Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Van »

Richard Falk, U.N. special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, said the Geneva Conventions required warring forces to distinguish between military targets and surrounding civilians.

"If it is not possible to do so, then launching the attacks is inherently unlawful and would seem to constitute a war crime of the greatest magnitude under international law," Falk said.
Very possibly the single most out-of-touch-with-reality and downright clueless quote regarding the rules of war we've ever seen.

Hey, Dick, okay, cool. Great idea. I guess we'll just ask each and every armed combatant in existence to place a nice "I'm the enemy!" flag on each building they occupy within civilian populations. Maybe they could even color code those buildings which house the pesky rockets from which they launch their attacks. They'll also need to kindly ask those unarmed civilians in those buildings to leave the building for the next few hours.

"Maybe go catch a matinee or something. Don't mind all the shooting, k?"

Or, okay, if the armed combatant types can't be persuaded to do this then maybe they'll just be willing to go outside and raise their hands and say, "Here I am!"

Nick, if you really gave a shit about the Palestinians, which nobody does, so you're to be excused for not being any different, then you'd direct your venom at the people who are truly responsible for causing the destruction of their crappy little cities.

When you conduct war while hiding among civilians you are responsible for the inevitable deaths of those civilians. Period.

If the Palestinians don't want their homes destroyed then they need to rise up and remove those elements within their midst who are causing the destruction to come their way.

Either that, or go attack and defeat Israel militarily.

The choice is pretty clear. Unfortunately for the Palestinians the Arab world cares even less about them than you do. At least you don't seem to see them as being entirely worthless, aside from their value as human shields.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by ChargerMike »

Rack Debra J. Saunders for bucking the trend in San Fransicko. Interesting article on "Cricket's" friends and their post melon shot demonstration. didn't see that coming didja LT2 ... 01&sc=1000
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by smackaholic »

sounds like the sfpd need to learn how to properly dispense tear gas canisters like their israeli counterparts.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

ChargerMike wrote:Rack Debra J. Saunders for bucking the trend in San Fransicko. Interesting article on "Cricket's" friends and their post melon shot demonstration. didn't see that coming didja LT2 ... 01&sc=1000
"Bucking the trend"? You obviously know nothing of San Francisco. Saunders is a joke, a wind up knee-jerk AIPAC monkey, and has been for many years.

As for the Tristan (interesting if you consider the Wagnerian version) sloooowly dying, sure he's a dick. That's his job. And getting nailed by the IDF constitutes a high achievement in his circle. So?

Don't you get it? Just like South Africa, it's over.

Sure, Bibi is a loon, foaming and ready to deploy some IDF units to attack some huddled and very pissed off locals, etc.


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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

I, for one, encourage the escalation of violence in Israel/Palestine.

For a people so rich in intellectual, philosophical and artistic culture to be repeated dipped in blood must surely be the kiss of death to reason and the traditional Jewish examination of a well lived life. Hopefully the day will come soon when they completely abandon their cosmopolitan vestiges and sink to a base and brutal existence of only savagery and revenge.

Take that.
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Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Stan Fukkken Pickle »

mvscal wrote:
Probably because these "local civilians" are violent, murderous subhuman vermin with absolutely nothing to offer humanity.

I'm not psychotic. I simply recognize that the world would be a better place without "Palestinians." At the very least, the entire stinking lot of them should be bulldozed into Egypt and Jordan since that's where they belong. Though, if it was up to me, I would cheerfully gas every last one of them.

No funny joke or witticism intended. They're just animals to be eradicated. Nothing more.


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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Martyred wrote:I, for one, encourage the escalation of violence in Israel/Palestine.

For a people so rich in intellectual, philosophical and artistic culture to be repeated dipped in blood must surely be the kiss of death to reason and the traditional Jewish examination of a well lived life. Hopefully the day will come soon when they completely abandon their cosmopolitan vestiges and sink to a base and brutal existence of only savagery and revenge.

Take that.

