Moderator: Jesus H Christ
Tom In VA wrote:(!)!) Dirty pictures. NSFW. Real dirty Ukrainian chicks.
poptart wrote:Oakland is a shithole.
Tom In VA wrote:They're cute chicks from the Ukraine getting dirty.
poptart wrote:Oakland is a shithole.
Tom In VA wrote:Dude, it was a joke. Dirty. Pics of chicks mud wrestling ... get it ....
poptart wrote:Oakland is a shithole.
Reminds me of that society of women in "World According to Garp".A French explorer Guillaume Herbaut has found a group of amazons hiding in the woods of Ukraine. They live together, dress like locals, study martial arts and their idol is Ukrainian lady minister Julia Timoshenko
Few thoughts here...
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
PSUFAN wrote:Pikkkle's current pilot has really, really lowered the bar.
Yeah, noticed that too. When I walked through the mall or even at the office I was there on business for, everyone dressed so nice. I mean, the girls working on the manufacturing line dressed nicer than some women in my white collar office back in the states.Van wrote:Everywhere I went in Europe the majority of the women dressed far better and they were in far better shape. Maybe it's just that they eat better and they walk or ride bicycles everywhere, but for whatever reason(s) they just make us look fat, provincial and stupid.
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
mvscal wrote:
You might like this:
The Americans: The Colonial Experience by Daniel Boorstin. It's a little dry, but well worth the time. It's very interesting look at the foundation of America and the beginning of the American character. Starts out with chapters on the various different colonies and the unique features of each charter.
You're an elitist. A snob. Not that I mind, it's part of your charm and you wouldn't be you without it. Frankly, it makes for good reading material. But that's about it.Seeing Wynton Marsalis at a sold out LA Coliseum was horrible. blah blah blah blah I hope it doesn't rain, because I might drown
Stan Fukkken Pickle wrote:Speaking of Polish Girls....Have you guys seen this beauty creature named "Kasia" and her mounted dildo??? ... dildo.html
Mega Yum Yum.
Again, you're completely missing the point.Tom In VA wrote:Van,
Seems to me, if the likes of Wynton Marsalis ever became a mass marketted commodity like a "pop star" does - we'd be saying he sucks - or "sold out". In fact, he says that about his brother. But I can see you especially ....
Sell it somewhere else. I literally was at the Coliseum, in the rain, to see...who?Seeing Wynton Marsalis at a sold out LA Coliseum was horrible. blah blah blah blah I hope it doesn't rain, because I might drown
See above. You haven't a clue.You're an elitist. A snob. Not that I mind, it's part of your charm and you wouldn't be you without it. Frankly, it makes for good reading material. But that's about it.
I'd bitch about rednecks anywhere. They're cartoon characters who embarrass us as a nation. They're the white equivalents of ghetto culture blacks. If you don't bitch about 'em, what's that say about you?You'd bitch about the rednecks there....
The fact that they aren't and that to be so would be construed as something negative confirms their wholly justified lowly reputation."Who knew so many filthy rednecks were into jazz"
Yeah, I'm all about the brie and micro-brews. Me, the guy who's never tried alcohol.Then cleverly segue into the hippies and the stench of patchouli wafting through the air causing not allowing you to fully enjoy the expensive brie and micro-brew you bought.
Mainly, that it's come to this: Even guys like you act as apologists for the worst of who we are.You'd find something to bitch about, that's for sure.
Right, like I hate that Steve Vai and SRV are/were pop stars?Through it all the thing that would bother you the most is that somehow the mass market appeal that a Wynton Marsalis achieved to the level you're referring to would somehow rob you of that "exclusive" feeling. You use the fact they aren't pop stars to impugn American tastes, yet you'd hate it if they were pop stars.
320lb slobs with the vocabulary of a fourth grader, along with similar interests...are ugly Americans. If you don't see it that way then yes, you're excused.I have no problem taking an honest account of our inventory. But you'll have excuse me if I don't 100% buy into your "Ugly American" line of bullshit.
NOW, Tom, I'm talking now. Right now we're a disgustingly fat and embarrassing people, and it's made even more painfully evident simply by spending ten minutes in modern Europe.Keep in mind "American Idol" was a British idea, "Pop Idol". I like Monty Python a lot but Saturday Night Live in it's hey day was better. Further, check your history on what Europe thought was "beauty" back during the Baroque period. Okay, now, they like the heroine chic look of some waif, that'll change. "Rubenesque" didn't start in America, pal.
Great. The Dead were a great band.I live in a country filled with some of the best from all across this world, brought together to make something extremely special. Quite frankly the band that I thought brought ALL the aspects of American musical culture together the best was the Grateful Dead. They were pure, purely American - and I love their music more than anyone elses. I love a lot of music, but the Dead, "hit the note" in my opinion - and they're American.
Que ? Nobody is a douche for preferring quality. I never said that. If I implied it, I'm sorry. Lowest common denominator marketting is nothing new and certainly wasn't invented in America.Also, the fact that you consider it "elitist" is exactly the problem. In your eyes it's a put down to say to someone, "Oh, you prefer quality. What a douche."
Dude, I just said in Poland, I noticed that everyone dressed nice, most were thin and fit and the women were much hotter than most of what I see around me in the states. And it is a fact, we are much fatter on average. I'm not going to go as far as Van in the other things he said simply because I didn't spend that much time there (1 week) and have no basis to make such claims.Tom In VA wrote:Bull fucking shit.
Seriously, read a bit of fucking history before you go spooging all over Europe, especially Eastern Europe.
My people left Europe for a reason. Sure, Americans, have some issues to address. So does the rest of the world. Europe, home of the "football hooligans".Philly fan and Raiderfan are meek and well behaved compared to them.
As much "art" and "culture" and "progress" they've brought the rest of the world, they've also managed to corrupt and destroy reasonably peaceful tribal regions throughout the world.
If you need to make yourself feel better about yourself by kissing Euro ass, feel free. I don't buy it. They're human and fucked up as humans are.
I consider my fortunate to live in America as opposed to Europe. I'll take an American of any ethnic background over a Euro any day of the week.
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
What will you take MGMT over?Tom In VA wrote:I'll take Brittany Spears over Bjork or the "Spice Girls" any day of the fucking week. I'll take Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, Keb Mo, Jonny Winters, SRV, etc... etc... over bullshit knock off artists like Clapton, the Stones, etc.. etc...
I'll take Bo Diddley over the Beatles. I'll take Pink Floyd (English, I know) but better at the freaked out psychedelic "deep rock" than the Beatles were.
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
KornIndyFrisco wrote:What will you take MGMT over?Tom In VA wrote:I'll take Brittany Spears over Bjork or the "Spice Girls" any day of the fucking week. I'll take Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, Keb Mo, Jonny Winters, SRV, etc... etc... over bullshit knock off artists like Clapton, the Stones, etc.. etc...
I'll take Bo Diddley over the Beatles. I'll take Pink Floyd (English, I know) but better at the freaked out psychedelic "deep rock" than the Beatles were.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
Sudden Sam wrote:No idea where this thread went after I saw this:
I am in love with Arina.