California WTF??
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
California WTF??
In yet another case of Regulators Gone Wild, California legislation may soon restrict the color options for your next car. The specific colors that are currently on the chopping block are all dark hues, with the worst offender seemingly the most innocuous color you could think of: black. What resentment could California possibly harbor against black cars, you ask? Apparently, the Air Resources Board figures that the climate control systems of dark colored cars need to work harder than their lighter siblings, especially after sitting in the sun for a few hours
Can someone out there please reign in these C.A.R.B. Nazis before the rest of North America is inundated by their idiocy..
Can someone out there please reign in these C.A.R.B. Nazis before the rest of North America is inundated by their idiocy..
Re: California WTF??
Vapid racist fuckholes!!
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
Re: California WTF??
The cooling systems in black cars use an extra 12,400 gallons of gas a month--now turn in your black car--TURN IT IN!!

Before God was, I am
Re: California WTF??
Better ban Mexican restaurants pretty soon.
Methane has a much higher greenhouse potential than CO2.
Methane has a much higher greenhouse potential than CO2.
Re: California WTF??
Absolutely.Papa Willie wrote:Seriously - don't stories like this kind of embarrass you folks that live there?
I really hate what Liberfornia has become since the tree hugging pussies were allowed to run wild here. This is my home, where I was born and raised, and it has become an utter joke due to the libs. I would honestly applaud anyone who went on a Libtard killing spree in this once great state. There's gotta be some mindfukked loon out there who will stop offing hookers and make some time for the people doing the real damage here.
Re: California WTF??
What the fuck are you tards going to do when you run out of water?
Re: California WTF??
Actually, there are 3rd world countries worse than Mexifornia...Papa Willie wrote:Seriously - don't stories like this kind of embarrass you folks that live there?
“It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.”
Re: California WTF??
Another hint of the loose lunacy sloshing about in babs' dome.mvscal wrote:We've got plenty of water, twit. We just can't use it because some worthless bait fish is having a tough time.
California is facing a severe drought, possibly the worst in two decades. Californians will likely face rationing, but others will likely be affected as well, in the form of food prices. California’s Central Valley is an arid area that is completely dependent on irrigation to produce crops. It spans about 500 miles and grows almost half of the fruit and vegetables produced in the United States. The drought has lowered the water level in federal reservoirs to their lowest level since 1992, and recent court decisions have cut back the amount of water that flows from to Sacramento-San Joaquin delta to as many as 2/3 of the residents of California.
Go ahead, babs, defend the state's rice farming policies. C'mon, you knee-jerk "anti-lib," let's hear why it's just fine to use 60% of the state's irrigation water for a crop that produces 10% of the state's agricultural income.
Before God was, I am
Re: California WTF??
RJ wrote:
There's gotta be some mindfukked loon out there who will stop offing hookers and make some time for the people doing the real damage here.
I think it would be great if mvscal organizied a militia and we defended our inalienable rights to bear arms and other things....

Don't Tread on me, MOTHERFUKKKER! :brad: :brad: :brad:
Re: California WTF??
Your autobiography embarasses our entire nation.Papa Willie wrote:Seriously - don't stories like this kind of embarrass you folks that live there?
Re: California WTF??
If it keeps a few more toofless hillbillies and dumbfuck midwesterners from moving here then it's working just fine.Papa Willie wrote:Seriously - don't stories like this kind of embarrass you folks that live there?
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Re: California WTF??
Just out of curiosity, when do you think California became liberal?RJ wrote:Absolutely.Papa Willie wrote:Seriously - don't stories like this kind of embarrass you folks that live there?
I really hate what Liberfornia has become since the tree hugging pussies were allowed to run wild here. This is my home, where I was born and raised, and it has become an utter joke due to the libs.
9/27/22“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
Re: California WTF??
RJ is Rufus Wainwright? Who knew?
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: California WTF??
Welcome to the fall of Rome in HD quality people.....
Fucking deal with it....
At least I can piss & moan here.....
Lest I go ape shit and just start pillaging.....
Hell, I dont even live in Cali.
Fucking deal with it....
At least I can piss & moan here.....
Lest I go ape shit and just start pillaging.....
Hell, I dont even live in Cali.
The only right answer to a fool is silence