A typical fake take by M-tyrd. The people "so rich in philosophical and artistic culture," to whom you refer, in fact constitute a relatively small percentage of the Ashkanazi Jews. That they would maintain some dream of implanting this cultural bearing within an actual functioning nation state was indeed a bold and really astonishing proposition. Completely unrealistic, of course, but still quite impressive. As for them having to "sink to a base and brutal existence of savagery and revenge," well this is perfectly absurd since this has always been the basic cultural and religious character of the Jews. Or what, you haven't read the Book of Esther lately? You know nothing of the Purple Gang? Let's see, the ZioNazis started their campaign of terror/conquest of Palestine by blowing up the King David Hotel. Then they wiped out a couple thousand Palestinian villages. They have illegally built nuclear weapons programs as well as bio/chemical weapons. They lie, spy, steal and manipulate any country they can--especially the U.S., which they joke about.

As far as the recent ten years, the demographic realities--which frauds like you insist on ignoring--have forced the ZioNazis into more and more harsh and fascistic measures, including outright apartheid policies and ruthless aggression upon huddled and starved civilians. And it's only getting worse.

So really, M-tyrd, can your hollow crap (pretending to be sarcastic) and get a fucking grip.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

More updates on the "rich philosophical tradition" of the Chosen People, etc..

Further Accounts of Gaza Killings Released

JERUSALEM — An Israeli newspaper gave a fuller account on Friday of testimonies by soldiers alleging loose rules of engagement in Israel’s war in Gaza, which they said led to civilian deaths and wanton property destruction. One soldier asserted that extremist rabbis had told troops they were fighting a holy war.

The soldier was quoted as saying that the rabbis had “brought in a lot of booklets and articles,” adding, “their message was very clear: We are the Jewish people, we came to this land by a miracle. God brought us back to this land, and now we need to fight to expel the non-Jews who are interfering with our conquest of this holy land.”

He said that as a commander, he had tried to explain to his men that “not everyone who is in Gaza is Hamas,” and that “this war was not a war for the sanctification of the holy name, but rather one to stop the Qassam rockets.”

He is quoted in the excerpts as saying to the soldiers who spoke: “I think it would be important for parents to sit here and hear this discussion. I think it would be an instructive discussion, and also very dismaying and depressing. You are describing an army with very low norms of value, that’s the truth.”

Earlier excerpts included an account of the killing of an elderly woman by a sharpshooter and the killing of a woman and two children by another sniper.

The testimonies published Friday also spoke of the ease with which some houses were damaged.

Another soldier said: “We got an order one day — all of the equipment, all of the furniture, just clean out the whole house. We threw everything, everything out of the windows to make room. The entire contents of the house went flying out the windows.”

The soldier also alleged that when entering buildings, “we were supposed to go up floor by floor, and any person we identified, we were supposed to shoot. I initially asked myself, where is the logic in this?

“From above they said it was permissible, because anyone who remained in the sector and inside Gaza City was in effect condemned, a terrorist, because they hadn’t fled. I didn’t really understand. On one hand they don’t really have anywhere to flee to, but on the other hand they’re telling us they hadn’t fled so it’s their fault.”
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by MadRussian »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:More updates on the "rich philosophical tradition" of the Chosen People, etc..

Further Accounts of Gaza Killings Released

JERUSALEM — An Israeli newspaper gave a fuller account on Friday of testimonies by soldiers alleging loose rules of engagement in Israel’s war in Gaza, which they said led to civilian deaths and wanton property destruction. One soldier asserted that extremist rabbis had told troops they were fighting a holy war.

The soldier was quoted as saying that the rabbis had “brought in a lot of booklets and articles,” adding, “their message was very clear: We are the Jewish people, we came to this land by a miracle. God brought us back to this land, and now we need to fight to expel the non-Jews who are interfering with our conquest of this holy land.”

He said that as a commander, he had tried to explain to his men that “not everyone who is in Gaza is Hamas,” and that “this war was not a war for the sanctification of the holy name, but rather one to stop the Qassam rockets.”

