What should bernie made off's fate be?

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What should bernie made off's fate be?

Post by smackaholic »

Being the compasionate soul I am, I don't believe he should be sent to prison. I would prefer he be wiped the fukkk out, financially. I would also see to it that his wife, his willing accomplice is left destitute as well. Same with his kids, cousins, half step brother in laws, etc.... If it can be shown that anyone in his circle had anything whatsoever to do with his thievery or may have been enrichened by said thievery, they would be made penniless as well.

I would also sentence him to 40 hours of public service for as long as he is able. He has talents. Let the gubmint put them to use.

Letting this fukker see what it tastes like to be poor would be the most appropriate punishment I could think of.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: What should bernie made off's fate be?

Post by BSmack »

smackaholic wrote:Being the compasionate soul I am, I don't believe he should be sent to prison. I would prefer he be wiped the fukkk out, financially. I would also see to it that his wife, his willing accomplice is left destitute as well. Same with his kids, cousins, half step brother in laws, etc.... If it can be shown that anyone in his circle had anything whatsoever to do with his thievery or may have been enrichened by said thievery, they would be made penniless as well.

I would also sentence him to 40 hours of public service for as long as he is able. He has talents. Let the gubmint put them to use.

Letting this fukker see what it tastes like to be poor would be the most appropriate punishment I could think of.
Interesting. This sounds like something I could imagine Marty writing were he not trolling all the time.
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Re: What should bernie made off's fate be?

Post by Van »

He wouldn't stay poor for long though, not if he were left to his own devices.

No, I'd rather see him have to spend the rest of his life in a very unpleasant indentured servitude to those families he ruined. Subjecting him to a little (okay, a lot) of physical debasement wouldn't bother me in the least.

Think...scat flicks. Whimpering Japanese zombies...the whole nine yards...only replace the freaky Japanese chicks with overfed, unbathed, hirsute Palestinian abattoir workers.
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Re: What should bernie made off's fate be?

Post by smackaholic »

I like the indentured servitude/scat pic angle.

If I'm ever made king of the universe, I'm appointing you my official punishment czar.

I realize that a crafty fukk like him would have the ability to not stay poor, but, part of the sentence would be him being watched over carefully by some gubmint accountant geeks to ensure that he is indeed still flat fukking broke.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: What should bernie made off's fate be?

Post by H4ever »

smackaholic wrote:Being the compasionate soul I am, I don't believe he should be sent to prison. I would prefer he be wiped the fukkk out, financially. I would also see to it that his wife, his willing accomplice is left destitute as well. Same with his kids, cousins, half step brother in laws, etc.... If it can be shown that anyone in his circle had anything whatsoever to do with his thievery or may have been enrichened by said thievery, they would be made penniless as well.

I would also sentence him to 40 hours of public service for as long as he is able. He has talents. Let the gubmint put them to use.

Letting this fukker see what it tastes like to be poor would be the most appropriate punishment I could think of.
Smart "money" says that fucking crook will do half his bottom number at a country club prison and then be released to enjoy all the money he pigeon-holed away in places like Aunty Tilley in Ohio's underwear drawer.

He should be sentenced to a life of poverty by means of ALL of his future earnings be garnished and applied as restitution. Make the fucker live in the back of a soup kitchen where he must work during all his free hours outside his job.

Either that or bring back public stonings.
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Re: What should bernie made off's fate be?

Post by Tom In VA »

Classist. :D
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Re: What should bernie made off's fate be?

Post by smackaholic »

OK, I got it.

We immediately put him to work in the soup kitchen he lives at. Every day after work he gets an hours worth of the scat pic thing. We could get the kitchen's bum population to join in on that. Then on his day off, we do the public stoning, but, it's with water ballons. Make that ice water ballons. It would be most unpleasant for him, but, not fatal. We could auction off the water baloons at 3 for 5 bucks. I'll drive down to the city and drop a hundred on that. The proceeds go to the people he fukked over. They of course, get free water baloons for life.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: What should bernie made off's fate be?

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »



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Re: What should bernie made off's fate be?

Post by Moving Sale »

Van wrote:... if he were left to his own devices.
War almighty 'free market.'
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Re: What should bernie made off's fate be?

Post by smackaholic »

Hadn't thought of that angle, marty.

If that fukk makes off to israel and they don't return him, I say we give Iran a coupla dozen warheads.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Moving Sale

Re: What should bernie made off's fate be?

Post by Moving Sale »

mvscal wrote:Confiscate his entire estate, stuff him into a potato sack and toss him off a cliff.
Pre-Penitentiary thinking?

Is that worse than pre-911 thinking?
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Re: What should bernie made off's fate be?

Post by H4ever »

So Bernie's a Jew who stole Jew money? Might explain why his bond was revoked and he's being held in jail until sentencing.

Kinda brings to mind where a "character" in a movie was chased up a tree by a "troop" chanting "Ape has killed ape.....ape has killed ape" Little furry bastard falls out of the top of the tree if I remember right.
Moving Sale

Re: What should bernie made off's fate be?

Post by Moving Sale »

mvscal wrote:Society has a responsibility to protect its members from predatory criminals.
Gee ya think?
Killing ... thieves is a necessary function of any properly working society.
How big would your circle for family and friends be about now?
Of course the bloated kleptocracy that our "government" has morphed into needs a large, permanent criminal underclass.
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Re: What should bernie made off's fate be?

Post by Moving Sale »

De-nile much?
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Re: What should bernie made off's fate be?

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

mvscal wrote:Confiscate his entire estate,
I would imagine that part, at least, is coming.
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Re: What should bernie made off's fate be?

Post by smackaholic »

Terry in Crapchester wrote:
mvscal wrote:Confiscate his entire estate,
I would imagine that part, at least, is coming.
They'll try. Troubles is, you know this cocksucker has already moved billions offshore.

What I would really like to see in this case, as well as the rest of the financial system bullshit that we are in the middle of, is accountability on the gubmint side. Seems to me that more than a few people at the SEC need to be run through a meatgrinder.

I realize that gubmint is generally incompetent, but, this level of incompetence was off the charts.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: What should bernie made off's fate be?

Post by Jerkovich »

Come on, that guy has stashed a lot of gold, cash, and other negotiable funds everywhere. This include the fuckers that run this government, and his circle of thieves. Watch, he'll "die" under mysterious circumstances, an empty casket will by put in the ground, and he will live happily ever after in protective custody under an assumed name.

Bernie is just one of thousands that have pulled this off over the years. The SEC has been the fox guarding the hen house. The fagot Frank is worth more then Bill Gates in stolen funds. We even have a mini-Madoff here locally which left a trail of financial ruin that I'm involves with the 'clean up'.

It's interesting to see the local political/social name that are popping up during this investigation.

Lots of fingers in the pie.
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Re: What should bernie made off's fate be?

Post by Jerkovich »

Terry in Crapchester wrote:
mvscal wrote:Confiscate his entire estate,
I would imagine that part, at least, is coming.
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Re: What should bernie made off's fate be?

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Sipping wine spritzers on a Tel Aviv beach by summer.

Bet the farm on it.
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Re: What should bernie made off's fate be?

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

He's no Marc Rich, M-tyrd, despite the numbers he's apparently put up.
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