A human life, you're comparing to a tree.Jsc810 wrote: This is a tree.
Have you had a DUI incident where you got intimately aquainted with a tree? That must be the source of all your physical ailments.
You got pwned by an Oak.
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
A human life, you're comparing to a tree.Jsc810 wrote: This is a tree.
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
Because this waste of jism known as Jellyfish810 is hoping that stemcell research leads to a cure for chronic lack of a backbone.poptart wrote: Why does it matter?
There is no "win" here. Abortion results in two victims.Jsc810 wrote:You guys win, bode = you.
Jsc810 wrote:I really don't feel like arguing abortion now, I should not have posted in this thread. You guys win, bode = you.
John Boehner wrote:Boehner said. "In Congress, we have a red button, a green button and a yellow button, alright. Green means 'yes,' red means 'no,' and yellow means you're a chicken shit. And the last thing we need in the White House, in the oval office, behind that big desk, is some chicken who wants to push this yellow button.
I've no doubt under the letter of man's law you are correct. This isn't the first time men have made law based upon their own arrogant definition of what constitutes being human. There is no question of that.Jsc810 wrote:I'm quite content that I am on the right side of the argument, and I just don't feel like going through all of it again, at least not at the moment. Perhaps another time. Again, claim bode or whatever, it really doesn't matter to me.
Second " you kicked my ass" posting.Jsc810 wrote:I'm quite content that I am on the right side of the argument, and I just don't feel like going through all of it again, at least not at the moment. Perhaps another time. Again, claim bode or whatever, it really doesn't matter to me.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
If you're going to go with that argument because "having a child is a choice" bullshit, start campaigning for the elimination of tax deductions for them or STFU. Using that logic means that people with children shouldn't share a lesser burden of funding the gubmint because of their choices, either.Cuda wrote:Oh do shut up you fat fucking ignoramous.
There's no good reason for taxpayers to fund welfare, WIC, Food Stamps, Free Health Care for anybody, OR abortions
9/27/22“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
Actually, you dumb cocksucker, my argument is that there's nothing in the Constitution that ALLOWS the taxpayers to fund any of that shit.Diego in Seattle wrote:If you're going to go with that argument because "having a child is a choice" bullshit, start campaigning for the elimination of tax deductions for them or STFU. Using that logic means that people with children shouldn't share a lesser burden of funding the gubmint because of their choices, either.Cuda wrote:Oh do shut up you fat fucking ignoramous.
There's no good reason for taxpayers to fund welfare, WIC, Food Stamps, Free Health Care for anybody, OR abortions
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
Tom In VA wrote:I've no doubt under the letter of man's law you are correct. This isn't the first time men have made law based upon their own arrogant definition of what constitutes being human. There is no question of that.Jsc810 wrote:I'm quite content that I am on the right side of the argument, and I just don't feel like going through all of it again, at least not at the moment. Perhaps another time. Again, claim bode or whatever, it really doesn't matter to me.
There is no fucking "bode" to claim. The very nature of abortion is to terminate living tissue, living human tissue, living human tissue that left to nature would bring forth a "legal human being" in the eyes of the law. Women that miscarry or bear stillborns, mourn that child, regardless of what your law says. They feel loss, the loss of a life.
There are many who choose abortion who - feel an emptiness, a loss afterwards. A profound sense that the life that was once inside of them is now gone. For some, even your legalese can't soothe that feeling.
Remove judgement JSC. There are times when I believe ending a human life is just. For instance, if you and I were to square off in a duel, I believe it would be more just if I won and ended your life.Jsc810 wrote:I don't give a fuck. Sure, in a perfect world, my wife would not have had a tubal pregnancy, and the abortion would not have been necessary. But that pregnancy might have killed her, so like I said, I really don't give a fuck whether you consider a fetus a live person or not; even if it was fully human, I wanted it gone. Yeah, I placed actual life over potential life, or you can say that I killed a baby, I really don't give a fuck.
and this simple little sentence right here is what gives a doctor free reign. "protect the life or health......to terminate a pregnancy after viability where termination is necessary to protect the life or health of the woman; or
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
Cuda wrote:I've offered the compromise many times before and nobody will take it: Why not just make abortion legal for everybody but whites?
It's a win-win, if you ask me
Sure about that? Then they have no conscience or are in denial.LTS TRN 2 wrote:
Well guess what, Tom? There's a vast majority of women who feel very relieved to have had an abortion. For all manner of reasons--which are ultimately their business. How about if we support them and their basic civil rights?
Scott, who grew up impoverished but overcame it to "make good" of his life, wants to deny the same opportunity to others in a similar situation -- by carving them up and throwing them in the trash.KC Scott wrote:I'd like all the Pro Lifers in this thread to answer the following question:
Do you support welfare, WIC, Food Stamps and Free Health Care to Children in Poverty.
If your answer is no please take this lovely parting gift and GTFO
trev wrote:LTS TRN 2 wrote:
Well guess what, Tom? There's a vast majority of women who feel very relieved to have had an abortion. For all manner of reasons--which are ultimately their business. How about if we support them and their basic civil rights?
Sure about that? Then they have no conscience or are in denial.
poptart wrote:Oakland is a shithole.
Can I get a link to the vast majority claim?LTS TRN 2 wrote:Well guess what, Tom? There's a vast majority of women who feel very relieved to have had an abortion. For all manner of reasons--which are ultimately their business. How about if we support them and their basic civil rights?
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Nail, meet hammer.poptart wrote: Scott, who grew up impoverished but overcame it to "make good" of his life, wants to deny the same opportunity to others in a similar situation -- by carving them up and throwing them in the trash.
And he comes in the thread calling people out as hypocrites.
It ends a human life. Of course, the case can be made for some on death row that they are less human than the rest of us (including unborn babies).R-Jack wrote:OK great...moving right along....let's talk death penalty.
Debatable, at best, in many instances. It would be stretching credulity to call some of them human.Nick wrote:America invading foreign lands and murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent people--fully developed humans!