He is quoted in the excerpts as saying to the soldiers who spoke: “I think it would be important for parents to sit here and hear this discussion. I think it would be an instructive discussion, and also very dismaying and depressing. You are describing an army with very low norms of value, that’s the truth.”

Earlier excerpts included an account of the killing of an elderly woman by a sharpshooter and the killing of a woman and two children by another sniper.

The testimonies published Friday also spoke of the ease with which some houses were damaged.

Another soldier said: “We got an order one day — all of the equipment, all of the furniture, just clean out the whole house. We threw everything, everything out of the windows to make room. The entire contents of the house went flying out the windows.”

The soldier also alleged that when entering buildings, “we were supposed to go up floor by floor, and any person we identified, we were supposed to shoot. I initially asked myself, where is the logic in this?

“From above they said it was permissible, because anyone who remained in the sector and inside Gaza City was in effect condemned, a terrorist, because they hadn’t fled. I didn’t really understand. On one hand they don’t really have anywhere to flee to, but on the other hand they’re telling us they hadn’t fled so it’s their fault.”
Go fuck yourself with a 10 ft electric eel already
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by .m2 »

Injured Tree Sitter's Globe Trotting Resume...

Parents demand inquiry
Mr Anderson, who had a seasonal job in Oakland California working for a trade union setting up conventions, was in Israel for the first time.

He was with his Jewish girlfriend on a three-month trip, after which he intended to join his parents on a holiday in Europe.
He had taken part in peace demonstrations in Iraq before the US invasion in 2003, and in El Salvador and Guatemala.

"He came to understand for himself what the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was about," said Michael Anderson, his father. "It is ironic that the country in which he was shot is a democracy where it is supposed to be a duty for everyone to follow their conscience.

"We want to know what happened and we want justice for our son."

Jonathan Pollack, an activist with the Israeli "Anarchists against the Wall" organisation said the incident had taken place about one kilometre from the barrier after demonstrators had started to disperse. While stones had been thrown earlier during the protest, Mr Pollack, who first met Mr Anderson at a demonstration in Prague during the World Bank-IMF conference in 2000, said: "I have known Tristan for nine years and I know he was not throwing stones at that point or any other point."
"He came to understand for himself what the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was about," said Michael Anderson, his father.
Right, some little snot nosed rich kid pays a visit to Israel and now he "understands?"

I could start him off with 20-30 books in my library about this "issue" and if he lived there for a few years, he probably still wouldn't "get it" unless he was Israeli/Jewish or an Arab.

I'm sure in his tiny little mind he probably gets Iraq and the Sunni/Shiite issues because he protested the Iraqi War! These people just give the term "Ugly American' more fuel for the idiots who hate us!
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Screw_Michigan »

.m2 wrote:Right, some little snot nosed rich kid pays a visit to Israel and now he "understands?"
Rack m2. Hopefully this rich little snot-nosed, never had to hold down a real job in his entire life, dipshit learned a lesson from his caved-in face. Nice job, dick.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Derron »

He was with his Jewish girlfriend on a three-month trip
Most likely he was trying to impress his kike bitch with his quick study and understanding of the thousands of years old conflict, and though he could reinforce his stand with her by becoming a rock chucking Israeli .... :shock: :shock:

So his true noble cause here was to merely secure more chances at the kike bitches snatch...

I thought it was the Palestinians who were the rock throwers?? Still sucks for him...
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by ChargerMike »

"We want to know what happened and we want justice for our son."

psst...Mr. Anderson,...your son was approximately 1 kilometer from the barrier when a well aimed tear gas cannister came in contact with his for was served, if he wasn't there, we wouldn't be chatting right now would we?....any more questions?
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Derron wrote:
He was with his Jewish girlfriend on a three-month trip
...of the thousands of years old conflict, m...
Uh, Derron, the "conflict" is exactly sixty years old. Prior to the gerrymandered establishment of the fake race state, Jews and Arabs had lived peacefully together throughout the Middle East for centuries. For example, prior to 1950 the Jewish population of Baghdad was almost 30%. The "conflict" is between the ZioNazi policies and the local millions of Palestinians who want their land back. As for the guy having a Jewish girlfriend, what, do you suppose that the leading contingent of organized protest against Israel isn't Jews? Wake the fuck up! You're clueless and pathetic--just like they want you to be.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

