Some "coal burner" and her 2 "multi-cultis" decided it would be a good idea to get all ghetto on me because I made a left turn a little closer to their piece of shit minivan than they would've liked, this afternoon.
The fun started with tauntings of the ever so ladylike....."pull over, bitch"! Hand motions included.
Things quickly escalated as I drove behind them laughing and pointing at them like I were in the studio audience of America's Funniest Home Videos. (the ones that Bob Saget used to host)
When I finally came to a stop light about 1/4 from where the incident started, these hyenas jumped outta their vehicle and surrounded my car in the middle of the street. The "50/50" made it to my passenger seat first, and I snapped a picture of her as she spewed her bullshit all over my dog. My dog later told me that the chick's breath smelled like that of a crustified cum bubble off of her last mate's pubic hair.
Here's this bitch in action:

Then, the smoke jumper showed up at my driver side window and started talking shit. I just laughed at her, and then pulled my camera phone out and attempted to snap a picture of the creature. This is when she slapped my hand and I dropped my phone, taking this picture instead:

With that, she waddled back to her van as the light turned green. I was lucky enough to look over to my passenger side window JUST in enough time to see the pink pig pull her jeans down and fucking moon me. Hahaha! I fumbled to pick my camera up, but she fled. As I watched her run behind my car, I noticed a third noglet standing by my rear passenger side tire....disgruntled at the fact that she wasn't able to participate in the action, she quickly stomped the right side of my bumper, and jumped back into their vehicle. She had to be only about, 13 or 14?
Here's a picture of "Mudsharky's Machine" in hot pursuit:

Clearly, they wanted me to get their license plate # and contact the police, which I did shortly afterwards.
I made quick friends with the interviewing officer, and even though I didn't have any damages from the incident, and didn't want anything more than just to give them a "heads up" regarding these assholes, he suggested they run the plates, and arrest the mother for battery, and the younger one for vandalism or something?
I dunno.
Either way, it was an interesting afternoon here in the lovely state of Maryland.
And I'm only 3 months and 12 days in.