Nick wrote:For example, what do you possibly mean by "any other nation but Israel"?
What do you not get about that?
History clearly shows that Israel is unique in her benevolence towards her warring neighbors. Any other nation holding all the military cards, the way Israel does, would wipe out her belligerent neighbors and secure her own borders.
No other victorious nation would continue to harbor her enemies within her own borders, especially when those enemies still continue to commit war as much as they can.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: If Canada or Mexico formerly declared war and attacked the U.S. there is no way the U.S. would allow Mexicans living in east L.A. to launch rockets at civilian populations in Beverly Hills. Those Mexicans would no longer have a choice, or a voice. They'd be dead, or gone, removed from the planet or at least the country.
Substitute any other example you wish, anywhere else in the world; anytime else in history. The result would be the same. No other powerful nation gets attacked by weaker foes, defeats those weaker foes, and then lets those weaker foes continue to take pot shots at them from within its own borders.
Those defeated foes wouldn't be living in settlements, they'd be annihilated. Those that survived would flee the country.
As though anyone else would seek to invade? What are you talking about?
I'm talking about major Arab wars, declared on Israel, culminating in crushing Arab defeats at the hand of the Israelis.
There shouldn't be any Arabs living within Israeli borders, and this should include Gaza, the West Bank and even Jerusalem.
The Arabs lost. Attack Israel again, from within Israel?? They all die. Get the fuck out, or die.
They invaded and have continued to attack and steal and lie and manipulate--right up to the present day.
The Israelis haven't invaded shit. They
need to, but they haven't. All they've done is defend, and they've given up way more than they should have.
There is no reason for Israel to still be worrying about israeli citizens living anywhere in the West Bank. The West Bank should simply be Israel. Same with Gaza and Jerusalem. If you're not an Israeli citizen then you can't live there, not without Israeli permission.
If you're a Palestinian with Israeli citizenship, great. Best not be allowing any Hezbollah to use your building as a human shield, though. If you do then they go, and you go right along with them.
As a Palestinian you can live peacefully in Israel, or you can leave, or you can go be with Allah. Those are your only three choices. I'll never understand why Israel offers anyone a fourth or fifth choice.
By your logic, the Poles, being Slavs, should have simply been absorbed by the neighboring Slav nations when the Germans invaded and occupied Poland. It's fucking ridiculous.
Yes, that comparison is completely fucking ridiculous.
Poland didn't invade Germany. For all your "Nazi" talk comparing Israel to Nazi Germany, the fact is that Germany would've killed every last Pole who attempted to commit war on Germany, either from within Germany or from within Poland's borders.
There wouldn't have been any settlements, or disputed territories, not in Germany. It's Germany. It's all Germany, and anyone who doesn't like it better either get along, find their way out, or die.
Your example is horrible. It proves my point, if it does anything.
The Ashkanazis have no legitimate claim to the Middle East anymore than the French had a legitimate claim to Algeria.
Israel is a sovereign nation. That's their legitimate claim, period. They can choose their citizenry as they see fit, same as any other sovereign nation.
No other sovereign nation puts up with the garbage Israel puts up with, especially from a pathetically overmatched and utterly dependent enemy.
Of course your auto-default argument goes straight to the religious superstition card.
Never has, never will. Pay attention.
My card is that Israel is a sovereign nation. I don't give a fuck about any religious overtones. Israel has the right to annihilate those people who commit war against them, and they have the duty to protect their own people and their own interests.
Allowing their enemies to live within Israel's borders is just insanity.
That's my card, so get it right.
That is, you apparently actually believe that the ancient biblical stories somehow give credence to the modern race-state schemes of a bunch of Euro Jews! Astonishing!
You're borderline insane, Nick. I ascribe ZERO importance to the bible, or Israel's concerns over the biible and their relation to it.
In political terms I could not give a fuck.
Israel was legally created. They're a sovereign nation, with all the rights of any sovereign nation.
That's my alpha and omega. Quit assuming beliefs and motivations on me that I couldn't possibly have.
And yet it's also somewhat disgusting, as the Christer doctrine itself is demented and foul.
I subscribe to no Christer doctrine either. In your single minded bogeyman dementia you're confusing me with whatever monsters you always fear are hiding under your bed.
If Israel had attacked Egypt and gotten its ass kicked I'd fully expect Egypt to take zero shit from militant Jews living anywhere in Egypt. I'd expect Egypt to kill any Jews who tried to attack Egyptian citizens and I sure as hell wouldn't expect Egypt to maintain disputed Egyptian settlements withn Egypt. I'd expect Egypt to unilaterally declare those disputes solved, with their enemies having no say so in the matter.
I'd expect the same of any sovereign nation.
So, when you allow yourself to make easy jokes about invading, murdering, and ethnically cleansing entire populations of millions of people, well this reflects very badly on your basic emotional and spiritual consciousness. That is, you're dying inside.
I'm not making any jokes. Israel should eliminate her enemies from within her sovereign lands. The Arab world should absorb those people. Unless and until they can earn their way back into Israel either through diplomacy or by dint of force the Palestinian question should only be a question for Arab nations.
I think Israel is insane for allowing this problem to persist, same as I'd think any sovereign nation would be insane to allow such garbage to persist.