What happened is exactly what the ZIoNazis wanted: they were expelled from the Arab nations in direct retaliation for the blatant ethnic cleansing being administered by the ZIonazis in Palestine. Similarly, the ZioNazis made sure the ships of European Jewish refugees were denied entry to the U.S.--so that they would have no alternative but Palestine.

The fact that the Arabs had been perfectly hospitable and cooperative with the local Jews of their respective nations for centuries proves that there was no simmering hatred or bigotry. The European Ashkanzis--along with the British and French and Americans--however, have been determined to undermine and divide and attack the Arab nations for the entire twentieth century, etc.

You of course have no real argument on this matter, as you know full well that your wind-up standard snippets are about as credible as those of Rusp Limpdick, et al.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by titlover »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:What happened is exactly what the ZIoNazis wanted: they were expelled from the Arab nations in direct retaliation for the blatant ethnic cleansing being administered by the ZIonazis in Palestine. Similarly, the ZioNazis made sure the ships of European Jewish refugees were denied entry to the U.S.--so that they would have no alternative but Palestine.

The fact that the Arabs had been perfectly hospitable and cooperative with the local Jews of their respective nations for centuries proves that there was no simmering hatred or bigotry. The European Ashkanzis--along with the British and French and Americans--however, have been determined to undermine and divide and attack the Arab nations for the entire twentieth century, etc.

You of course have no real argument on this matter, as you know full well that your wind-up standard snippets are about as credible as those of Rusp Limpdick, et al.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

You say you're a "tit lover," but it's obvious you are a repressed homosexual seething with pent up frustration. Here, check this out and attempt to reply in some interesting fashion. ... re=related
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

mvscal wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:What happened is exactly what the ZIoNazis wanted: they were expelled from the Arab nations
I see. So real ethnic cleansing in Arab nations is A OK, but imaginary "ethnic cleansing" by the Jews in Israel brings on a Gotterdamerung style fight to the death.

Your hypocrisy is very nearly as pathetic as your ignorance.
Quit weaseling! The initial ethnic cleansing by the ZioNazis was very real and deadly. The ensuing response of the Arab nations was not violent. I've not suggested that any such evictions have been fair or productive. What's obvious is that the Zionazis started it, and that they continue to expand their fascistic policies. For example:

these completely illegal settlements continue to expand, along with their blatant apartheid appendages--private roads, checkpoints, and aquifers stolen, etc.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Van »

The Palestinians should count themselves fortunate that they still have any presence at all in the West Bank and Gaza. They're damn lucky they still get to set foot in Jerusalem. If it were any other nation but Israel the victors would've booted every last Palestinian, in 1973.

Why the Israelis continue to put up with this Palestinian nonsense within their own borders is just ridiculous. Forget these disputed settlements and these constant battles in the Arab occupied cities. Send 'em all packing and then close your borders. Secure Israel.

Let the Arabs provide a home for the Palestinians.

They twice declared war, they twice attacked, they twice lost. Let them deal with the unwanted Palestinians.

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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Van wrote:The Palestinians should count themselves fortunate that they still have any presence at all in the West Bank and Gaza. They're damn lucky they still get to set foot in Jerusalem. If it were any other nation but Israel the victors would've booted every last Palestinian, in 1973.

Why the Israelis continue to put up with this Palestinian nonsense within their own borders is just ridiculous. Forget these disputed settlements and these constant battles in the Arab occupied cities. Send 'em all packing and then close your borders. Secure Israel.

Let the Arabs provide a home for the Palestinians.

They twice declared war, they twice attacked, they twice lost. Let them deal with the unwanted Palestinians.

