So, you think the NBA is full of gangsta

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So, you think the NBA is full of gangsta

Post by Jerkovich »

Here is an interesting question for all you sports fans. Are the following problems associated with the NBA or the NFL?
1. 36 have been accused of spousal abuse
2. 7 have been arrested for fraud
3. 19 have been accused of writing bad checks
4. 117 directly or indirectly have bankrupted at least 2 companies
5. 3 have done jail time for assult
6. 71 (I repeat) 71 cannot get a credit card due to their bad debt
7. 17 have been arrested on drug related charges
8. 8 have been arrested on shop lifting charges
9. 21 are currently defendants in a lawsuit
10. 84 were arrested last year for DUI

Due these stats reflect badly on the NBA or the NFL?

NEITHER! These are the stats of our 435 members of Congress!!! And they want us to send our money to them!! And they make the laws we are to live by?

I think we all need to go to the polls and over the next couple of elections CLEAN THE HOUSE literally!!!!!
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Re: So, you think the NBA is full of gangsta

Post by Jerkovich »

Jsc810 wrote:
Jerkovich wrote:10. 84 were arrested last year for DUI

These are the stats of our 435 members of Congress!!!
I'll go ahead and call bullshit on that one.

Look it up yourself, Mr. Jurist.
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Re: So, you think the NBA is full of gangsta

Post by Diego in Seattle »

It's time to off yourself if you're having to resort to c&p'ing emails that have gone completely around the interwebs multiple times.

Eat a gun, Kev.
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Re: So, you think the NBA is full of gangsta

Post by smackaholic »

I am fairly sure none were arrested for dui last year. I'd bet anything that a few were pulled overand went to the "do you know who I am" card and skated.

I would believe that 84 have been arrested for it in their lifetime.
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Re: So, you think the NBA is full of gangsta

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Jerk, how about starting phony wars? C'mon, forget the trivial shit--the overdue library books--and bring the heavy indictments. You can do it, I see you're a little detective.
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Re: So, you think the NBA is full of gangsta

Post by Mikey »

Once again outed as an ignorant dumbfuck.

"If I get it in my email and I like it, it must be true."

Jeez Kev, how did you ever survive this long?
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Re: So, you think the NBA is full of gangsta

Post by H4ever »

Aren't we all supposed to forward that to at least 10 message boards or have bad luck for 7 years or something?
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Re: So, you think the NBA is full of gangsta

Post by Jerkovich »

R-Jack wrote:There isn't 435 members of congress right now.
The United States House of Representatives, commonly referred to as "the House", is one of the two chambers of the United States Congress; the other is the Senate. Each state receives representation in the House in proportion to its population but is entitled to at least one Representative. The most populous state, California, currently has 53 representatives. The total number of voting representatives is currently fixed at 435. You lose.

REP. MARIO BIAGGI (D-NY): In 1988 he was convicted of obstructing justice, tax evasion, conspiracy, extortion, and accepting bribes.

CORRINNE BROWN (D-FL): Failed to pay unemployment taxes to the state of Florida; sued by several airlines for unpaid bills and falsified travel reports; failed to report sale of her Tallahassee travel agency; improperly reported the sale of her Gainesville travel agency; sued by Whirlpool Corp. for unpaid bills; pursued by the IRS for $14,228 in unpaid taxes; investigations by the House Ethics Committee for possible acceptance of bribes; refused to file reports in the House about potential conflicts of interest while overseeing airlines she dealt with through her travel agencies; charged with money laundering.

REP. ALBERT BUSTAMANTE (D-TX): Convicted in 1993 of racketeering and accepting an illegal gratuity.

TONY COELHO (D-CA): Currently under investigation for fraud while serving as U.S. Commissioner General of Expo '98 in Lisbon, Portugal.* He was Al Gore's primary presidential campaign manager until he resigned citing health reasons.


REP. WALTER FAUNTROY (D-DC): Financial disclosure misdemeanor (1995).

REP. BARNEY FRANK (D-MA): Accessory to a male prostitute who ran a whorehouse in their Washington townhouse. Which Diego worked for

STATE REP. ALCEE L. HASTINGS (D-FL): From the 1998 Almanac of American Politics: "He was impeached by the House of Representatives by a vote of 426-3 in 1988 and convicted and removed from office by the Senate by a vote of 69-26. The impeachment arose from allegations that Hastings conspired with a friend to accept $150,000 for giving two convicted swindlers a break in sentencing. Hastings was acquitted in a criminal trial in 1983, but the friend was convicted. In the House, the case for impeachment was made by John Conyers, senior member of the Congressional Black Caucus. Removed from the bench, Hastings was unapologetic."

REP. CARROL HUBBARD (D-KY): Convicted in 1994 of misappropriation of funds.

