Terry in Crapchester wrote:If anything, I gave Bush the benefit of the doubt in that regard.
Btw, I'm somewhat surprised that you, of all people, are on an anti-Bush kick these days. Better late than never, I suppose.
Well aren't you special. The University system needs you. You obviously know more than Yale, Harvard, etc.. maybe you should write the future requirements for schools to be accredited.
"Anti-Bush" ? I defended Bush's decisions as they related to foreign policy. I do not believe "Bush Lied, People Died" - in fact I think that's a filthy, reprehensible, disgusting fucking notion and people holding it are sick in their head. Prior to 9-11, I was not a Bush fan. I was glad he won instead of Gore - that's about it. After 9-11 I gave him the benefit of the doubt that his decisions were being made in the best interests of the country - again, as they related to Iraq and Afghanistan, and fighting terrorists. I am glad we had Bush from 2004-2008 instead of Kerry, that's about it. I think he fell way short on the border, I think the two border patrol officers should have received a full pardon, I think Scooter Libby should have received a full pardon.
Finally, his actions just prior to leaving in regards to TARP - lend creedence, in my opinion, to Bush being part of this "Ivy League" fraternity of New World Order freaks who seek to further socialize the U.S. and erode U.S. Sovereignty.
As for Obama, I don't share in the notion that he's an "Affirmative Action" benefactor. I believe he earned his credentials. I respect that. I respect his self discipline. I respect his mind. I respect his charisma.
Just because I respect and admire SOME of his qualities doesn't mean I can't think that he is nothing more than a power hungry, ambitious, narcissist. If you think this cat is out for anything more than "His Book, His Movie, His Story", you're nuts. I am concerned, just as much concerned, about where he is leading this country. I trust him a little less than I trusted Bush, which is scary.