Van, your simplistic lock-step parroting of the ZioChrister line has been duly noted, as well as its inherent idiocy. For example, what do you possibly mean by "any other nation but Israel"? As though anyone else would seek to invade? What are you talking about? They invaded and have continued to attack and steal and lie and manipulate--right up to the present day. By your logic, the Poles, being Slavs, should have simply been absorbed by the neighboring Slav nations when the Germans invaded and occupied Poland. It's fucking ridiculous. The Ashkanazis have no legitimate claim to the Middle East anymore than the French had a legitimate claim to Algeria. Of course your auto-default argument goes straight to the religious superstition card. That is, you apparently actually believe that the ancient biblical stories somehow give credence to the modern race-state schemes of a bunch of Euro Jews! Astonishing! And yet it's also somewhat disgusting, as the Christer doctrine itself is demented and foul. So, when you allow yourself to make easy jokes about invading, murdering, and ethnically cleansing entire populations of millions of people, well this reflects very badly on your basic emotional and spiritual consciousness. That is, you're dying inside.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Derron »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:
Derron wrote:
He was with his Jewish girlfriend on a three-month trip
...of the thousands of years old conflict, m...
Uh, Derron, the "conflict" is exactly sixty years old. Prior to the gerrymandered establishment of the fake race state, Jews and Arabs had lived peacefully together throughout the Middle East for centuries. For example, prior to 1950 the Jewish population of Baghdad was almost 30%. The "conflict" is between the ZioNazi policies and the local millions of Palestinians who want their land back. As for the guy having a Jewish girlfriend, what, do you suppose that the leading contingent of organized protest against Israel isn't Jews? Wake the fuck up! You're clueless and pathetic--just like they want you to be.
Fuck you ..... you stupid liberal bleeding cunt...

The rest of the world v the Palestinians, Alexander, Tut,... think any of us give a flying fuck ??..Nope don't give a fuck so take that and go fuck yourself with it. ..and as far as the Jewish population of

If the Palestinians had half a brain, or their culture allowed them to become even a bit educated, then they might stand a chance against the Jews..but until that time, a small number of Jews will have major BODE over those slime bag pieces of shit..Rack the Jews....

See you asking me to read or care about the Palestinians v the Jews is money is on the Jews in this one, and if they pop a few more CSS cans upside some liberal douche bag who decides to throw a rock..then rack better if they just went red mist on his dome anyway..

You have already proved your brilliant deduction and smack skills on your so skillful posting in the F-16 thread. So we await your next brilliant pounding of the keyboard and the nonsense that results. Go fuck yourself you stupid cunt..
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Hopefully nothing will change so my children and their children and their children...will have something to laugh at.

Keep being stupid, you morons.
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Van »

Nick wrote:For example, what do you possibly mean by "any other nation but Israel"?
What do you not get about that?

History clearly shows that Israel is unique in her benevolence towards her warring neighbors. Any other nation holding all the military cards, the way Israel does, would wipe out her belligerent neighbors and secure her own borders.

No other victorious nation would continue to harbor her enemies within her own borders, especially when those enemies still continue to commit war as much as they can.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: If Canada or Mexico formerly declared war and attacked the U.S. there is no way the U.S. would allow Mexicans living in east L.A. to launch rockets at civilian populations in Beverly Hills. Those Mexicans would no longer have a choice, or a voice. They'd be dead, or gone, removed from the planet or at least the country.

Substitute any other example you wish, anywhere else in the world; anytime else in history. The result would be the same. No other powerful nation gets attacked by weaker foes, defeats those weaker foes, and then lets those weaker foes continue to take pot shots at them from within its own borders.

Those defeated foes wouldn't be living in settlements, they'd be annihilated. Those that survived would flee the country.
As though anyone else would seek to invade? What are you talking about?
I'm talking about major Arab wars, declared on Israel, culminating in crushing Arab defeats at the hand of the Israelis.

