds: Tomorow we'll probably hear how Todd shaved his goatee off.
Obviously you don't understand how funny this is. The vast majority of right wing fucking idiots all have children out of wedlock and are irresponsible fucking idiots and any news that reinforces your heroes as the same type of goofballs is always going to be funny. We aren't getting informed, we are keeping up with the evolving punchline of the Republican party.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by Q, West Coast Style »

mvscal wrote:RACK War Wagon?!?

MV I actually have come to like you over the years . . . which makes this more difficult to do each time:
mvscal wrote:She is impressive. I'm thinking McCain ought to be her vice president.

http://www.theoneboard.com/board/viewto ... &sk=t&sd=a

You've GOT to stay outta politics, bro. Not your strong suit.

mvscal wrote:
Q, West Coast Style wrote:The next President will be either John McCain or Barack Obama.
What the fuck are you smoking?
http://www.theoneboard.com/board/viewto ... 10&t=26632

Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Martyred wrote:Be well, young mother...and try to get your boyfriends to wrap it next time.
But then you can't GET PAID.

Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Jsc810 wrote:Just another illustration for the need for abortions. Someone should have quietly taken that child to get an abortion, then she could have enjoyed the remainer of her childhood and started her family when she was older and ready.

Now, there is another fractured family, and perhaps another child who will grow up without a father.

Fwiiw, by that logic, I would have never been born. My mother got pregnant, then got married, had me, and then divorced. I never met my biological father. Still, I believe that is what that Palin child should have done.
Why abortion? Why not just put the runt up for adoption?

Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by Screw_Michigan »

War Wagon wrote:So you're a loser who doesn't have any family or values and want to cash in on some sensationalistic non-story to soothe your bruised ego.
Hitting a little close to home, you fucking hypocritical faggot? Yep, an 18 year old high school dropout was totally going to stick around for the long haul with his baby's momma because "he loves her" and "it's the right thing to do." None of this "marriage" and trotting out this fucking loser at the RNC this summer had anything to do with presidential campaign grandstanding.

As you do so well on a daily basis, go fist yourself.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by Mikey »

Bristol Palin and fiancé Levi Johnston have broken up after she referred to his family as "white trash..."


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by smackaholic »

Screw_Michigan wrote:
Jsc810 wrote:Just another illustration for the need for abortions. Someone should have quietly taken that child to get an abortion, then she could have enjoyed the remainer of her childhood and started her family when she was older and ready.

Now, there is another fractured family, and perhaps another child who will grow up without a father.

Fwiiw, by that logic, I would have never been born. My mother got pregnant, then got married, had me, and then divorced. I never met my biological father. Still, I believe that is what that Palin child should have done.
Why abortion? Why not just put the runt up for adoption?
Rack SM.

Did I just say what I think I did?

Oh well, even a broke clock's right twice a day.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by smackaholic »

It really is funny watching Barry supporters run resume smack on ANYBODY.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by Tom In VA »

Jsc810 wrote:Just another illustration for the need for abortions. Someone should have quietly taken that child to get an abortion, then she could have enjoyed the remainer of her childhood and started her family when she was older and ready.

Now, there is another fractured family, and perhaps another child who will grow up without a father.
Well, if utility is your motivation, there is a need to terminate the life of many humans. I believe "eugenics" comes to mind, to varying degrees.

Fractured families have been part of the fabric of society since humanity has looked around and decided to call the collection of mouth breathing one brain cell more than a chimp troglodytes - S O C I E T Y.

The notion of a happy, functional, useful family unit is a goal and a standard - something to which to aspire for some. Rarely reached, as high standards often elude conquest. There are those who outwardly resemble the "Nelson" family but are as dysfunctional as dysfunctional gets. Likewise there are those who outwardly seem fractured and torn but there exists a love amongst the varying members of the "family". The opposite occurs as well and there are successful people from all types. You turned out okay, in fact, probably better than okay and I know you carry a message of support, hope, and awe for the world around us.

Our founding fathers, Ben Franklin for instance, were better equipped at business and establishing a fledgling nation than at being a dad. The formula for greatness as an individual is fickle and oft times comes at the expense of serving ones family.

Abortion is what it is. But to deride the young Palin's "choice" based upon your notion of "utility" and your notion of "family" is sickening to me. Young people fuck. A direct result of that fucking is often times, the production of another of our species. It's an "inconvenient truth", in fact, raising children is such a chore I'm sure the sex urge and pleasure derived from it are so strong because if it wasn't - we wouldn't have evolved as a species. The primary sexual characteristics of the male and female mammal exist and function for many reasons. One of the primary reasons is to propagate the species..

Young Palin fullfilled that. Those itches in her pants, the moisture that developes between her legs and the awkward fumblings in her room with her boyfriend occur naturally, they occur naturally because nature wants to exist and "Life finds a way".

Your post notwithdstanding, perhaps her child can blossom into a wonderful human being - much like you are - and brighten the lives of those around her as I'm sure you do. That, in spite of not having a Norman Rockwell painting for a family and whatever physical challenges and obstacles she might face as she grow old.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by Smackie Chan »

Tom In VA wrote:perhaps her child can blossom into a wonderful human being
Or perhaps the next Michael McLendon.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by smackaholic »

Tom In VA wrote:
Jsc810 wrote:Just another illustration for the need for abortions. Someone should have quietly taken that child to get an abortion, then she could have enjoyed the remainer of her childhood and started her family when she was older and ready.

Now, there is another fractured family, and perhaps another child who will grow up without a father.
Well, if utility is your motivation, there is a need to terminate the life of many humans. I believe "eugenics" comes to mind, to varying degrees.