REP. GERALD KLECZKA (D-WI): Convicted of DUI in 1987; arrested for DUI in 1990 and 1995.

REP. JOE KOLTER (D-PA): Fraud and conspiracy (1996).

REP. NICK MAVROULES (D-MA): In 1991 pleaded guilty to charges of bribery and tax evasion.

REP. EDWARD MEZVINSKY (D-IA): Indicted in March of 2001 on federal fraud charges. Claimed that he developed mental problems after using a malaria drug called Lariam. "Clearly, the responsibility lies with the manufacturers," claimed Mezvinsky's lawyer, Michael Barrett.*

REP. JAMES MORAN (D-VA): Charged with spousal abuse, and assault and battery. A regular instigator of bar fights while mayor of Alexandria, VA, his position made him immune to arrest. Once said he thought about becoming a boxer because "I like to hit people."

REP. AUSTIN J. MURPHY (D-PA): Vote fraud, including forgery, conspiracy, and tampering with federal records (1999).*

REP. MARY ROSE OAKAR (D-OH): Charged with seven federal felonies related to financial-disclosure irregularities (1998).

REP. CARL PERKINS (D-KY): In 1994 pleaded guilty to filing a false financial-disclosure statement, conspiracy to file false statements with the Federal Election Commission, and bank fraud. Sentenced in March of 1995.

REP. MEL REYNOLDS (D-IL): In 1995 was convicted of having sex with a minor and obstructing justice.

CHARLIE ROSE (D-NC): Financial disclosure irregularities (1994).

REP. DAN ROSTENKOWSKI (D-IL): Illegally converted official funds to his personal use and mail fraud; accused in 1996 of embezzling $700,000 from the federal government, he was charged with 13 of the original 17 counts against him. Went to prison after serving in Congress; now back in Washington working as a lobbyist.

REP. LARRY SMITH (D-FL): In 1993 was convicted of income tax evasion and campaign-reporting violations.

REP. JIM TRAFICANT (D-OH): Indicted on 5/4/01 by a Cleveland, OH federal grand jury for bribery, tax evasion, racketeering, conspiracy, and obstruction of justice. Found guilty of all charges in April 2002.

REP. WALTER TUCKER (D-CA): Federal extortion charges; convicted of accepting $30,000 worth of bribes while a Congressman, and sentenced to 27 months in the federal penitentiary.

CHARLES WILSON (D-TX): In 1995 was forced to pay a $90,000 fine to the Federal Election Commission.

Number of members of Congress who escaped tickets and/or arrest from a variety of driving offenses ranging from speeding to DUI in 1999 due to Congressional immunity: 217

Number of members of Congress who were released after being pulled over for drunken driving in 1998 by claiming Congressional immunity: 84

Just a few more. Ya, snoops is a reliable source. :lol: :lol:
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Re: So, you think the NBA is full of gangsta

Post by Mikey »

So, what's your "source"?

Interesting that nothing you've C&P'd here happened in the current century.
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Re: So, you think the NBA is full of gangsta

Post by Jerkovich »

Mikey wrote:So, what's your "source"?

Interesting that nothing you've C&P'd here happened in the current century.
Sorry Mikey, you and your nogger cock smoking groupies can continue on laughing at the Special Olympic kids getting bagged on while 80% of America gets pissed off and takes care of taking out the garbage.
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Re: So, you think the NBA is full of gangsta

Post by Jerkovich »


29 have been accused of spousal abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
19 have been accused of writing bad checks
117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
3 have done time for assault
71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year

I have to laugh at you nogger cock smokers

Re: So, you think the NBA is full of gangsta

Post by GOSD »

Is it at this point that trev comes in and bitches about Obama's garden to distract from the issue at hand?

That Jerkovich is a dumbfuck?
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Re: So, you think the NBA is full of gangsta

Post by Mikey »

GOSD wrote:
That Jerkovich is a dumbfuck?
At this point I think it's become obvious that he has transcended mere dumfuckery, but I'm currently at a loss to come up with a better descriptive term.
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Re: So, you think the NBA is full of gangsta

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Jsc810 wrote:
Jerkovich wrote:Update

29 have been accused of spousal abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
19 have been accused of writing bad checks
117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
3 have done time for assault
71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year

I have to laugh at you nogger cock smokers
So after you dug yourself in a hole, you decide the best thing for you to do would be to dig deeper? Dude.

Go ahead, document JUST ONE member of Congress who was "arrested for drunk driving in the last year". Can you do even that?
One within the past year, you say? That's not hard. ... e_c-1.html

Btw, this one happens to be much worse than your garden-variety drunk driving. Unfortunately for Kev, however, it also happens to come from his side of the aisle. This isn't going very well for him.
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