There shouldn't be any Arabs living within Israeli borders, and this should include Gaza, the West Bank and even Jerusalem.

The Arabs lost. Attack Israel again, from within Israel?? They all die. Get the fuck out, or die.
They invaded and have continued to attack and steal and lie and manipulate--right up to the present day.
The Israelis haven't invaded shit. They need to, but they haven't. All they've done is defend, and they've given up way more than they should have.

There is no reason for Israel to still be worrying about israeli citizens living anywhere in the West Bank. The West Bank should simply be Israel. Same with Gaza and Jerusalem. If you're not an Israeli citizen then you can't live there, not without Israeli permission.

If you're a Palestinian with Israeli citizenship, great. Best not be allowing any Hezbollah to use your building as a human shield, though. If you do then they go, and you go right along with them.

As a Palestinian you can live peacefully in Israel, or you can leave, or you can go be with Allah. Those are your only three choices. I'll never understand why Israel offers anyone a fourth or fifth choice.
By your logic, the Poles, being Slavs, should have simply been absorbed by the neighboring Slav nations when the Germans invaded and occupied Poland. It's fucking ridiculous.
Yes, that comparison is completely fucking ridiculous.

Poland didn't invade Germany. For all your "Nazi" talk comparing Israel to Nazi Germany, the fact is that Germany would've killed every last Pole who attempted to commit war on Germany, either from within Germany or from within Poland's borders.

There wouldn't have been any settlements, or disputed territories, not in Germany. It's Germany. It's all Germany, and anyone who doesn't like it better either get along, find their way out, or die.

Your example is horrible. It proves my point, if it does anything.
The Ashkanazis have no legitimate claim to the Middle East anymore than the French had a legitimate claim to Algeria.
Israel is a sovereign nation. That's their legitimate claim, period. They can choose their citizenry as they see fit, same as any other sovereign nation.

No other sovereign nation puts up with the garbage Israel puts up with, especially from a pathetically overmatched and utterly dependent enemy.
Of course your auto-default argument goes straight to the religious superstition card.
Never has, never will. Pay attention. My card is that Israel is a sovereign nation. I don't give a fuck about any religious overtones. Israel has the right to annihilate those people who commit war against them, and they have the duty to protect their own people and their own interests.

Allowing their enemies to live within Israel's borders is just insanity.

That's my card, so get it right.
That is, you apparently actually believe that the ancient biblical stories somehow give credence to the modern race-state schemes of a bunch of Euro Jews! Astonishing!
You're borderline insane, Nick. I ascribe ZERO importance to the bible, or Israel's concerns over the biible and their relation to it.

In political terms I could not give a fuck.

Israel was legally created. They're a sovereign nation, with all the rights of any sovereign nation.

That's my alpha and omega. Quit assuming beliefs and motivations on me that I couldn't possibly have.
And yet it's also somewhat disgusting, as the Christer doctrine itself is demented and foul.
I subscribe to no Christer doctrine either. In your single minded bogeyman dementia you're confusing me with whatever monsters you always fear are hiding under your bed.

If Israel had attacked Egypt and gotten its ass kicked I'd fully expect Egypt to take zero shit from militant Jews living anywhere in Egypt. I'd expect Egypt to kill any Jews who tried to attack Egyptian citizens and I sure as hell wouldn't expect Egypt to maintain disputed Egyptian settlements withn Egypt. I'd expect Egypt to unilaterally declare those disputes solved, with their enemies having no say so in the matter.

I'd expect the same of any sovereign nation.
So, when you allow yourself to make easy jokes about invading, murdering, and ethnically cleansing entire populations of millions of people, well this reflects very badly on your basic emotional and spiritual consciousness. That is, you're dying inside.
I'm not making any jokes. Israel should eliminate her enemies from within her sovereign lands. The Arab world should absorb those people. Unless and until they can earn their way back into Israel either through diplomacy or by dint of force the Palestinian question should only be a question for Arab nations.