Fractured families have been part of the fabric of society since humanity has looked around and decided to call the collection of mouth breathing one brain cell more than a chimp troglodytes - S O C I E T Y.

The notion of a happy, functional, useful family unit is a goal and a standard - something to which to aspire for some. Rarely reached, as high standards often elude conquest. There are those who outwardly resemble the "Nelson" family but are as dysfunctional as dysfunctional gets. Likewise there are those who outwardly seem fractured and torn but there exists a love amongst the varying members of the "family". The opposite occurs as well and there are successful people from all types. You turned out okay, in fact, probably better than okay and I know you carry a message of support, hope, and awe for the world around us.

Our founding fathers, Ben Franklin for instance, were better equipped at business and establishing a fledgling nation than at being a dad. The formula for greatness as an individual is fickle and oft times comes at the expense of serving ones family.

Abortion is what it is. But to deride the young Palin's "choice" based upon your notion of "utility" and your notion of "family" is sickening to me. Young people fuck. A direct result of that fucking is often times, the production of another of our species. It's an "inconvenient truth", in fact, raising children is such a chore I'm sure the sex urge and pleasure derived from it are so strong because if it wasn't - we wouldn't have evolved as a species. The primary sexual characteristics of the male and female mammal exist and function for many reasons. One of the primary reasons is to propagate the species..

Young Palin fullfilled that. Those itches in her pants, the moisture that developes between her legs and the awkward fumblings in her room with her boyfriend occur naturally, they occur naturally because nature wants to exist and "Life finds a way".

Your post notwithdstanding, perhaps her child can blossom into a wonderful human being - much like you are - and brighten the lives of those around her as I'm sure you do. That, in spite of not having a Norman Rockwell painting for a family and whatever physical challenges and obstacles she might face as she grow old.
rack the hell out of tom. well put.

You'd think the libs would have stronger feelings against abortion, especially since 2 of their heroes, bubba and barry would likely have ended up flushed down the terlit at the local planned parenthood clinic, had their young mom's gotten knocked up today rather than the late fourties or early sixties.


Y'know, maybe the pro abortion folks are right.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by trev »

Mikey wrote:
Bristol Palin and fiancé Levi Johnston have broken up after she referred to his family as "white trash..."


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Link that up for those of us who don't read the gossip sites.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by trev »

mvscal wrote:
Jsc810 wrote:Just another illustration for the need for abortions. Someone should have quietly taken that child to get an abortion, then she could have enjoyed the remainer of her childhood and started her family when she was older and ready.
Maybe somebody should quietly take you out for an abortion.
I like Jsc, but one less lawyer on earth would not have been a bad thing.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by Mikey »

trev wrote:
Mikey wrote:
Bristol Palin and fiancé Levi Johnston have broken up after she referred to his family as "white trash..."


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Link that up for those of us who don't read the gossip sites.
Here's a novel idea for you.


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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by trev »

Mikey, you're the flaming homo of the board, you post it.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by smackaholic »


didn't see that coming either.
trev wrote:Mikey, you're the flaming homo of the board, you post it.

when I think flaming homo, I think young skinny dude with a headful of hair, not obese balding middle age dude.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by trev »

smackaholic wrote:KING OF PAGE 2, BITCHES!!!!!!

didn't see that coming either.
trev wrote:Mikey, you're the flaming homo of the board, you post it.

when I think flaming homo, I think young skinny dude with a headful of hair, not obese balding middle age dude.
Really? You ought to rethink that.

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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by smackaholic »

trev wrote:
smackaholic wrote:KING OF PAGE 2, BITCHES!!!!!!

didn't see that coming either.
trev wrote:Mikey, you're the flaming homo of the board, you post it.

when I think flaming homo, I think young skinny dude with a headful of hair, not obese balding middle age dude.
Really? You ought to rethink that.

he's not obese.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by Tom In VA »


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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by smackaholic »

mvscal wrote:
smackaholic wrote:KING OF PAGE 2, BITCHES!!!!!!

didn't see that coming either.
trev wrote:Mikey, you're the flaming homo of the board, you post it.

when I think flaming homo, I think young skinny dude with a headful of hair, not obese balding middle age dude.
OK, you got me on that one, mv.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Moving Sale

Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by Moving Sale »

mvscal wrote: retarded n...igger
Nice rant you self-loathing, Racist, mind-corpse.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by ChargerMike »

Rack Tom, a damn well written response.
JIP said...Hell, Michael Sam has more integrity than you do.

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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by trev »


How long til Mikey hits on a younger, hotter guy? It's only a matter of time.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by smackaholic »


gotta be his nephew.

Or is that basically the fag version of trophy wife?
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Q, West Coast Style wrote:The two teens are the parents of a boy named Tripp, who was born Dec. 27.
Track, Trig, and now Tripp. Only a matter of time before one of these skanks squeezes out a puppy she names Trek or Truck.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by smackaholic »

mikey's been happily married for 22 years.....to a chick.....I think.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by smackaholic »

Terry in Crapchester wrote:
Q, West Coast Style wrote:The two teens are the parents of a boy named Tripp, who was born Dec. 27.
Track, Trig, and now Tripp. Only a matter of time before one of these skanks squeezes out a puppy she names Trek or Truck.
Atleast it's not another bastard named lashawn or quandrel.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by trev »

smackaholic wrote:mikey's been happily married for 22 years.....
So has my dogs vet. That doesn't explain his higher voice and female mannerisms.
Moving Sale

Re: Didn't see that comin'

Post by Moving Sale »

mvscal wrote:Truth hurts, doesn't it?
You wouldn't know the truth if it pulled out the black cock and fucked you in the ass.

Now STFU pissy little fuckcave.
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