I think Israel is insane for allowing this problem to persist, same as I'd think any sovereign nation would be insane to allow such garbage to persist.
Last edited by Van on Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Van wrote:The Palestinians should count themselves fortunate that they still have any presence at all in the West Bank and Gaza. They're damn lucky they still get to set foot in Jerusalem. If it were any other nation but Israel the victors would've booted every last Palestinian, in 1973.

Why the Israelis continue to put up with this Palestinian nonsense within their own borders is just ridiculous. Forget these disputed settlements and these constant battles in the Arab occupied cities. Send 'em all packing and then close your borders. Secure Israel.

Let the Arabs provide a home for the Palestinians.

They twice declared war, they twice attacked, they twice lost. Let them deal with the unwanted Palestinians.

I feel the same way about Northern Ireland. The British should have left nothing behind but a mountain of dead, stinking Catholic corpses.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Van wrote:
I've said it before and I'll say it again: If Canada or Mexico formerly declared war and attacked the U.S. there is no way the U.S. would allow Mexicans living in east L.A. to launch rockets at civilian populations in Beverly Hills. Those Mexicans would no longer have a choice, or a voice. They'd be dead, or gone, removed from the planet or at least the country.
Apparently, Americans will make an exception for their Al-Queda affiliated, heroin dealing clients, the K.L.A, in Kosovo.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Martyred wrote:Hopefully nothing will change so my children and their children and their children...will have something to laugh at.

Keep being stupid, you morons.
In ten years there'll be an Arab majority in Israel, if that's what you mean. That'll make good fodder for your limp little nothings, eh?

Derron, I whupped total ass on the F-16 thread, in case you didn't notice. My take was immediately assaulted by the usual stooges, I repelled them like balloons bouncing above the audience before a concert. In due time the truth came out which completely supported my initial take.

As for "betting on Israel," this is extremely misguided. You suggest a seeming innate superiority both militarily and culturally by the invading Ashkanazis. But if you do even the the simplest investigation you'll find that the IDF has been thoroughly equipped and maintained by the U.S. Moreover, this misguided support has resulted in the rise of the Islamic Fundamentalists and their ensuing attacks, including 9/11. Israel is a bandit state of racists, religious fanatics, war profiteers, international drug runners, and financial schemers of the first order. Its history is an unchecked record of thieving, lying, and manipulating. What other "ally" of the U.S. has its spies locked up in American prisons? Think about it, and get off yer fake jingo-horse--wtf, do listen to Toby Keith?
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Van »

Marty, if Ireland as a nation ever formally attacked Great Britain you can rest assured that Great Britain would respond by again making Ireland part of the United Kingdom.

The Northern Ireland comparison to Israel doesn't hold water. Ireland isn't lobbing rockets into Manchester, and Great Britain is fine with Ireland existing as its own sovereign nation.

Ireland and the catholic sections of Belfast and Londonderry would force Britain's hand if they engaged in what the Palestinians and their Arab slave masters are engaging in against the Israelis, from within Israel.

They know better.

I'm just astonished that the Arabs who keep pecking away at Israel haven't been forced to know better too.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: In ten years there'll be an Arab majority in Israel, if that's what you mean. That'll make good fodder for your limp little nothings, eh?
Israel can increase the size of it's prisons and open air detention camps.

Israelis are killed by Palestinians and Palestinians themselves tear a chunk out of Israeli society just by bleeding to death on their doorstop.

All I ask is that it doesn't end.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Van wrote:Marty, if Ireland as a nation ever formally attacked Great Britain you can rest assured that Great Britain would respond by again making Ireland part of the United Kingdom.
You Americans distinguish non-national forces as "hostile" and see them fit for assault, remember?
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Van wrote:
The Northern Ireland comparison to Israel doesn't hold water. Ireland isn't lobbing rockets into Manchester, and Great Britain is fine with Ireland existing as its own sovereign nation.
Fuck you and the dirty Pope you rode in on.

Ask the families of slain British troops that have been torn apart by filthy scum Irish nail bombs.

Fucking Irish Catholic vermin.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Van wrote:
Ireland and the catholic sections of Belfast and Londonderry would force Britain's hand if they engaged in what the Palestinians and their Arab slave masters are engaging in against the Israelis, from within Israel.
Were you in a coma in the 70's?

Fuck off, Yank.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Okay, Van, I get it. You're actually babs! And your argument is just as fake and deluded.

Quickly, consider your comparison to Mexico or Canada hypothetically attacking us. What you're leaving out is the fact that unlike Israel's occupation of Palestine, America is not occupying Mexico or Canada. If we were, we should certainly expect them to fight back. And thus, by your logic, we should then of course just obliterate them. Well this in indeed the logic of the Nazis. And to that comparison, you've really driven off a cliff. Look, Israel, like Germany, invaded. The Poles, like the Palestinians, should be deported to other Slav nations. That's exactly what you're directly implying. You say Israel didn't invade? And that you're entire argument is hinged on the legitimacy of the U.N. vote in 1948? Really? But this all falls apart when you consider the original partition upon which that U.N. vote was based is one with which you completely disagree. You don't support the Palestinian homeland part of that initial sovereignty bestowing at all. Your long and fatuous--and venomous--screed is all twisted and inverted. Just like your head space.
Last edited by LTS TRN 2 on Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:44 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Van »

Marty, I like Celtic music.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Van wrote:I like Celtic music.
Yeah, Americans love "authentic" Irish culture...

The Irish have a saying for the American predilection for identifying with the most cartoonish and illusory elements of their heritage. It's called "peddling the blarney".
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

mvscal wrote:
Martyred wrote:Hopefully nothing will change so my children and their children and their children...will have something to laugh at.
You should have saved that pic of you and Cinder.
Dude, that's out of bounds...

I thought we were bro's?
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Van »

Nick, when the Arabs attacked a sovereign nation and lost they gave up any and all claims, legitimate or otherwise.

Why Israel doesn't proceed accordingly, man...

If Israel really were Nazi Germany (or any other conquering force) there'd no longer be any Jordan or Lebanon, and quite possibly there'd be no Syria either. They'd all simply be Israeli ghettos and our maps would look very different.

Instead, Israeli puts up with these unwanted dirtbags constantly crapping on the living room rug.
Last edited by Van on Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Van »

Martyred wrote:
Van wrote:I like Celtic music.
Yeah, Americans love "authentic" Irish culture...

The Irish have a saying for the American predilection for identifying with the most cartoonish and illusory elements of their heritage. It's called "peddling the blarney".
Marty, some of it is damn good music. That's all. As a guitarist I really appreciate the way they use and build melody, and I love the modes and scales they use.

Also, hey, in real Celtic music one hardly ever hears any gawdawful rap, or drum machines.

Dude, not everything has a political bent to it.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Van wrote:
Martyred wrote:
Van wrote:I like Celtic music.
Yeah, Americans love "authentic" Irish culture...

The Irish have a saying for the American predilection for identifying with the most cartoonish and illusory elements of their heritage. It's called "peddling the blarney".
Marty, some of it is damn good music. That's all. As a guitarist I really appreciate the way they use and build melody, and I love the modes and scales they use.

Also, hey, in real Celtic music one hardly ever hears any gawdawful rap, or drum machines.

Dude, not everything has a political bent to it.
I live in Toronto. For the longest time, it was a pretty "Orange" city.

If I hear one more tin whistle I will blow my fucking brains out.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

mvscal wrote:
Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to belittle you like that.
Don't sell me short. That would be the height of cruelty.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel

Post by Van »

Marty, I can't help it that you're reduced to loving Celine Dion.

Give me some real Irish folk music played by real Irish musicians in a pub and I'm good.

Also, while this obviously doesn't count as true Irish folk music, I don't care. It's still somewhat Irish sounding and it's fucking awesome. If you don't like this you don't have functioning ears or eyes and your cock must've packed it in a long time ago...

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